July, 15

1.       I am always available on weekends. 我一般周末都有时间。

2.       Was the plane ride all right? 飞机旅行还顺利吗?

3.       Tell us about your trip, did you have fun? 跟我们讲讲你的旅行,玩的愉快吗?

4.       a lot of fun非常开心,a little fun 很扫兴

5.       I had a great time in Australia.我们在澳大利亚玩的很开心。

6.       What impressed me the most is the traffic jam during the rush hour. 给我印象最深的是高峰时期的交通堵塞。

7.       Climates can change greatly.天气变化非常快。

8.       There are buses, trains, underground trains, planes to different parts of the country.公共汽车,火车,地铁,飞机通往国家的各个地方。

9.       We have a lot of time for sightseeing.我们有很多时间观光旅游。

July, 15(R)相关推荐

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