需求:在SAP Spartacus的home page如下区域,显示硬编码的Hot sale标题:


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Product, ProductService } from '@spartacus/core';
import { CurrentProductService } from '@spartacus/storefront';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';@Component({selector: 'app-outlets',templateUrl: './outlets.component.html',
export class OutletsComponent implements OnInit {hotProduct$: Observable<Product> = this.productService.get('816780');currentProduct$: Observable<Product> = this.currentProductService.getProduct();constructor(private productService: ProductService, private currentProductService: CurrentProductService) { }ngOnInit() {}}

将hotProduct$的内容填充到标准的Spartacus Product list控件里,选择器为cx-product-list-item:

<ng-template cxOutletRef="Section1" cxOutletPos="before"><h1>Hot sale</h1><cx-product-list-item*ngIf="hotProduct$ | async as product"[product]="product"></cx-product-list-item>

这个product list控件的外观如下图所示:


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