

asp.net 2.0 + sql2000


web stress application tool(微软出产的web开发压力测试软件)




USE exam_stress

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Answer](
 [ID] [int] NOT NULL identity primary key, --ID
 [QID] [int] NOT NULL, --题目ID
 [Answer] [nvarchar](10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, --答案
 [PAID] [int] NOT NULL, --答卷ID
 [PID] [int] NOT NULL  --试卷ID





<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="SubmitAnswerStressTest.Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title></title> <script src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.clickCount = 0; //计算点击的提交用户答案的次数 function go() { $.ajax({ url: 'AnswerHandler.ashx', type: 'post', data: {}, success: function (msg) { window.clickCount++; $("#msg").html(window.clickCount); }, error: function (err) { document.write(err.responseText); } }); } </script> </head> <body> <% //为了方面显示,所以用小脚本,模拟登录 Session["CurrentUser"] = DateTime.Now.Ticks; %> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <input type="button" value="提交答案" οnclick="go();" /><br /> <input type="button" value="提交答案" οnclick="go();" /><br /> <input type="button" value="提交答案" οnclick="go();" /><br /> <input type="button" value="提交答案" οnclick="go();" /><br /> <input type="button" value="提交答案" οnclick="go();" /><br /> <input type="button" value="提交答案" οnclick="go();" /><br /> </div> <div id="msg"> </div> </form> </body> </html>



using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Web; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace SubmitAnswerStressTest { public class AnswerHandler : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IReadOnlySessionState /*如果在一般处理程序中,要访问session中的东西的话,就要实现此接口,此接口代表只读*/ { static Random rnd = new Random(); public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //判断是否有登录 object uidObj = context.Session["CurrentUser"]; if (uidObj == null) { context.Response.Write("error:no login"); context.Response.End(); //调用end方法后,以后执行的Response.Write都会作废 return; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=;Initial Catalog=exam_stress;User ID=sa;Password=;Min Pool Size=150;Max Pool Size=1000;"); string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO [Answer] VALUES ('{0}','{0}','{0}','{0}')", rnd.Next()); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); cmd.Connection.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Connection.Close(); context.Response.Write("done!"); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } } }


下载Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool,进行压力测试












Report name:                  2010-7-4 7:37:53
Run on:                       2010-7-4 7:37:53
Run length:                   00:20:01

Web Application Stress Tool Version:

Number of test clients:       1

Number of hits:               453922
Requests per Second:          378.27

Socket Statistics
Socket Connects:              454006
Total Bytes Sent (in KB):     230898.13
Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s):    192.42
Total Bytes Recv (in KB):     381243.94
Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s):    317.70

Socket Errors
Connect:                      0
Send:                         0
Recv:                         0
Timeouts:                     0

RDS Results
Successful Queries:           0

Script Settings
Number of threads:            100

Test length:                  00:20:00
Warmup:                       00:00:00
Cooldown:                     00:00:00

Use Random Delay:             Yes
Min Delay Time:               0
Max Delay Time:               500

Follow Redirects:             Yes
Max Redirect Depth:           15

Clients used in test

Clients not used in test

Result Codes
Code      Description                   Count    
200       OK                            445094   
404       Not Found                     8828

Page Summary
Page                            Hits      TTFB Avg  TTLB Avg  Auth      Query    
POST /check_outchain.php        4415      0.07      0.07      No        No       
POST /check_outchain.php        4413      0.10      0.10      No        No       
GET /t/Default.aspx             4413      9.41      9.41      No        No       
GET /t/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js   4412      0.13      0.41      No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4412      16.44     16.45     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4411      11.84     11.85     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4411      11.63     11.64     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4410      12.27     12.29     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4410      11.54     11.55     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4409      14.62     14.64     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4409      16.02     16.04     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4408      14.91     14.93     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4406      16.85     16.86     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4406      18.19     18.20     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4405      16.10     16.12     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4402      14.75     14.76     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4401      16.66     16.68     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4401      22.10     22.11     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4398      19.43     19.44     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4398      19.73     19.74     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4397      24.50     24.51     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4397      21.16     21.17     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4396      15.99     16.01     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4394      22.11     22.13     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4392      19.94     19.96     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4391      21.69     21.70     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4391      27.34     27.36     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4388      26.66     26.67     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4388      23.75     23.76     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4387      31.67     31.68     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4386      34.30     34.32     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4386      33.95     33.96     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4384      24.80     24.82     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4383      28.05     28.07     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4382      30.93     30.94     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4382      21.14     21.15     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4380      24.25     24.26     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4379      19.11     19.13     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4378      13.20     13.21     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4378      11.38     11.40     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4376      12.11     12.12     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4376      13.20     13.21     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4375      11.87     11.88     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4375      11.66     11.67     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4374      10.81     10.82     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4373      11.21     11.23     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4372      11.44     11.45     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4371      10.60     10.62     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4371      12.34     12.35     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4370      10.45     10.46     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4369      11.56     11.58     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4368      11.74     11.75     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4366      10.62     10.63     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4364      11.07     11.09     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4362      11.30     11.31     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4361      10.97     10.99     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4360      11.31     11.33     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4359      11.61     11.62     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4358      10.95     10.96     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4354      11.06     11.08     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4353      11.30     11.31     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      10.14     10.16     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      10.14     10.15     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      10.05     10.06     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4350      9.83      9.84      No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4350      11.49     11.50     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4350      11.34     11.35     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4349      11.20     11.21     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4348      10.16     10.18     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4344      10.64     10.66     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4343      11.88     11.89     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4343      10.80     10.82     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4342      10.65     10.66     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4341      10.74     10.75     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4341      10.76     10.77     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4339      10.38     10.39     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4336      11.50     11.52     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4335      10.19     10.21     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4332      10.23     10.24     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4331      11.84     11.86     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4331      10.30     10.31     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4330      10.39     10.41     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4330      11.02     11.03     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4330      10.98     10.99     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4330      12.65     12.67     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4329      11.91     11.93     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4329      13.10     13.12     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4327      12.03     12.04     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4327      12.73     12.74     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4327      10.87     10.89     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4326      12.39     12.40     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4325      11.56     11.57     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4325      10.53     10.54     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4324      11.65     11.67     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4324      11.34     11.35     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4323      12.32     12.34     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4323      12.23     12.24     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4323      10.85     10.87     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4322      11.30     11.31     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4322      11.03     11.05     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4319      11.49     11.51     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4317      11.49     11.50     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4317      9.75      9.77      No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4316      11.54     11.56     No        No






