


struct Element
{int iNumber;int iIndex;
};bool compareFunc(const Element& arg1, const Element& arg2)
{return arg1.iNumber<arg2.iNumber;
}class Solution {
public:vector<int> twoSum(vector<int> &numbers, int target) {vector<int> results;vector<Element> vInput;vector<int>::iterator itv = numbers.begin();int i =0;Element temp;while(itv!=numbers.end()){temp.iNumber = *itv;temp.iIndex = ++i;vInput.push_back(temp);}sort(vInput.begin(),vInput.end(),compareFunc);vector<Element>::iterator itv1 = vInput.begin();vector<Element>::iterator itv2 = vInput.end();itv2--;while(itv1<=itv2 && itv1->iNumber + itv2->iNumber!=target){if(itv1->iNumber+itv2->iNumber<target)itv1++;if(itv1->iNumber+itv2->iNumber>target)itv2--;}if(itv1->iNumber + itv2->iNumber== target){if(itv1->iIndex<itv2->iIndex){results.push_back(itv1->iIndex);results.push_back(itv2->iIndex);}else{results.push_back(itv2->iIndex);results.push_back(itv1->iIndex);}} return results;}

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