





  1. 泛洪法
  2. 扫描线法
  3. 区段法
  4. 算法分析与实验















FloodFill(seed,bitmap,includePredicate,process)set all postions of flagMap to falseset container Q to empty.push seed into Qset seed position in flagMap to trueprocess(seed)while Q is not emptypop a point P from Qforeach point T in Adj(P)if  includePredicate(T) is trueset position of T in flagMap to truepush T into Qprocess(T)end    


    public struct Int16Triple{public int X;public int Y;public int Z;public Int16Triple(int x, int y,int z){X = x;Y = y;Z = z;}}public class BitMap3d{public const byte WHITE = 255;public const byte BLACK = 0;public byte[] data;public int width;public int height;public int depth;public BitMap3d(int width, int height,int depth, byte v){this.width = width;this.height = height;this.depth = depth;data = new byte[width * height * depth];for (int i = 0; i < width * height*depth; i++)data[i] = v;}public BitMap3d(byte[] data, int width, int height,int depth){this.data = data;this.width = width;this.height = height;this.depth = depth;}public void SetPixel(int x, int y,int z,byte v){data[x + y * width+z*width*height] = v;}public byte GetPixel(int x, int y,int z){return data[x + y * width+z*width*height];}public void ReadRaw(string path){FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);fs.Read(data, 0, width*height*depth);fs.Close();}public void SaveRaw(string path){FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);fs.Close();}}public class FlagMap3d{public int width;public int height;public int depth;BitArray flags;public FlagMap3d(int width, int height,int depth){this.width = width;this.height = height;this.depth = depth;flags = new BitArray(width * height*depth, false);}public void SetFlagOn(int x, int y, int z,bool v){flags[x + y * width+z*width*height] = v;}public bool GetFlagOn(int x, int y,int z){return flags[x + y * width+z*width*height];}


class FloodFill3d{protected BitMap3d bmp;protected FlagMap3d flagsMap;protected Container<Int16Triple> container;protected int count = 0;public byte min;public byte max;protected bool IncludePredicate(Int16Triple p){byte v = bmp.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);return v > min && v < max;}protected void Process(Int16Triple p){count++;return;}protected virtual void ExcuteFloodFill(BitMap3d data, Int16Triple seed){this.bmp = data;data.ResetVisitCount();flagsMap = new FlagMap3d(data.width, data.height,data.depth);Int16Triple[] adjPoints6 = new Int16Triple[6];flagsMap.SetFlagOn(seed.X, seed.Y, seed.Z,true);container.Push(seed);Process(seed);while (!container.Empty()){Int16Triple p = container.Pop();InitAdj6(ref adjPoints6, ref p);for (int adjIndex = 0; adjIndex < 6; adjIndex++){Int16Triple t = adjPoints6[adjIndex];if (t.X < data.width && t.X >= 0 && t.Y < data.height && t.Y >= 0&&t.Z<data.depth&&t.Z>=0){if (!flagsMap.GetFlagOn(t.X, t.Y,t.Z) && IncludePredicate(t)){flagsMap.SetFlagOn(t.X, t.Y,t.Z, true);container.Push(t);Process(t);}}}}return;}protected void InitAdj6(ref Int16Triple[] adjPoints6, ref Int16Triple p){adjPoints6[0].X = p.X - 1;adjPoints6[0].Y = p.Y;adjPoints6[0].Z = p.Z;adjPoints6[1].X = p.X + 1;adjPoints6[1].Y = p.Y;adjPoints6[1].Z = p.Z;adjPoints6[2].X = p.X;adjPoints6[2].Y = p.Y - 1;adjPoints6[2].Z = p.Z;adjPoints6[3].X = p.X;adjPoints6[3].Y = p.Y + 1;adjPoints6[3].Z = p.Z;adjPoints6[4].X = p.X;adjPoints6[4].Y = p.Y;adjPoints6[4].Z = p.Z-1;adjPoints6[5].X = p.X;adjPoints6[5].Y = p.Y;adjPoints6[5].Z = p.Z+1;}}



  1. (xleft,p.Y-1,p.Z)~(xright,p.Y-1,p.Z)
  2. (xleft,p.Y+1,p.Z)~(xright,p.Y+1,p.Z)
  3. (xleft,p.Y,p.Z-1)~(xright,p.Y,p.Z-1)
  4. (xleft,p.Y,p.Z+1)~(xright,p.Y,p.Z+1)


