We’ve covered a lot of Windows tweaks over the years, and today we’re going to show you how to customize the look of your folders in Windows Explorer to add a background image or change the folder icons.


This guest article was written by our friend Ciprian from 7Tutorials, who also authored the Microsoft Press book covering networking Windows 7. Be sure to check out his web site for some interesting Windows 7 content.

这篇客座文章由7Tutorials的朋友Ciprian 撰写 ,他还撰写了有关网络Windows 7的Microsoft Press书籍 。 一定要在他的网站上找到一些有趣的Windows 7内容。

选择图片作为文件夹图标的背景显示 (Choose a Picture to Show as a Background for the Folder Icon)

Did you know that the default folder icon in Windows Explorer can be customized to have a background image? Just like your Desktop!

您知道Windows资源管理器中的默认文件夹图标可以自定义为具有背景图像吗? 就像您的桌面一样!

The default background of folder icons is a thumbnail preview of the contents inside: images from inside the folder, icons of the applications or file types found in the folder, etc. This can be customized and you can have it replaced by an image of your choosing.


To do this, right click on the folder for which you want to change the icon background image and select Properties. Or simply select it and press Alt+Enter on your keyboard. This opens the Properties window of the folder.

为此,请右键单击要更改其图标背景图像的文件夹,然后选择“ 属性” 。 或者直接选择它,然后按键盘上的Alt + Enter 。 这将打开文件夹的“ 属性”窗口。

Here, go to the Customize tab, in which you will find the Folder pictures section. Click on the Choose File button, Browse and select the picture you want to use as background. Then, press OK twice.

在这里,转到“ 自定义”选项卡,您将在其中找到“ 文件夹图片”部分。 单击选择文件按钮, 浏览并选择要用作背景的图片。 然后,按两次确定

Once you selected the picture, click on OK again, and you are done.

选择图片后,再次单击确定 ,就可以完成。

Now the background image is applied to the folder icon.


Pretty cool, isn’t it?


更改文件夹图标 (Change the Icon of your Folder)

Another thing you might want to do, is change the icon of a folder. If you’ve customized your folder as shown in the previous section, the background image of the folder icon will be replaced with the new icon. To switch back to the background image view, you must revert to the default folder icon.

您可能想做的另一件事是更改文件夹的图标。 如果您已如上一节中所示自定义文件夹,则文件夹图标的背景图像将替换为新图标。 要切换回背景图像视图,必须还原为默认的文件夹图标。

This section will show you how to customize your folders assuming that you are not interested in changing the background image of the folder icon but you simply want to change its icon completely.


This is done from the same Customize tab of the folder Properties window. Go to the Folder icons section and click on Change icon.

这是通过文件夹“属性”窗口的相同“ 自定义”选项卡完成的。 转到文件夹图标部分,然后单击更改图标

In the Change Icon window, you need to select the new icon that you want applied. Click on Browse and navigate to its location, select it and press OK twice.

在“ 更改图标”窗口中,您需要选择要应用的新图标。 单击浏览并导航到其位置,选择它并按两次OK

One thing to remember: icon files are stored as standalone .ico files but can also be found inside .exe, .icl or .dll files.


Once you select the new icon, click again OK, and you are done. The new icon is applied to the selected folder.

选择新图标后,再次单击OK ,然后完成。 新图标将应用于所选文件夹。

为文件夹使用背景图片 (Use a Background Picture for your Folder)

Another piece of customization you can do, is to set a background picture for your folder and also change the way text is shown, in order to match your background. This can be done using a number of free tools. The most user friendly you can find is called Windows 7 Folder Background Changer. Long name isn’t it? :)

您可以执行的另一项自定义操作是,为文件夹设置背景图片,并更改文本的显示方式,以匹配背景。 可以使用许多免费工具来完成此操作。 您可以找到的最用户友好的称为Windows 7 Folder Background Changer。 是长名吗? :)

This tool was released by the WindowsClub and can be downloaded from Softpedia. Once you have it on your computer, unzip it and run its main executable as admin (Right click -> Run as administrator).

该工具由Windows Club发布,可以从Softpedia下载。 将其放在计算机上后,将其解压缩并以管理员身份运行其主要可执行文件( 右键单击->以管理员身份运行 )。

Note: If you don’t run it as administrator, chances are high that the application will crash.


Once the application is open, select the folder for which you want to add a background image. Then, click on Change Background Image and select the image you want to use.

打开应用程序后,选择要为其添加背景图像的文件夹。 然后,单击“ 更改背景图像”,然后选择要使用的图像。

One very important tip: do not forget to change the text color. Simply click on the box near Text Color and customize it so that it has enough contrast vs. your background image. Otherwise you won’t be able to see the text very well.

一个非常重要的提示:不要忘记更改文本颜色。 只需单击“ 文本颜色 ”附近的框并对其进行自定义,以使其与背景图像相比具有足够的对比度。 否则,您将无法很好地看到文字。

As an added feature, you can select if you want to Show Shadows Under Text and choose to Apply To Sub Folders the background image you have just chosen.

作为一项附加功能,您可以选择是否要在“文本下显示阴影”,然后选择“ 应用到子文件夹 ”刚刚选择的背景图像。

Once all configuration is done, close the application and the settings are applied.


还有其他提示吗? (Any Other Tips?)

I’m pretty sure many How-To Geek readers love customizing the visual aspects of their operating system. Do you have any other tips worth sharing about how to further customize how folders in Windows Explorer look like?

我敢肯定,许多How-To Geek读者都喜欢自定义操作系统的外观。 关于如何进一步自定义Windows资源管理器中的文件夹的外观,您还有其他值得分享的技巧吗?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/63359/how-to-customize-folder-backgrounds-and-icons-in-windows-explorer/


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