snapchat 登录不上

Snapchat, by its very nature, makes it very hard to deal with abuse. Unlike Facebook posts or Tweets, Snaps vanish in seconds and aren’t stored on Snapchat’s servers. If someone is posting something that violates Snapchat’s Terms of Service to their Story, it will stick around for 24 hours but that’s it. If a Snap is gone and it’s your word against someone else’s, there’s not a lot the Snapchat review team can do.

Snapchat本质上使它很难处理滥用行为。 与Facebook帖子或推文不同,Snaps会在几秒钟内消失,并且不会存储在Snapchat的服务器上 。 如果有人在其故事中发布违反Snapchat 服务条款的内容 ,它将持续24小时,仅此而已。 如果Snap消失了,这是您反对别人的话,那么Snapchat审核团队就无能为力了。

Still, with the caveat that things can be tricky, let’s look at how to report someone on Snapchat.


Unlike most other social networks, you can’t actually report posts or users from within the Snapchat app. Instead, you have to use the Support Site.

与大多数其他社交网络不同,您实际上无法在Snapchat应用程序中报告帖子或用户。 相反,您必须使用支持站点 。

Head to the site and go to Policies & Safety > Report a Safety Concern, or just click this link.

转到该站点,然后转到“策略与安全”>“报告安全问题”,或者只需单击此链接 。

Select Report a Safety Concern.


Select the reason you’re making the report…


…and provide a few more details.


Once you’re done, Snapchat will recommend you block the offending user. This is a good suggestion, but if you want to keep making a report, click Yes under Still Need Help?

完成后,Snapchat将建议您阻止有问题的用户 。 这是一个很好的建议,但是如果您要继续进行报告,请在“仍然需要帮助”下单击“是”。

Fill in the form in as much detail as you can. Provide your name, contact details, Snapchat username, the username of the person you’re reporting, both your ages and a description of what’s going on. When you’re done, click Send.

尽可能详细地填写表格。 提供您的姓名,联系方式,Snapchat用户名,您要举报的人的用户名,您的年龄以及所发生情况的描述。 完成后,单击发送。

If someone is constantly sending you abusive Snaps, the best thing to do is to take screenshots. That way, when you fill in your report, you’re at least able to prove that something is taking place. Without screenshots, it’s very much he-said-she-said.

如果有人不断向您发送虐待性的快照 ,最好的办法就是截取屏幕截图 。 这样,当您填写报告时,至少可以证明正在发生某些事情。 没有截图,他说的就是她说的了。


snapchat 登录不上

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