odoo website

Many freelancers, website builder, developers and companies ask the same question, “How can experts manage so many projects at the same time? What Website Builder Software and Tools they use?” There are always so many different ongoing projects and we have to choose the best website builder software and tools to achieve good productivity and save time.

许多自由职业者,网站建设者,开发人员和公司提出了相同的问题:“ 专家如何同时管理多个项目? 他们使用什么网站生成器软件和工具? ”总是有许多不同的正在进行的项目,我们必须选择最佳的网站构建器软件和工具,以实现良好的生产率并节省时间。

We’ve selected professional tools and services used by website builder experts world-wide for you, and we’re absolutely sure that you’ll find awesome things that suit your project needs. Try and enjoy them!

我们选择了全球网站建设专家为您使用的专业工具和服务,我们绝对确保您会找到适合您项目需求的出色工具。 尝试并享受它们

网站制作软件 (Website Builder Software)

  1. Browserling.comBrowserling.com

Browserling is a professional online service that enables live, secure and responsive cross-browser testing from your browser. No need to install any additional apps or annoying plugins such as Flash or Java Applets. Browserling runs browsers on their servers and streams desktops to your browser through Websockets and HTML5 canvas. You can start testing your websites in 5 seconds. Just go to www.browserling.com, enter your website’s address, choose operating system, browser and you’re ready to go!

浏览器是一项专业的在线服务,可通过您的浏览器进行实时,安全和响应性的跨浏览器测试 。 无需安装任何其他应用程序或烦人的插件,例如Flash或Java Applets。 浏览器在其服务器上运行浏览器,并通过Websockets和HTML5 canvas将桌面流式传输到浏览器。 您可以在5秒钟内开始测试您的网站。 只需访问www.browserling.com ,输入您的网站地址,选择操作系统,浏览器,就可以开始了!

Browserling is much more than the classic screenshot-taking service as you can interact with your pages in real-time in pretty much any browser on any platform. You can use old legacy browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 on Windows XP and Vista, as well as modern browsers, and mobile browsers on Android Marshmallow and, coming soon, Mac OS, iOS and Linux. Of course, you can also save screenshots just like in classic screenshot services, plus you can annotate them with Bug Hunter. The testing process is completely secure because it uses SSL connections between you and virtual machines. After every testing session all browsers are wiped clean and cookies, history and local storage are erased.

浏览器比经典的截屏服务要多得多,因为您几乎可以在任何平台上的任何浏览器中与页面进行实时交互 。 您可以使用旧的旧版浏览器,例如Windows XP和Vista上的Internet Explorer 6、7和8,以及现代浏览器和Android Marshmallow上的移动浏览器,以及即将推出的Mac OS,iOS和Linux。 当然,您也可以像在传统的屏幕快照服务中一样保存屏幕截图,并且可以使用Bug Hunter对其进行注释。 测试过程是完全安全的,因为它使用您和虚拟机之间的SSL连接。 每次测试会话结束后,所有浏览器都会被清除,并且Cookie,历史记录和本地存储也将被清除。

Among Browserling’s 15,000 users, some of the most well-known customers are, NHS, UK’s National Health Service, Coderwall, Teespring, PubNub, and Iris Couch.

在Browserling的15,000个用户中,一些最知名的客户包括NHS,英国国家卫生服务局,Coderwall,Teespring,PubNub和Iris Couch。

Give it a try right now and you’ll discover the most awesome web tool that you’ll use every day. We highly recommend it and it’s our #1 professional tool.

立即尝试一下 ,您将发现每天都会使用的最强大的Web工具。 我们强烈推荐它,它是我们的#1专业工具。

Check out their weekly comic about web programmers. It’s super funny.

查看他们关于网络程序员的每周漫画 。 真好笑

  1. Luckyorange.comLuckyorange.com

Thanks to Lucky Orange, you can get complete information about how people actually use your website, by watching their behaviour. It is an exceptional analytics platform that will give you the right tools to turn more visitors into customers. Why? Because it offers not just your typical user’s stats, but a lot of other great features!

感谢Lucky Orange ,您可以通过观察人们的行为来获得有关人们如何实际使用您网站的完整信息。 这是一个出色的分析平台,它将为您提供正确的工具,以将更多的访客转化为客户。 为什么? 因为它不仅提供典型用户的统计信息,而且还提供许多其他出色功能!

First, you get a realtime dashboard, which helps you see a list of all the visitors that are on your website, what they are doing (in real-time!) and how they found you. You can even ask a visitor to chat and co-browse with them, as you are provided with a chat box that stays on the page and follows visitor as they browse your site for a seamless experience. In addition, the chat brings other powerful features including multiple operators, canned responses, and auto invites. Another great option that will help the user to convert is the polling system, which gives you feedback from your customers, so that you can then make the right changes. The best part? You can get all of these for only $10/month.

首先,您将获得一个实时仪表板,该仪表板可帮助您查看网站上所有访问者的列表,他们在做什么(实时!)以及他们如何找到您。 您甚至可以要求访问者聊天并与他们共同浏览,因为您将获得一个聊天框,该聊天框保留在页面上,并在访问者浏览您的网站时跟踪访问者,以提供无缝的体验。 此外,聊天还带来了其他强大的功能,包括多个操作员,罐装回复和自动邀请。 可以帮助用户进行转换的另一个不错的选择是轮询系统,它可以向您提供来自客户的反馈,以便您可以进行正确的更改。 最好的部分? 您只需每月10美元即可获得所有这些功能。

  1. Invoicely.comInvoicely.com

Invoicely is, as the name says, the perfect solution for any web designer or freelancer who sends invoices to clients, being used by over 100,000 people. It is free, simple and secure and its basic features are completely free.

顾名思义发票是任何将发票发送给客户(超过100,000人使用的客户)的网页设计师或自由职业者的完美解决方案。 它是免费,简单和安全的,其基本功能是完全免费的。

One of the greatest features Invoicely gives you is the ability of creating advanced and good-looking estimates and invoices in a matter of seconds, with no effort, and to deliver them easily to your clients. As we live in a world where time became so precious, saving all those wasted minutes on paper invoices is a big plus! In addition, even if you are running on a free plan, Invoicely lets you send unlimited invoices for free, in any language or currency, and they can be customized to go along with the branding colors specific to your business. Regarding the payment, you can receive instant online invoice payment from anywhere in the world and it accepts various payment methods, from credit card payments to bank transfer. Besides these, you still have many more features to explore, reason why we invite you to check out their website!

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