计算机文化知识(Computer literacy)

计算机文化知识(Computer literacy)

In 2011, upgraded the computer test questions two sets

2012-04-09 15:07 [check]

In 2011, I upgraded my computer test paper:

Fill in the blanks

1. computer network is a product of modern computer technology and __ ___ closely combined.

2. provides the ability to access and process data, consisting of a host, a terminal, a controller, and a terminal.

3.Word, in addition to the page in the "insert" set of menu items, can also choose ________ settings in the view menu.

In 4. Excel, a cell is known to have a format of 0 and a value of 23.785.

In Excel 5., the conditional formatting command can set up at most a condition.

6. if you want to run an executable program automatically when the WINDOWS system starts, just put the shortcut in the folder.

7. computer in order to distinguish each memory unit in memory (each byte corresponds to a storage unit), all storage units are sequentially numbered. These numbers are called.

8. when data is processed by a computer, data that is accessed, processed and transmitted by the CPU through the data bus is called.

9., according to the use of software, computer software is generally divided into system software and two categories.

10. a device is an interface between a person and a computer that allows the user to exchange information with the computer.

Two, radio questions

1. computer virus is a kind of.

A destructive procedure created by A.

The soft and hardware failures generated by the B. computer itself

C. software and hardware failures due to improper storage of data within the computer

D. hardware and software failures due to improper computer usage

2. of the following four items, which does not belong to the computer virus, are.

A. latent B. activation

C. transmissible D. immunity

3., the following two conclusions about computer viruses: (1) computer viruses are also a program that is activated under certain conditions, interferes with and destroys, and can be transmitted to other programs. Computer v

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