
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Spotify finally works with Siri on your iPhone. If you’re running iOS 13 or higher, you can directly ask Siri to play your favorite playlist, song, or an artist on Spotify. Here’s how to set it up.

Spotify最终可以在您的iPhone上与Siri一起使用。 如果您运行的是iOS 13或更高版本,则可以直接要求Siri在Spotify上播放您喜欢的播放列表,歌曲或歌手。 设置方法如下。

iOS 13 expands third-party support for Siri. And one of the apps that’s taking advantage of the new feature is Spotify. This means you can get Apple Music style playback controls with Siri on your iPhone. There’s now one less reason for you to stick with Apple Music.

iOS 13扩展了对Siri的第三方支持。 利用此新功能的应用程序之一就是Spotify。 这意味着您可以在iPhone上使用Siri获得Apple Music风格的播放控件。 现在,没有什么理由让您坚持使用Apple Music。

如何为Siri启用Spotify访问 (How to Enable Spotify Access for Siri)

If you already have the Spotify app installed, and you’re logged into your account, all you have to do is start talking to Siri.


To bring up Siri, press and hold the Side/Power button on your iPhone X-style device with a notch. If you have an older iPhone with a physical Home button, press and hold on the Home button.

要调出Siri,请在iPhone X风格的设备上按住缺口的“侧面/电源”按钮。 如果您的iPhone带有Home键,则请按住Home键。

Then, say something like “Play the Beatles on Spotify.”


As this is your first time using Spotify with Siri, it will ask for permission to access your Spotify data. Here, tap the “Yes” button.

由于这是您第一次将Spotify与Siri结合使用,它将要求获得访问您的Spotify数据的权限。 在这里,点击“是”按钮。

Spotify will start playing the music you requested. You’ll see a Now Playing widget in the Siri screen.

Spotify将开始播放您请求的音乐。 您将在Siri屏幕上看到一个正在播放的小部件。

You can also control the Siri access for Spotify from the iPhone’s Settings app. Open the “Settings” app, scroll down, and then select the “Spotify” option.

您还可以通过iPhone的“设置”应用控制Spotify的Siri访问。 打开“设置”应用程序,向下滚动,然后选择“ Spotify”选项。

From here, tap the “Siri & Search” button.

在这里,点击“ Siri&Search”按钮。

From the bottom of the screen, tap the toggle next to “Use with Ask Siri” to enable or disable Siri access for Spotify.

在屏幕底部,点击“与Ask Siri一起使用”旁边的开关,以启用或禁用Spotify的Siri访问。

如何在iPhone上使用Siri控制Spotify (How to Control Spotify Using Siri on iPhone)

Once Spotify is connected to Siri, you can use it to play any song, album, artist, or playlist. You can also get specific about albums and years of release.

将Spotify连接到Siri后,您可以使用它播放任何歌曲,专辑,艺术家或播放列表。 您还可以详细了解专辑和发行年份。

Here are a couple of Spotify commands to use with Siri.


  • Play [song name] on Spotify: Spotify will play the requested song and will continue to play recommended tracks.

    在Spotify上播放[歌曲名称]: Spotify将播放请求的歌曲并继续播放推荐的曲目。

  • Play [album name] on Spotify: Spotify will start playing the requested album.

    在Spotify上播放[专辑名称]: Spotify将开始播放所请求的专辑。

  • Play [artist name] on Spotify: Spotify will start playing the “This is [Artist Name]” playlist.

    在Spotify上播放[艺术家名称]: Spotify将开始播放“这是[艺术家名称]”播放列表。

  • Play on Spotify: Spotify will play the requested playlist.

    在Spotify上 播放 Spotify将播放请求的播放列表。

  • Play my liked songs on Spotify: Spotify will play music from your liked songs list.

    在Spotify上播放我喜欢的歌曲: Spotify将播放您喜欢的歌曲列表中的音乐。

  • Shuffle on Spotify: Spotify will play the requested playlist or album in shuffle mode.

    在Spotify上 随机播放 Spotify将以随机播放模式播放请求的播放列表或专辑。

  • Play the latest album by [artist name] on Spotify: Spotify will find and play the latest album from the requested artist.

    在Spotify上按[艺术家姓名]播放最新专辑: Spotify将查找并播放所请求歌手的最新专辑。

  • Play [genre] music on Spotify: Spotify will start playing random music from the requested genre (pop, indie, rock, and so on).

    在Spotify上播放[流派]音乐: Spotify将开始从请求的流派(流行,独立,摇滚等)播放随机音乐。

Other than these, you can use the standard playback controls in Siri as well. For instance, you can ask Siri to play, pause, skip, repeat, shuffle, or go to the previous track. As you’re using Siri, you can do this from your AirPods or your Apple Watch.

除此之外,您还可以使用Siri中的标准播放控件。 例如,您可以要求Siri播放,暂停,跳过,重复,随机播放或转到上一个曲目。 使用Siri时,可以从AirPods或Apple Watch进行。

For now, Siri only supports playback features in Spotify. You can’t use Siri to interact with the app. For instance, you can’t search for something like a song in Spotify using Siri. You also can’t use Siri to add a song to a playlist either.

目前,Siri仅在Spotify中支持播放功能。 您不能使用Siri与该应用进行交互。 例如,您无法使用Siri在Spotify中搜索类似歌曲的内容。 您也不能使用Siri将歌曲添加到播放列表。

You can use Siri to do a lot more from adding reminders, setting alarms, to even finding your lost Apple devices.

您可以使用Siri进行更多操作,包括添加提醒,设置警报,甚至找到丢失的Apple设备 。




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