  1. (xleft-1,p.Y-1,p.Z)~(xright+1,p.Y-1,p.Z)
  2. (xleft-1,p.Y+1,p.Z)~(xright+1,p.Y+1,p.Z)
  3. (xleft-1,p.Y,p.Z-1)~(xright+1,p.Y,p.Z-1)
  4. (xleft-1,p.Y,p.Z+1)~(xright+1,p.Y,p.Z+1)
  5. (xleft-1,p.Y-1,p.Z-1)~(xright+1,p.Y-1,p.Z-1)
  6. (xleft-1,p.Y+1,p.Z+1)~(xright+1,p.Y+1,p.Z+1)
  7. (xleft-1,p.Y+1,p.Z-1)~(xright+1,p.Y+1,p.Z-1)
  8. (xleft-1,p.Y-1,p.Z+1)~(xright+1,p.Y-1,p.Z+1)



class ScanlineFill3d{protected int count = 0;protected Container<Int16Triple> container;//这个容器可以是Queue和Stack中任意一种,这里抽象成一个Containerprotected BitMap3d bmp;public FlagMap3d flagsMap;protected virtual void ExcuteScanlineFill(BitMap3d data, Int16Triple seed){this.bmp = data;data.ResetVisitCount();flagsMap = new FlagMap3d(data.width, data.height, data.depth);flagsMap.SetFlagOn(seed.X, seed.Y, seed.Z, true);container.Push(seed);Process(seed);while (!container.Empty()){Int16Triple p = container.Pop();int xleft = FindXLeft(p);int xright = FindXRight(p);if (p.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xleft, xright, p.Y - 1, p.Z);if (p.Y + 1 < data.height)CheckRange(xleft, xright, p.Y + 1, p.Z);if (p.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xleft, xright, p.Y, p.Z - 1);if (p.Z + 1 < data.depth)CheckRange(xleft, xright, p.Y, p.Z + 1);}}//该函数为扫描线法主体protected void CheckRange(int xleft, int xright, int y, int z){for (int i = xleft; i <= xright; ){if ((!flagsMap.GetFlagOn(i, y, z)) && IncludePredicate(i, y, z)){int rb = i + 1;while (rb <= xright && (!flagsMap.GetFlagOn(rb, y, z)) && IncludePredicate(rb, y, z)){rb++;}rb--;Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(rb, y, z);flagsMap.SetFlagOn(rb, y, z, true);container.Push(t);Process(t);i = rb + 1;}else{i++;}}}//CheckRange操作protected int FindXLeft(Int16Triple p){int xleft = p.X - 1;while (true){if (xleft == -1 || flagsMap.GetFlagOn(xleft, p.Y, p.Z)){break;}else{byte value = bmp.GetPixel(xleft, p.Y, p.Z);if (IncludePredicate(xleft, p.Y, p.Z)){Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(xleft, p.Y, p.Z);flagsMap.SetFlagOn(xleft, p.Y, p.Z, true);Process(t);xleft--;}else{break;}}}return xleft + 1;}//FindXLeft操作protected int FindXRight(Int16Triple p){int xright = p.X + 1;while (true){if (xright == bmp.width || flagsMap.GetFlagOn(xright, p.Y, p.Z)){break;}else{byte value = bmp.GetPixel(xright, p.Y, p.Z);if (IncludePredicate(xright, p.Y, p.Z)){Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(xright, p.Y, p.Z);flagsMap.SetFlagOn(xright, p.Y, p.Z, true);Process(t);xright++;}else{break;}}}return xright - 1;}//FindXRight操作public byte min;public byte max;protected bool IncludePredicate(int x,int y,int z){byte v = bmp.GetPixel(x, y,z);return v > min && v < max;}protected void Process(Int16Triple p){count++;}}




