获取outlook 会议

Some emails are more important than others. Rather than getting alerts every time an email arrives, configure Microsoft Outlook to only alert you when the important stuff hits your inbox, rather than any old email that can wait until you check your inbox.

有些电子邮件比其他电子邮件更重要。 将Microsoft Outlook配置为仅在重要内容击中您的收件箱时才通知您,而不是在每次电子邮件到达前都发出警报,而不是等待您检查收件箱的所有旧电子邮件。

If email alerts from Outlook are distracting you, the easiest thing to do is to turn them off. But what if you really need to know when an email arrives from your boss, a client, or someone else important to you?

如果来自Outlook的电子邮件警报分散了您的注意力,那么最简单的方法就是将其关闭。 但是,如果您真的需要知道何时收到老板,客户或其他对您重要的电子邮件,该怎么办?

Microsoft Outlook lets you set up custom alert rules for specific email addresses or entire domains. We’ve covered rules in general previously, so have a quick look if you’ve never used them before.

Microsoft Outlook使您可以为特定电子邮件地址或整个域设置自定义警报规则。 我们之前已经介绍了一般规则,因此如果您以前从未使用过它们,请快速浏览一下。

When you set up a custom alert using a rule, it overrides the default alert permissions you’ve set up. If you’ve turned off all alerts in Outlook, you’ll still get an alert if you have a rule set up to do so.

使用规则设置自定义警报时,它会覆盖您已设置的默认警报权限。 如果您已关闭Outlook中的所有警报,但您已设置了规则来仍然会收到警报。

为特定人创建规则 (Create a Rule for a Specific Person)

To set up a custom alerting rule for a specific person, open Outlook and then find an email from someone for whom you want an alert. Right-click the email and select Rules > Create Rule.

要为特定人员设置自定义警报规则,请打开Outlook,然后找到您要为其发出警报的人员的电子邮件。 右键单击电子邮件,然后选择规则>创建规则。

Alternatively, select the email, and on the Home tab of the ribbon, click Rules > Create Rule.


Switch on the checkbox next to the sender’s name and then choose “Display In The New Item Alert Window” and/or “Play A Selected Sound.”


If you choose “Play A Selected Sound,” then you’ll have to choose a sound file to play. Most people don’t keep a selection of .wav files to hand, so navigate to C:\Windows\Media (or /System/Library/Sounds/ if you’re using Outlook on a Mac) and choose the sound you want. You can use the play button in the “Create Rule” window to hear the sound before you confirm your choice.

如果选择“播放选定的声音”,则必须选择要播放的声音文件。 大多数人不会选择.wav文件,因此请导航到C:\ Windows \ Media(如果在Mac上使用Outlook,则导航到/ System / Library / Sounds /),然后选择所需的声音。 在确认选择之前,您可以使用“创建规则”窗口中的播放按钮收听声音。

Click “OK” in the Create Rule window, and your rule is set. From now on, you’ll be alerted whenever you receive a message from that email address.

在“创建规则”窗口中单击“确定”,设置您的规则。 从现在开始,每当您收到来自该电子邮件地址的消息时,都会收到警报。

为整个域创建规则 (Create a Rule for a Whole Domain)

If you want to be alerted when you receive an email from a particular domain, such as a specific client or your home email domain, you’ll need to set up a rule from scratch.


In the Home tab, click Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts.


In the “Rules And Alerts” window, click “New Rule.”


Select “Apply Rule On Messages I Receive” and then click the “Next” button.


Scroll down, select “With Specific Words In The Sender’s Address,” and then click the underlined “Specific Words” in the bottom panel.


Add in the domain you want an alert for, click “Add” (you can add multiple domains if you want), and then click “OK.”


The domain will have replaced “Specific Words.” Click “Next.”

该域将替换为“特定单词”。 点击下一步。”

Now, choose whether you want a sound played, an alert displayed, or both. If you choose a sound, you’ll have to click “A Sound” and chose the sound you want. Once that’s done, click “Finish.”

现在,选择要播放声音,显示警报还是同时选择两者。 如果选择声音,则必须单击“声音”,然后选择所需的声音。 完成后,点击“完成”。

The rule will be visible in the “Rules And Alerts” list. Click “Apply” to turn it on.

该规则将在“规则和警报”列表中可见。 单击“应用”将其打开。

From now on, whenever an email arrives from that domain, you’ll get the alert you chose.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/673562/how-to-get-notifications-for-only-the-emails-you-care-about-in-microsoft-outlook/

获取outlook 会议

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