Now that half a year has passed, some changes have taken place in China’s rich list. According to the latest news, China’s richest man has changed again. This time Ma Huateng has become China’s richest man again, and Ma Huateng’s personal value has risen. At RMB 410 billion, he far surpassed his competitor Jack Ma and became the new richest man in China!

It is reported that due to the impact of the epidemic in the first half of the year, many people are smart "homes" at home and cannot go out, and the country’s express delivery and logistics have been affected to a certain extent, so Jack Ma’s Alibaba online business naturally did not appear too much. Growth, but this has also stimulated the development of the home economy. For example, “playing games and watching movies” has become a way for many people to entertain at home, and businesses such as Tencent Games and Tencent Video have also experienced rapid growth during this period. Tencent’s "Honor of Kings", "Peace Elite" and other ace games have up to 50 million daily active users, and the game recharge business has also brought huge revenue to Tencent. Now Tencent games have become the main source of revenue for Tencent. One of the sources!

Because of the continuous growth of business in the fields of games and video, the market value of Tencent has been constantly rising, and Ma Huateng’s worth will naturally rise; and Ma Huateng’s personal worth of up to 410 billion, on average, makes money almost every day. 300 million, such a wealth figure is something that many people dare not even think about. What do you think of this? Do you envy the wealth owned by the richest man? Welcome to leave a message!

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