Migrate DB2 v9 on windows to

DB2 v10.5 on linux


db structure from windows server(use “-m” to generate statistics info):

db2look -d -f -l -e –x [-m]

-o .ddl



db2 " select 'drop sequence

'||rtrim(seqschema)||'.'||seqname||';' from syscat.sequences where seqschema

not like 'SYS%'" | findstr drop > dropseq.sql

db2 "select 'select ''create sequence

'||rtrim(seqschema)||'.'||seqname||' minvalue '''||'||char(nextval for

'||rtrim(seqschema)||'.'||seqname||')||'';'' from syscat.sequences fetch first

1 row only;' from syscat.sequences where seqschema not like 'SYS%'"| findstr create > t.sql

db2 -tf t.sql | findstr create >



data from windows server:

db2move export


all the tables with "generated always" column:

db2 "export to genalwy.txt of del

Select distinct tabschema||'\".\"'||tabname from SYSCAT.COLUMNS

where generated='A'"


all above to linux server.


.ddl, change tablespace container from windows style to linux and

remove all the "create sequence" statements.


database on Linux server:

db2 create db using codeset

GBK territory CN……


db structure using .ddl(ignore errors like create syscat/systool tablespace):

db2 -tvf .ddl > .log

run this command several times to make sure

all the views are created.



db2 -tvf crtseq.sql

10.remove all the lines in the

"db2move.lst" file(generated automatically when export data on

windows server) which contain tables in the "genalwy.txt" file, and

put them in another file "genalwylst.txt":

mv db2move.lst db2move.lst.bak

sed -e

"s/\"\"/\"/g" < genalwy.txt >genalwy2.txt

grep -v -f genalwy2.txt db2move.lst.bak

> db2move.lst

grep -f genalwy2.txt db2move.lst.bak >


11.Load data on Linux server:

db2move load -co NONRECOVERABLE

–lo replace

12.generate sql to load tables with

"generated always" column:

cat genalwylst.txt |sed -e "s/[\"

]//g"|sed -e "s/\!/ /g"|awk '{print "load from

"$2," of ixf modified by identityoverride savecount 1000 messages

"$3"\n insert into "$1" NONRECOVERABLE ; \n"}'


13.load tables with "generated

always" column:

db2 -tvf loadgenalwy.sql

14.generate check constraint sql:

db2 "select 'set integrity for

'||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||'immediate checked;' from syscat.tables where status = 'C'" | grep

integrity >chkcnst.sql

15.set table from "check pending" to


db2 -tvf chkcnst.sql

if there are still some table are in

check pending state, put voilated rows in exception table:

db2 "select 'create table

'||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||rtrim(tabname)||'_EXCPT like '||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||'immediate checked;' from syscat.tables where

status = 'C'" | grep integrity >crtexcpttbl.sql

db2 "select 'set integrity for

'||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||'immediate checked for exception in '||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||'

use '||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||rtrim(tabname)||'_EXCPT;' from syscat.tables

where status = 'C'" | grep integrity >chkcnst_excpt.sql

db2 -tvf crtexcpttbl.sql

db2 -tvf chkcnst_excpt.sql

16.change start values of "generated by

default" columns:

db2 "Select 'select ''alter table

'||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||' alter column '||colname||' restart with

''||'||'char(max('||colname||')+1)||'';'' from

'||rtrim(tabschema)||'.'||tabname||';' from SYSCAT.COLUMNSwhere generated in ('D','A')" |grep

alter > t.sql

db2 -tf t.sql |grep alter>t2.sql

db2 -tvf t2.sql

17.runstat(optional, do it if you didn’t run

db2look with -m)

db2 “select 'runstats on table

'||trim(t.TABSCHEMA)||'.'||trim(t.TABNAME)||' with distribution and index all tablesample

system(10);' from syscat.tables T where t.TABSCHEMA not like 'SYS%'”|grep runstats>runstat.sql

db2 –tvf runstat.sql

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