

The first line contains n (n ≤ 100000).

The following n lines describe the sequence.

Then follows M (M ≤ 100000), the numbers of operations and queries.

The following M lines describe the operations and queries.


For each “MIN” query, output the correct answer.

Sample Input

ADD 2 4 1
MIN 4 5

Sample Output



POJ Founder Monthly Contest – 2008.04.13, Yao Jinyu


  • Splay操作大杂烩!

  • 其它没什么可说的,REVOLVEREVOLVE 操作的话就先算出循环完的位置,

  • 直接把后面剪下来接到前面即可(相当于 CUTCUT 操作)。


using namespace std;
const int N=2e5+3,inf=1e9;
int root,tot;
int a[N],fa[N],key[N],size[N],s[N][2],mn[N],c[N];
bool rev[N];
inline int read()
{int X=0,w=1; char ch=0;while(ch<'0' || ch>'9') {if(ch=='-') w=-1;ch=getchar();}while(ch>='0' && ch<='9') X=(X<<3)+(X<<1)+ch-'0',ch=getchar();return X*w;
inline void write(int x)
{if(x<0) x=-x,putchar('-');if(x>9) write(x/10);putchar(x%10+'0');
inline int min(int x,int y)
{return x<y?x:y;
inline bool pd(int x)
{return x==s[fa[x]][1];
inline void newnode(int &v,int val,int p)
inline void add(int v,int val)
{if(v) mn[v]+=val,c[v]+=val,key[v]+=val;
inline void update(int v)
{mn[v]=key[v];if(s[v][0]) mn[v]=min(mn[v],mn[s[v][0]]);if(s[v][1]) mn[v]=min(mn[v],mn[s[v][1]]);size[v]=size[s[v][0]]+size[s[v][1]]+1;
inline void down(int v)
inline void build(int &v,int l,int r,int p)
{if(l>r) return;int mid=(l+r)>>1;newnode(v,a[mid],p);build(s[v][0],l,mid-1,v);build(s[v][1],mid+1,r,v);update(v);
inline void rotate(int x)
{down(x);int y=fa[x],w=pd(x);if(s[y][w]=s[x][w^1]) fa[s[x][w^1]]=y;if(fa[x]=fa[y]) s[fa[y]][pd(y)]=x;s[fa[y]=x][w^1]=y;update(y);
inline void splay(int x,int k)
{for(int y;(y=fa[x])!=k;rotate(x))if(fa[y]!=k) rotate(pd(x)==pd(y)?y:x);update(x);if(!k) root=x;
inline int kth(int v,int k)
{down(v);if(size[s[v][0]]+1==k) return v;if(k<=size[s[v][0]]) return kth(s[v][0],k);return kth(s[v][1],k-size[s[v][0]]-1);
inline void change(int l,int r,int val)
inline int min_num(int l,int r)
{splay(kth(root,l-1),0);splay(kth(root,r+1),root);return mn[s[s[root][1]][0]];
inline void insert(int x,int val)
inline void delete_num(int x)
inline void flip(int l,int r)
inline void cut(int l,int r,int k)
{splay(kth(root,r-k),0);splay(kth(root,r+1),root);int rt=s[s[root][1]][0];s[s[root][1]][0]=0;//deletesplay(kth(root,l-1),0);splay(kth(root,l),root);s[fa[rt]=s[root][1]][0]=rt;update(s[root][1]),update(root);//insert
inline void print(int v)
{down(v);if(s[v][0]) print(s[v][0]);if(key[v]<inf) write(key[v]),putchar(' ');if(s[v][1]) print(s[v][1]);
int main()
{int n=read();a[1]=a[n+2]=inf;for(int i=2;i<=n+1;i++) a[i]=read();build(root,1,n+2,0);int m=read();while(m--){char ch=getchar();while(ch!='A' && ch!='M' && ch!='R' && ch!='I' && ch!='D') ch=getchar();if(ch=='A'){int x=read()+1,y=read()+1;change(x,y,read());}elseif(ch=='M'){int x=read()+1,y=read()+1;write(min_num(x,y)),putchar('\n');}elseif(ch=='I'){int x=read()+1;insert(x,read());}elseif(ch=='D') delete_num(read()+1); else{while(ch!='S' && ch!='O') ch=getchar();int x=read()+1,y=read()+1;if(ch=='S') flip(x,y); else{int z=read()%(y-x+1);if(z) cut(x,y,z);}}}//print(root);return 0;

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