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Netflix has quite a few original romance movies and TV series. Whether you’re looking for romantic comedies or serious emotional dramas, these are our top picks.

Netflix有很多原创的浪漫电影和电视剧。 无论您是寻找浪漫喜剧还是严肃的情感戏剧,这些都是我们的首选。

爱情鸟 (The Lovebirds)

The Lovebirds follows a couple on the brink of a breakup, who caught up in a murder mystery. The only goal of the night is to clear their names while also salvaging their relationship. Chased by strangers who want to kill them, they have to work together to stay alive.

爱情鸟跟随一对濒临破裂的夫妻,他们陷入了谋杀之谜。 夜晚的唯一目标是清除他们的名字,同时挽救他们的关系。 在想要杀死他们的陌生人的追赶下,他们必须共同努力才能生存。

亚历克斯·斯特兰奇洛夫 (Alex Strangelove)

As the last hurrah of his senior year, Alex Truelove plans to lose his virginity to his long-time girlfriend, Claire. Alex Strangelove follows the roller coaster of emotions as he starts to have feelings for the new kid, Elliot. Will his relationship with Claire continue, or will he experiment with this new flame?

作为大四学生的最后一次欢呼,亚历克斯·特鲁伊洛夫(Alex Truelove)计划将自己的童贞带给长期女友克莱尔(Claire)。 亚历克斯·斯特兰奇洛夫(Alex Strangelove)随着对新来的孩子艾略特(Elliot)的感情而跟着过山车走。 他与克莱尔的关系会继续下去,还是会尝试这种新的火焰?

让它下雪吧 (Let It Snow)

In Let It Snow, a group of high school seniors have to band together to get through a snowstorm in this series. The situation helps them build friendships, relationships, and futures they might not have had otherwise.

Let It Snow中 ,一群高中生不得不团结起来,度过这个系列的暴风雪。 这种情况帮助他们建立了原本可能没有的友谊,关系和未来。

秘密的爱 (A Secret Love)

A Secret Love is a documentary about two women who kept their 65-year relationship a secret from the world. Pat Henschel and Terry Donahue have known each other for what seems like their whole lives. They discuss overcoming prejudice and the struggles they faced to be together.

《秘密爱情》是一部纪录片,讲述了两个女人,她们将65年的恋情保密为世人皆知。 帕特·亨舍尔(Pat Henschel)和特里·多纳休(Terry Donahue)彼此一生相识。 他们讨论如何克服偏见以及他们面对在一起所面临的斗争。

致所有我曾经爱过的男孩 (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before)

A quiet high school girl’s world is turned completely upside down in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. Lara Covey’s love letters to all her past crushes are mailed to each of them. Horrified, she has to confront each of them about her feelings.

一个安静的高中女生的世界在《我以前爱过的所有男孩》中完全颠倒了。 劳拉·科维(Lara Covey)对过去所有暗恋对象的情书都寄给了每个人。 吓坏了,她不得不面对他们每个人的感受。

非典型的 (Atypical)

Atypical is the story of a young man on the autism spectrum in search of independence. While he’s on the hunt for love, his family has to come to terms with how he’s changing. With his newfound drive for independence, his mom has to learn to loosen her tight grip and allow him to grow up.

非典型是一个自闭症谱系中的年轻人寻求独立的故事。 当他在寻求爱情时,他的家人必须适应他的变化。 随着他对独立的新发现,他的妈妈必须学会放松自己的紧握力,让他长大。

大学的朋友 (Friends From College)

Twenty years after their college graduation, a group of friends reunite in Friends From College. Old flames, past friendships, and adulthood have them all in shambles. With memories from the past popping up, some might renew their relationships, while others crash and burn.

大学毕业二十年后,一群朋友在《 大学友人》中团聚。 古老的火焰,过去的友谊和成年使他们陷入混乱。 随着过去的回忆不断涌现,有些人可能会恢复他们的关系,而另一些人会崩溃和燃烧。

甜木兰 (Sweet Magnolias)

Sweet Magnolias centers around three women who’ve been friends since high school. The show follows them as they rely on each other through relationships, careers, and new family members. Their friendship gets put through the wringer as they deal with the challenges of adulthood.

甜木兰围绕着自高中以来一直是朋友的三名女性。 节目跟随他们,因为他们通过人际关系,职业和新的家庭成员相互依赖。 当他们应付成年的挑战时,他们的友谊就被绞尽脑汁。

感觉不错 (Feel Good)

Stand-up comedian Mae deals with a messy new relationship while recovering from addiction in Feel Good. With multiple AA meetings, as well as trying to take romance slowly, she’s constantly on edge. But she does what she can to stay on her best behavior.

脱口秀喜剧演员Mae处理了一个混乱的新恋情,同时在《 Feel Good》中从沉迷中恢复过来。 通过多次AA会议,以及尝试慢慢进行恋爱,她一直处于领先地位。 但是她会尽力保持自己的最佳行为。


In Love, Mickey and Gus explore new experiences together. Meeting at a less-than-opportune time, they deal with the mistakes of the past, while navigating a new relationship.

在《 爱情》中 ,米奇和格斯共同探索新的体验。 他们开会的时间不多,他们处理了过去的错误,同时建立了新的关系。



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