

package datastructure.linklist.node;

import lombok.Data;


* 单链表节点

* @author BiggerShen

* @date 2020/3/25



public class SingletonNode {

private T data;

private SingletonNode next;





package datastructure.linklist.operate;

import datastructure.linklist.node.SingletonNode;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Objects;

import java.util.Random;


* using singleton link list to achive a LRU algorithm


* @author BiggerShen

* @date 2020/3/25


public class LRUBySingletonLinkList {


* Randomly generate a list connection with listSize,

* and minNum is the mininum value of the list and must be greater than zero,

* and maxNum is the maxnum value of the list and must be greater than zero


* @param listSize the size of the list connection

* @param minNum the mininum value of the list connection

* @param maxNum the maxnum value of the list connection

* @return


public static List randomIntegerList(Integer listSize, Integer minNum, Integer maxNum) {

if (listSize <= 0) {

throw new RuntimeException("the size of the list connection must be greater than zero");


if (minNum < 0) {

throw new RuntimeException("the mininum of the list connection must be greater than zero");


if (maxNum < 0) {

throw new RuntimeException("the maxnum of the list connection must be greater than zero");


if (maxNum < minNum) {

throw new RuntimeException("the maxNum must be greater than minNum");


int sub = maxNum - minNum;

List result = new ArrayList<>(realListCapacity(listSize));

for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {

result.add(new Random().nextInt(sub + 1) + minNum);


return result;



* Returns a power of two size for the given target capacity.


* @param originCapacity

* @return


public static Integer realListCapacity(Integer originCapacity) {

int n = originCapacity - 1;

n |= n >>> 1;

n |= n >>> 2;

n |= n >>> 4;

n |= n >>> 8;

n |= n >>> 16;

return (n < 0) ? 1 : n + 1;



* achive the LRU algorithm


* @param readList random List

* @param LRUCacheNum LRU CacheNum

* @return


public static SingletonNode getLinkListByLRU(List readList, Integer LRUCacheNum) {

SingletonNode head = new SingletonNode<>();

readList.forEach(i -> {

if (checkValueIsContainedByLinkList(head, i)) {

swapTheValueToHead(head, i);

} else {

if (getLinkListSize(head) >= LRUCacheNum) {


swapTheValueToHead(head, i);

} else {

swapTheValueToHead(head, i);





return head;



* get the size of the link connection


* @param head

* @return


private static Integer getLinkListSize(SingletonNode head) {

SingletonNode tmp = head;

int size = 0;

while (!Objects.isNull(tmp)) {


tmp = tmp.getNext();


return size;



* Determines whether this value exists in the current collection


* @return


private static Boolean checkValueIsContainedByLinkList(SingletonNode head, Integer value) {

SingletonNode tmp = head;

while (!Objects.isNull(tmp)) {

if (Objects.equals(tmp.getData(), value)) {

return true;


tmp = tmp.getNext();


return false;



* delete the last one of the list value


* @param head


private static void deleteLastNode(SingletonNode head) {

SingletonNode tmp = head;

SingletonNode tmpPrev = null;

while (!Objects.isNull(tmp.getNext())) {

tmpPrev = tmp;

tmp = tmp.getNext();





* change the target value to the head


* @param head

* @param value


private static void swapTheValueToHead(SingletonNode head, Integer value) {

SingletonNode tmpValue = new SingletonNode<>();


SingletonNode tmp = head;



tmp = tmpValue.getNext();

SingletonNode tmpPrev = tmpValue;

while (!Objects.isNull(tmp)) {

if (Objects.equals(tmp.getData(), value)) {




tmpPrev = tmp;

tmp = tmp.getNext();




* print the link list


* @param head


private static void showList(SingletonNode head) {

SingletonNode tmp = head;

while (!Objects.isNull(tmp)) {

if (Objects.isNull(tmp.getData())) {

tmp = tmp.getNext();



System.out.print(tmp.getData() + "\t");

tmp = tmp.getNext();




public static void main(String[] args) {

List randomReadList = randomIntegerList(20, 1, 10);


SingletonNode head = getLinkListByLRU(randomReadList, 4);




[1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 4, 4, 9, 1, 10, 6, 4, 1, 4, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10]


2 1

4 2 1

4 2 1

6 4 2

2 6 4

4 2 6

4 2 6

9 4 2

1 9 4

10 1 9

6 10 1

4 6 10

1 4 6

4 1 6

1 4 6

3 1 4

5 3 1

6 5 3

10 6 5

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