学生用卡西欧计算机用法(Students use CASIO computer)

学生用卡西欧计算机用法(Students use CASIO computer)

I've been looking around for information. I've tried my calculator, and I don't know how you're doing

One, shift+7+on, not much to say, many people know

Two, CMPLX (plural calculation), MAT (matrix), VCT (vector)!

I don't think so. Our calculator can be counted in the plural. Here, first of all how to enter the abnormal state! This is the necessary condition for many types of abnormal functions!

Go to an unusual state: (press the following buttons, no more, less or less), regardless of how the calculator displays errors

On, plus shift+ (Pol), 1, shift+ (comma), right parenthesis 0 = AC, 6, the fractional line, =, AC, left, 1, x^n (x square to the right), =, AC, AC, 3, left, DEL (r=1 Fai o=0 is displayed,, surprise), scores, scores on the line are input = 1

Exception status to success!

Then continue to concave: 8 Ans, and then press sin until AC, shift+9, error, 1 = AC, shift+9, AC, 2, =, (also called a few steps ahead of 2 times, 5 empty) root, 6 x^n (now garbled, can see multiplied by 10), 15 DEL (just in front of R, according to the careful Oh, according to the head to do it again.. Right brackets = = AC, shift+9, 2, = = AC, 2, right, DEL (that right parenthesis is deleted), 1, alpha+x^3 (double quotation mark), 2 is equal to, mode

What do you see?! 2 is the complex number calculation, 4 unknown, 5 is unknown, 6 is the matrix, and the 8 is the vector, usually do not see it ~!

1, CMPLX: after 2, the screen suddenly lights up, then press on, and then adjust the brightness of the screen with shift+mode (you can see clearly) In order to ensure normal use, shift+mode, 3, shift+mode, 8, 1, shift+mode, down, 4, 1. OK ~ ~ now ENG is i!!! However, if the calculation results will not be shown with I, such as the answer is -1+i, the display is -11, press shift+2 and then press 4 can be displayed, and shift+2 there are several other functions, their own research ~!

2, MAT: press 6 after you click AC, and then adjust the brightness as w

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