
WIFI:无线保真 (WIFI: Wireless Fidelity)

WIFI is an electronic device that is used to establish the connection for the internet with the help of the ISM bands of radio and for the data transfer as well. It is also commonly termed as Wi-Fi and it is a wireless technology purposed to leverage the local area. When we talk about the wireless network, Wi-Fi sets the medium between the computer and the other devices and establishes a connection between them to communicate with each other.

WIFI是一种电子设备,可通过ISM无线电频段建立互联网连接,并用于数据传输。 它通常也被称为Wi-Fi,并且是一种旨在利用局域网的无线技术。 当我们谈论无线网络时,Wi-Fi设置了计算机与其他设备之间的介质,并在它们之间建立了连接以相互通信。

You must be aware of the IEEE standards. 802.11 standards is also a standard that was developed by IEEE. It was then adopted by the Wi-Fi alliance and thus all the network components of Wi-Fi are based on this standard.

您必须了解IEEE标准。 802.11标准也是由IEEE开发的标准。 随后,它被Wi-Fi联盟采用,因此Wi-Fi的所有网络组件均基于此标准。

What is the use of these standards? When you are making a connection, it can't be for one but all. So IEEE standards provide the standard way to connect with the wireless network.

这些标准的用途是什么? 建立连接时,不能只连接一个。 因此,IEEE标准提供了与无线网络连接的标准方法。

For the Wi-Fi alliance, Wi-Fi is its trademark. Whatever products use the IEEE 802.11 standards, it is used as the brand name for all such products. Wi-Fi enables digital access for the user in a very easy manner.

对于Wi-Fi联盟,Wi-Fi是其商标。 无论使用IEEE 802.11标准的任何产品,都将其用作所有此类产品的品牌名称。 Wi-Fi使用户可以非常轻松地进行数字访问。

技术指标 (Technical Specification)

As we have studied above that WiFi is based on the specifications of IEEE 802.11 standards. There can be five different Wi-Fi standards. It is in this order,

正如我们上面已经研究的那样, WiFi基于IEEE 802.11标准的规范。 可能有五种不同的Wi-Fi标准。 按此顺序,

  1. 802.11a – it provides up to 54 Mbps and 5GHz bandwidth.

    802.11a –它提供高达54 Mbps的带宽和5GHz的带宽。

  2. 802.11b – its unofficial retronym is Wi-Fi 1. It provides a range of 120 feet indoor.

    802.11b –它的非正式官方名称是Wi-Fi1。它在室内提供120英尺的范围。

  3. 802.11g – it provides up to 54 Mbps and 2.4 GHz bandwidth. It provides a range of 300 feet outdoor.

    802.11g –提供高达54 Mbps和2.4 GHz带宽。 它提供了300英尺的室外范围。

  4. 802.11n – it gives better performance with more reliability, speed and also increases the range for the wireless transmissions.

    802.11n –具有更好的性能和更高的可靠性,速度,并扩大了无线传输的范围。

  5. 802.11ac – it provides 433 Mbps up to some gigabits per second. It is faster than all the previous standards.

    802.11ac –它提供433 Mbps的速率,每秒高达几吉比特。 它比以前的所有标准都快。

WiFi的优点 (Pros of WiFi)

  • It can be very helpful for devices such as PCs, video game consoles, tablet computers, etc. for the connection purpose.


  • A range of 20 meters of the hotspot can be created with the help of WiFi.


WiFi的缺点 (Cons of WiFi)

If the third person wants to use your Wi-Fi hotspot, it can easily connect to it as it doesn’t require any physical connection to use the Wi-Fi. Therefore, Wi-Fi is less secure than those of wired connections.

如果第三方想使用您的Wi-Fi热点,则可以轻松连接到该热点,因为不需要任何物理连接即可使用Wi-Fi。 因此,Wi-Fi的安全性不如有线连接。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/wifi-full-form.aspx



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