using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Web; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace SubmitAnswerStressTest { public class AnswerHandler_Linq : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IReadOnlySessionState /*如果在一般处理程序中,要访问session中的东西的话,就要实现此接口,此接口代表只读*/ { static Random rnd = new Random(); public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //判断是否有登录 object uidObj = context.Session["CurrentUser"]; if (uidObj == null) { context.Response.Write("error:no login"); context.Response.End(); //调用end方法后,以后执行的Response.Write都会作废 return; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; using (DB db = new DB(@"Data Source=;Initial Catalog=exam_stress;User ID=sa;Password=;Min Pool Size=150;Max Pool Size=1000;")) { int randomNum = rnd.Next(); AnswerInfo answerInfo = new AnswerInfo { Answer = randomNum.ToString(), PAID = randomNum, PID = randomNum, QID = randomNum }; db.AnswerInfo.InsertOnSubmit(answerInfo); db.SubmitChanges(); } context.Response.Write("done!"); context.Response.End(); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } } }



Report name:                  2010-7-4 8:30:07
Run on:                       2010-7-4 8:30:07
Run length:                   00:20:01

Web Application Stress Tool Version:

Number of test clients:       1

Number of hits:               451511
Requests per Second:          376.26

Socket Statistics
Socket Connects:              451593
Total Bytes Sent (in KB):     229702.12
Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s):    191.42
Total Bytes Recv (in KB):     379495.73
Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s):    316.25

Socket Errors
Connect:                      0
Send:                         0
Recv:                         0
Timeouts:                     0

RDS Results
Successful Queries:           0

Script Settings
Number of threads:            100

Test length:                  00:20:00
Warmup:                       00:00:00
Cooldown:                     00:00:00

Use Random Delay:             Yes
Min Delay Time:               0
Max Delay Time:               500

Follow Redirects:             Yes
Max Redirect Depth:           15

Clients used in test

Clients not used in test

Result Codes
Code      Description                   Count    
200       OK                            442724   
404       Not Found                     8787

