An Introduction to Online Computation
Authors Komm, Dennis


  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 Offline Algorithms
    • 1.2 Online Algorithms and Paging
      • Online Problem
      • Online Algorithms
      • Competitive Ratio
      • Theorem 1.2,1.3
      • Paging
      • pageingproblempageing\; problempageingproblem
    • 1.3 An Upper Bound for Paging
      • k−k-k−Phase Partition
      • Theorem 1.4 Fifo is strictly k-competitive for paging
    • 1.4 A Lower Bound for Paging:k-compititive
      • Theorem 1.5 No online algorithm for paging is better than k-compititive​
      • Theorem 1.6 LIFO is not competitive for paging
      • Theorem 1.7 LFU(使用频率最低) is not competitive for paging
    • 1.5 Marking Algorithms
      • Theorem 1.8. Every marking algorithm is strictly kkk-competitive for paging
      • Theorem 1.9. LRU is a marking algorithm
    • 1.6 Refined Competitive Analysis
      • lookahead
        • No online algorithm with lookahead ℓ\ellℓ for paging is better than kkk competitive.
      • resource augmentation
        • (h,k)-paging problem
      • Every marking algorithm is k/(k-h+1)-competitive for (h,k)-paging
      • Every marking algorithm is k/(k-h+1)-competitive for (h,k)-paging

1 Introduction

Online computation, that is, algorithms that work on problem instances which they do not know from the start, but that get revealed piece by piece. These algorithms are called online algorithms, and they are commonly analyzed using so-called competitive analysis, which compares their solution to an optimal one.


1.1 Offline Algorithms




​ gain(OPT(I))≤r⋅gain(gain(I))gain(OPT(I))\le r\cdot gain(gain(I))gain(OPT(I))≤r⋅gain(gain(I)),

​ $\frac {gain(OPT(I)) } { gain(ALG(I))} \le r $


​ cost(ALG(I))≤r⋅cost(ALG(I))cost(ALG(I))\le r\cdot cost(ALG(I))cost(ALG(I))≤r⋅cost(ALG(I)),

​ $\frac {cost(ALG(I)) } { cost(OPT(I))}\le r $


1.2 Online Algorithms and Paging

Online Problem

​ problem:Π\PiΠ

​ instances:I\mathcal{I}I

​ solutions:O\mathcal{O}O

​ instance: I∈II\in\mathcal{I}I∈I is a sequence of requestsrequestsrequests I=(x1,x2,...,xn)I=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)I=(x1​,x2​,...,xn​)

​ output: $O\in\mathcal{O} $is a sequence of answersanswersanswers O=(y1,y2,...,yn)O=(y_1,y_2,...,y_n)O=(y1​,y2​,...,yn​)

​ n∈N+n\in\mathbb{N^+}n∈N+,i.e. all instances and solutions are finite

​ onlineminimizationproblemonline \; minimization \; problemonlineminimizationproblem:

​ cost(I,OPT(I))=mincost(I,O)∣O∈sol(I)cost(I,OPT(I))=min{cost(I,O)|O\in sol(I)}cost(I,OPT(I))=mincost(I,O)∣O∈sol(I)

​ onlinemaximizationproblemonline \; maximization \; problemonlinemaximizationproblem:

​ gain(I,OPT(I))=maxgain(I,O)∣O∈sol(I)gain(I,OPT(I))=max{gain(I,O)|O\in sol(I)}gain(I,OPT(I))=maxgain(I,O)∣O∈sol(I)

  1. only knows a prefix of the input in every given time step,只知道之前的输入
  2. makes decisions that are based only on this knowledge, and,只基于已经知道的知识做决策
  3. may not revoke any decision it already made.不能改变之前的决策

Online Algorithms

​ Online problem : Π\PiΠ

​ An instance of Π\PiΠ: I=(x1,x2,...,xn)I=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)I=(x1​,x2​,...,xn​)

​ An onlinealgorithmonline \; algorithmonlinealgorithm ALG for Π\PiΠ computes the output ALG(I)=(y1,y2,...,yn)ALG(I)=(y_1,y_2,...,y_n)ALG(I)=(y1​,y2​,...,yn​), where yiy_iyi​ only depends on x1,x2,...,xix_1,x_2,...,x_ix1​,x2​,...,xi​,and y1,y2,...,yi−1y_1,y_2,...,y_{i-1}y1​,y2​,...,yi−1​, $ALG(I) $is a feasible solution for III,that is , ALG(I)∈sol(I)ALG(I) \in sol(I)ALG(I)∈sol(I).

Competitive Ratio

​ Online problem : Π\PiΠ

​ Online algorithm : ALGALGALG

​ For c≥1c \ge 1c≥1,ALGALGALG is c−competitivec-competitivec−competitive for Π\PiΠ if there is a non-negative constant α\alphaα such that, for every instance I∈II \in \mathcal{I}I∈I,

​ for an online maximization problem,

​ gain(OPT(I))≤r⋅gain(gain(I))+αgain(OPT(I))\le r\cdot gain(gain(I))+\alphagain(OPT(I))≤r⋅gain(gain(I))+α,

​ for an online minimization problem,

​ cost(ALG(I))≤r⋅cost(ALG(I))+αcost(ALG(I))\le r\cdot cost(ALG(I))+\alphacost(ALG(I))≤r⋅cost(ALG(I))+α,

if α=0\alpha=0α=0, we call ALGstrictlyc−competitiveALG \;strictly\; c-competitiveALGstrictlyc−competitive ,ALGALGALG is called if it is strictly 1-competitive.


stronglycALG−competitivestrongly \;c_{ALG}-competitivestronglycALG​−competitive



As with the approximation ratio, the competitive ratio is not necessarily constant, but may be a function of the input length nnn .We use the following terminology. 竞争比不一定是一个常数,可能是与输入长度n有关的函数

notcompetitivenot\; competitivenotcompetitive :如果在线算法不具有与输入长度无关的竞争比的上界???



Theorem 1.2,1.3

​ 对于最小化/最大化问题,there is no online algorithm that is "better than c−competitvec-competitvec−competitve"


phasesphasesphases:consist of a number of consecutive(连续的) time steps.


pageingproblempageing\; problempageingproblem

​ minimization

​ In memory: p1,...,pmp_1,...,p_mp1​,...,pm​

​ Instance: I=(x1,x2,...,xn)I=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)I=(x1​,x2​,...,xn​), such that xi∈{p1,...,pm}x_i\in \{p_1,...,p_m\}xi​∈{p1​,...,pm​}

​ xix_ixi​is requested in time Step TiT_iTi​,

ALGALGALG for paging maintains a cache memory of size kkk with k<mk < mk<m .

time step TiT_iTi​,cache 中存的东西:Bi={pj1,pj2,...,pjk}B_i=\{p_{j1},p_{j2},...,p_{jk}\}Bi​={pj1​,pj2​,...,pjk​}


如果TiT_iTi​请求的page在Bi−1B_{i-1}Bi−1​中,命中,cost=0,如果不在,选一个yiy_iyi​置换出去,ALGALGALG outputs yi=pjy_i=p_jyi​=pj​


the goal is to minimize this number.

demandpagingalgorithmsdemand \;paging \;algorithmsdemandpagingalgorithms:每次只替换出一页,请求分页算法

Strategies:FIFO,LIFO,LFU(使用频率最低),LRU,FWF(flush when full),LFD(离线算法,remove 之后最晚被请求的)

1.3 An Upper Bound for Paging





k−k-k−Phase Partition





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