July, 19

1. Ripe 熟的 cherry 樱桃 pork chop猪排 ham 火腿 sausage 香肠 poultry 家禽 liver 肝 giblets 内脏杂件 lobster龙虾 crab螃蟹 strawberry草莓 check-out stand 付款台

2. Could you do me a favor? 请你帮我一个忙好吗?

3. I am a little nervous about choosing meat. 我对挑肉有些担心。

4. This brand of coffee is on sale today, I’d like to have some. 这个牌子的咖啡在减价,我想买些回来。

5. I’ll look around and see if there is anything I need.我四处走走,看看有没有什么要买的。

6. I don’t want to buy anything, just browsing.我不想买什么,随便看看。

7. Will you help me for a minute? 请帮我一点忙,好吗?

July, 19(R)相关推荐

  1. July, 7(R)

    July, 7 1.       You got to be kidding me. 你一定在开玩笑呢吧 2.    I give it two thumbs down.表示反对. I give it ...

  2. July, 15(R)

    July, 15 1.       I am always available on weekends. 我一般周末都有时间. 2.       Was the plane ride all righ ...

  3. July, 29(R)

    July, 29 1. Can I be of any help? / Can I help you out? / Can I help you? / Can I give you a hand? 我 ...

  4. July, 8(R)

    July, 8 1.       You are thoughtful. 你想的真周到. 2.       Are you done? 你好了吗? 3.       That color won't ...

  5. July, 20(R)

    July, 20 1.       Do you mind if I listen to the radio? Not at all, just go ahead. 你介意我听收音机吗?不介意,你听吧 ...

  6. August, 19(R)

    August, 19 1.I am terribly sorry for what I have done. It doesn't matter really. 我对我所做的事情感到万分歉意. 真的没 ...

  7. July, 18(R)

    July, 18 1. In English learning, fluency is more important than accuracy, do you agree? I am afraid ...

  8. July, 28(R)

    July, 28 1.       Please fill in the slip, state the exact account you wish to withdraw. 请填好单子,注明要取的 ...

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