
在Python2 中 print 是一种输出语句

strHello = "Hello Python"

print strHello

# Hello Python


strHello = "the length of (%s) is %d" %("Hello Wordld", len("Hello World"))

print strHello

# the length of (Hello Wordld) is 11


# 格式 描述

# %% 百分号标记

# %c 字符及其ASCII码

# %s 字符串

# %d 有符号整数(十进制)

# %u 无符号整数(十进制)

# %o 无符号整数(八进制)

# %x 无符号整数(十六进制)

# %X 无符号整数(十六进制大写字符)

# %e 浮点数字(科学计数法)

# %E 浮点数字(科学计数法,用E代替e)

# %f 浮点数字(用小数点符号)

# %g 浮点数字(根据值的大小采用%e或%f)

# %G 浮点数字(类似于%g)

# %p 指针(用十六进制打印值的内存地址)

# %n 存储输出字符的数量放进参数列表的下一个变量中

nHex = 0x20

print "nHex = %x, nDec = %d, nOct = %o" %(nHex, nHex, nHex)

# nHex = 20, nDec = 32, nOct = 40


# Python 2.7.10 (default, Feb 7 2017, 00:08:15)

# [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.34)] on darwin

# Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

# >>> bin(789)

# "0b1100010101"

# >>>






import math


print "PI = %f" % math.pi

# PI = 3.141593

# width = 10, precise = 3, align = left

print "PI = %10.3fxxx" % math.pi

# PI = 3.142xxx

# width = 10, precise = 3, align = right

print "PI = %-10.3fxxx" % math.pi

# PI = 3.142 xxx

# 前面填充字符串

print "PI = %06d" % int(math.pi)

# PI = 000003


# precise = 3

print "%.3s" % ("jcodeer")

# jco

# precise = 4

print "%.*s" % (4,"jcodeer")

# jcod

# width = 10, precise = 3

print "xx%10.3s" % ("jcodeer")

# xx jco


l = [1, 2, 3, "jcodeer"]

print l

# [1, 2, 3, "jcodeer"]


d = {1: "A",2: "B",3: "C",4: "D"}

print d

# {1: "A", 2: "B", 3: "C", 4: "D"}

7.python print 自动换行

# print会在行末加上回车,如果不需要,只需在print语句结尾添加一个逗号","

for i in range(0,5):

print i,

# 0 1 2 3 4


import sys


8.万能的 %r


formatter = "%r %r %r %r"

print formatter % (1, 2, 3, 4)

print formatter % ("one", "two", "three", "four")

print formatter % (True, False, False, True)

print formatter % (formatter, formatter, formatter, formatter)

print formatter % (

"I had this thing.",

"That you could type up right.",

"But it didn"t sing.",

"So I said goodnight."


# 1 2 3 4

# "one" "two" "three" "four"

# True False False True

# "%r %r %r %r" "%r %r %r %r" "%r %r %r %r" "%r %r %r %r"

# "I had this thing." "That you could type up right." "But it didn"t sing." "So I said goodnight."


import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])

b = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]])

print a

# [[1 2]

# [3 4]]

print b

# [[5 6]

# [7 8]]

print a, b

# [[1 2]

# [3 4]] [[5 6]

# [7 8]]


在Python3 中print 是一个函数,通过格式化函数format()来控制输出格式

1. 通过位置标号

# {0}表示第一个元素, {1}表示第二个元素, {2}表示第三个元素,以此类推。。。

a = "Ace"

b = "hello"

print("{1}, my name is {0}".format(a, b))

# hello, my name is Ace

2. 通过关键词参数

name = "Ace"

age = 26

print("{myname}"s age is {myage}".format(myname=name, myage=age))

# Ace"s age is 26

3. 通过属性和下标

person = ["Ace", 26]

print("{0[0]}"s age is {0[1]}".format(person))

# Ace"s age is 26

print("{people[0]}"s age is {people[1]}".format(people=person))

# Ace"s age is 26


person = {"Ace": 26}

print("{myname}"s age is {people[Ace]}".format(myname=name,people=person))

# Ace"s age is 26

4. 格式化限定符

{0:0.3f} {1:3d} 在序号后面加上格式符就可以了,不用加%



a = 123.456789

haha = "haha!!!"

print("{0:0.3f}, *{1:<14}*".format(a, haha))

print("{0:0.3f}, *{1:>14}*".format(a, haha))

print("{0:0.3f}, *{1:^14}*".format(a, haha))

print("{0:0.3f}, *{1:}*".format(a, haha))

# 123.457, *haha!!! *

# 123.457, * haha!!!*

# 123.457, * haha!!! *

# 123.457, *haha!!!*

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