
If you are a Microsoft Outlook user that regularly uses iGoogle as your dashboard, have you ever thought about combining the two? It’s nearly trivial to add your iGoogle page to Outlook and make it the startup page.

如果您是经常使用iGoogle作为仪表板的Microsoft Outlook用户,您是否曾经考虑过将两者结合起来? 将iGoogle页面添加到Outlook并将其设置为启动页面几乎是微不足道的。

Create a new folder by right-clicking anywhere in the folder tree and choosing “New Folder”


Give the folder a relevant name, something like iGoogle works.


Now right-click on the new folder and choose Properties, and then on the Home Page tab, check the box for “Show home page by default for this folder” and put this into the address box:




Of course you can use any web page as your startup page, not just iGoogle.


At this point you should be able to see your iGoogle page by just clicking on the folder.


Set iGoogle as the Default Startup Page


Open up the Options panel through Tools \ Options on the menu, and then choose the Advanced Options button on the Other tab.

通过菜单上的“工具” \“选项”打开“选项”面板,然后在“其他”选项卡上选择“高级选项”按钮。

You’ll see a setting for “Startup in this folder” with a Browse button next to it. Click that button and choose the iGoogle folder as your startup page.

您会看到“此文件夹中的启动”设置,旁边有一个浏览按钮。 点击该按钮,然后选择iGoogle文件夹作为您的启动页面。

Now when you startup Outlook, you’ll be taken directly to your iGoogle dashboard (you do have to login the first time).


Thanks to our excellent reader Tim who wrote in telling me to write about this.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/make-igoogle-your-startup-page-in-microsoft-outlook/


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