Page Summary
Page                            Hits      TTFB Avg  TTLB Avg  Auth      Query    
POST /check_outchain.php        4394      0.35      0.36      No        No       
POST /check_outchain.php        4393      0.39      0.40      No        No       
GET /t/Default.aspx             4393      11.35     11.37     No        No       
GET /t/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js   4393      0.68      1.18      No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4390      19.46     19.46     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4388      17.96     17.97     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4388      16.80     16.81     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4386      15.71     15.72     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4384      16.22     16.22     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4384      14.29     14.30     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4383      15.16     15.17     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4381      15.59     15.59     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4380      16.06     16.06     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4379      15.66     15.67     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4379      14.94     14.95     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4378      18.04     18.05     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4377      15.39     15.39     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4377      16.72     16.73     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4375      16.97     16.98     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4374      16.13     16.14     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4373      17.30     17.31     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4371      16.08     16.09     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4370      16.49     16.50     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4366      16.15     16.16     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4364      16.46     16.47     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4364      17.08     17.09     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4363      15.89     15.90     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4362      16.52     16.52     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4360      15.68     15.69     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4359      14.91     14.92     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4358      16.85     16.86     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4358      15.89     15.90     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4357      16.63     16.63     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4355      17.08     17.09     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4354      15.35     15.36     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4354      14.51     14.52     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4353      15.72     15.73     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      15.01     15.02     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      14.64     14.64     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      13.98     13.99     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      14.27     14.28     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4352      14.02     14.03     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4350      15.28     15.29     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4350      13.24     13.25     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4350      15.30     15.31     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4350      13.84     13.84     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4348      15.68     15.69     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4347      15.14     15.14     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4344      15.24     15.25     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4342      14.89     14.89     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4341      17.35     17.36     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4340      16.19     16.20     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4338      17.02     17.02     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4338      15.78     15.79     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4336      16.24     16.25     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4334      17.36     17.36     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4333      16.02     16.03     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4333      16.80     16.81     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4333      16.43     16.44     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4331      16.45     16.46     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4331      17.80     17.81     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4331      17.47     17.47     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4331      15.41     15.42     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4329      17.27     17.28     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4328      17.59     17.60     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4328      15.90     15.90     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4326      15.88     15.89     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4325      15.17     15.18     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4324      16.58     16.59     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4324      15.57     15.58     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4324      15.45     15.46     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4324      16.18     16.18     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4323      16.73     16.74     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4321      15.43     15.44     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4321      17.23     17.24     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4318      16.23     16.23     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4316      15.75     15.76     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4315      16.06     16.06     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4315      17.51     17.52     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4315      15.75     15.76     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4315      15.14     15.15     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4315      16.75     16.76     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4314      16.85     16.86     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4312      14.60     14.61     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4311      17.96     17.97     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4311      15.57     15.58     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4311      17.74     17.75     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4311      17.61     17.62     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4311      16.29     16.30     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4307      16.37     16.38     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4307      16.10     16.11     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4306      15.52     15.53     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4305      15.24     15.25     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4303      14.00     14.01     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4303      14.13     14.14     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4303      14.82     14.83     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4302      16.16     16.17     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4302      16.94     16.95     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4299      15.43     15.44     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4298      13.62     13.63     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4296      15.04     15.05     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4295      15.76     15.77     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4295      15.00     15.01     No        No       
POST /t/AnswerHandler.ashx      4295      14.38     14.38     No        No





  1. JSP在线考试系统得到用户提交答案

    前段时间用MVC做了个在线考试系统, 前台主要是用户登陆后选择科目参加考试,所有的题目都是从LIST里用标签动态遍历出来,都是单选框(单选题),每组题name一样,每个题有个唯一的正确答案,在用户交卷 ...

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    本发明涉及的是服务器领域,尤其是在Linux下对CPU压力测试时,进行CPU监控的方法. 背景技术: 在现有技术中,公知的技术是CPU作为现代服务器的核心组成部分,其稳定性直接影响整个服务器的稳定性. ...

  3. 考试系统实现题目列表和答案的提交

    前提:我已有题库,答案,试卷,试卷题库对应表 实现我是这么想的: 1.题目ID列表,试卷的题目列表c:forEach页面列出来,题目下隐藏题目列表list <input type="h ...

  4. 在线考试系统在试卷上获取答案

    在jsp页面中使用了<c:foreach>遍历题库的list,一直不知道怎样从java代码中获取答案.通过以下代码解决了这个小问题. Map<String,String[]> ...

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    . . Time \@ "yyyy年M月d日"2019年1月7日测 Time \@ "yyyy年M月d日"2019年1月7日 试 用 例 报 告 目录 TOC ...

  6. 基于BS架构考试系统的设计与分析

    摘  要 计算机网络如果结合使用信息管理系统,能够提高管理员管理的效率,改善服务质量.优秀的考试系统能够更有效管理用户考试和评分业务规范,帮助管理者更加有效管理用户考试和评分,可以帮助提高克服人工管理 ...

  7. 2020压力管道巡检维护模拟考试及压力管道巡检维护模拟考试系统

    题库来源:安全生产模拟考试一点通公众号小程序 2020压力管道巡检维护模拟考试及压力管道巡检维护模拟考试系统,包含压力管道巡检维护模拟考试答案解析及压力管道巡检维护模拟考试系统练习.由安全生产模拟考试 ...

  8. oa系统对服务器的要求1000台,OA系统的性能需要压力测试

    很多用户在上线OA系统的时候,只是个人或几个人测试感觉没问题,就冲忙上线了,结果当几各人同时在线使用时,OA系统却崩溃了,这是由于OA系统在上线前并没有做压力测试造成的,导致OA系统访问异常缓慢. 毫 ...

  9. 压力测试时软件崩溃怎么办,完善压力测试 避免系统崩溃恶果

    压力测试对系统的重要作用 我们对应用程序进行压力测试时经常会出现这种情况,就是测试到了最后却发现不明白测试结果有什么意义?实际上,当我们都不明白压力测试的意义时,我们就不能设计出各种极限测试用例. 压 ...


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