1. 总体

1).A retired teacher is cleaning(进行时) the fallen leaves in the yard.  // 已经退休的    已经落在地上的   主动完成的意味

2).The terrified boy doesen't like fried eggs. // 受惊吓的男孩   被炸的蛋  被动的意味

// 放在被修饰的名词前

1. 作定语:简化定语从句

1)The Town Hall completed in the 1930 was the most distinguished building then. // which/that was completed

2)Those affected by the earthquake will get finical aid from local government // who were/have been affected

2.作状语:简化状语从句   注意前后主语要一致

1)  When/if water is heated, it changes into stream // Heated, it changes into stream

2) Though the brave solider was wounded, he continued to fight // Wounded, the brave solider continued to fight


if you exercise everyday, you will improve your health // 状语从句

Exercise everyday and you will improve your health  // 并列句

Exercising everyday, you will improve your health // 主动锻炼


// 被动

if these flowers are given better condition, these flowers will grow better

Given better condition, these flowers will grow better

Built in 1995, it was the oldest car

As he was exhausted by the journey, he soon felt asleep.

Exhausted by the journey, he soon felt asleep.


I heard my name called from behind

I considered thid problem setteld

I'll have my hair cut/ the fence mended

You shouldn't try to stand up if you are badly hurt // 表语

feel puzzled /get caughted / stay seated / become annoyed /look startled


Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent = When the city is seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent

Given more time, they will probably agree = if they are given more time, they will probably agree



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