enum ParentDirections{Y0 = 1, Y2 = 2,Z0=3,Z2=4, Non = 5}enum ExtendTypes{LeftRequired = 1, RightRequired = 2, AllRez = 3, UnRez = 4}struct Span{public int XLeft;public int XRight;public int Y;public int Z;public ExtendTypes Extended;public ParentDirections ParentDirection;}class SpanFill3d{protected int count = 0;protected BitMap3d bmp;public FlagMap3d flagsMap;protected Container<Span> container;//以Span为单位的Queue或Stack容器protected virtual void ExcuteSpanFill(BitMap3d data, Int16Triple seed){this.bmp = data;data.ResetVisitCount();flagsMap = new FlagMap3d(data.width, data.height,data.depth);Process(seed);flagsMap.SetFlagOn(seed.X, seed.Y,seed.Z, true);Span seedspan = new Span();seedspan.XLeft = seed.X;seedspan.XRight = seed.X;seedspan.Y = seed.Y;seedspan.Z = seed.Z;seedspan.ParentDirection = ParentDirections.Non;seedspan.Extended = ExtendTypes.UnRez;container.Push(seedspan);while (!container.Empty()){Span span = container.Pop();#region AllRezif (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.AllRez){if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y-1,z]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y,z-1]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < data.depth)//[spx-spy,y,z+1]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0){if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)//[spx-spy,y+1,z]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 > 0)//[spx-spy,y,z-1]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < data.depth)//[spx-spy,y,z+1]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y-1,z]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)//[spx-spy,y+1,z]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y,z-1]CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z + 1 < data.depth)CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}throw new Exception();}#endregion#region UnRezif (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.UnRez){int xl = FindXLeft(span.XLeft, span.Y,span.Z);int xr = FindXRight(span.XRight, span.Y,span.Z);if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height){if (xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);}if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0){if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Y - 1 >= 0){if (xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);}if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth){if (xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z+1, ParentDirections.Z0);if (span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z+1, ParentDirections.Z0);}continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0){if (xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z -1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);}if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Non){if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}throw new Exception();}#endregion#region LeftRequiredif (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.LeftRequired){int xl = FindXLeft(span.XLeft, span.Y,span.Z);if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height && xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y , span.Z-1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y , span.Z+1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0 && xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0 )CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2); if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth && xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0 && xl != span.XLeft)CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth )CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}throw new Exception();}#endregion#region RightRequiredif (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.RightRequired){int xr = FindXRight(span.XRight, span.Y,span.Z);if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y - 1,span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height && span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y + 1,span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z-1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z+1, ParentDirections.Z0); continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0){if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Y - 1 >= 0 && span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0); continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth && span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);continue;}if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0){if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);if (span.Z - 1 >= 0 && span.XRight != xr)CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0); continue;}throw new Exception();}#endregion}}protected void CheckRange(int xleft, int xright, int y, int z,ParentDirections ptype){for (int i = xleft; i <= xright; ){if ((!flagsMap.GetFlagOn(i, y,z)) && IncludePredicate(i, y,z)){int lb = i;int rb = i + 1;while (rb <= xright && (!flagsMap.GetFlagOn(rb, y,z)) && IncludePredicate(rb, y,z)){rb++;}rb--;Span span = new Span();span.XLeft = lb;span.XRight = rb;span.Y = y;span.Z = z;if (lb == xleft && rb == xright){span.Extended = ExtendTypes.UnRez;}else if (rb == xright){span.Extended = ExtendTypes.RightRequired;}else if (lb == xleft){span.Extended = ExtendTypes.LeftRequired;}else{span.Extended = ExtendTypes.AllRez;}span.ParentDirection = ptype;for (int j = lb; j <= rb; j++){flagsMap.SetFlagOn(j, y,z, true);Process(new Int16Triple(j, y,z));}container.Push(span);i = rb + 1;}else{i++;}}}//区段法的CheckRange 注意与扫描线的CheckRange的不同protected int FindXRight(int x, int y,int z){int xright = x + 1;while (true){if (xright == bmp.width || flagsMap.GetFlagOn(xright, y,z)){break;}else{if (IncludePredicate(xright, y,z)){Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(xright, y,z);flagsMap.SetFlagOn(xright, y,z ,true);Process(t);xright++;}else{break;}}}return xright - 1;}protected int FindXLeft(int x, int y,int z){int xleft = x - 1;while (true){if (xleft == -1 || flagsMap.GetFlagOn(xleft, y, z)){break;}else{if (IncludePredicate(xleft, y,z)){Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(xleft, y,z);flagsMap.SetFlagOn(xleft, y,z, true);Process(t);xleft--;}else{break;}}}return xleft + 1;}public byte min;public byte max;protected bool IncludePredicate(int x, int y, int z){byte v = bmp.GetPixel(x, y, z);return v > min && v < max;}protected void Process(Int16Triple p){count++;}}



图像预览 数据名称 参数说明


  • 大小:301×324×56
  • 文件:Lobster.raw
  • 种子点:(124, 168, 27)
  • 阈值范围:37~255
  • 描述:CT scan of a lobster contained in a block of resin.
  • 大小:256×256×128
  • 文件:Engine.raw
  • 种子点:(149, 44, 43)
  • 阈值范围:64~255
  • 描述:CT scan of two cylinders of an engine block.
  • 大小:301×324×56
  • 文件:Backpack.raw
  • 种子点:(53, 390, 160)
  • 阈值范围:46~255
  • 描述:CT scan of a backpack filled with items.
  • 大小:512×512×442
  • 文件:Phantom.raw
  • 种子点:(256,256,227)
  • 阈值范围:42~255
  • 描述:CT scan of a Colon phantom with several different objects and five pedunculated large polyps in the central object.
  • 大小:200×200×200
  • 文件:Cube.raw
  • 种子点:(50,50,50)
  • 阈值范围:0~255
  • 描述:全白色,用于测试全部充满的极端情况


测试数据 泛洪法(栈式) 泛洪法(队列式) 扫描线法(栈式) 扫描线法(队列式) 区段法(栈式) 区段法(队列式) 区域点数
lobster 86ms 76ms 56ms 64ms 40ms 47ms 277367
engine 329ms 345ms 216ms 254ms 137ms 183ms 1154807
backpack 596ms 638ms 426ms 470ms 319ms 351ms 19115450
phantom 13468ms 14118ms 6520ms 8279ms 3701ms 4066ms 39759257
cube 2120ms 2259ms 1292ms 1404ms 691ms 692ms 800000


算法 GetPixel/总点数 GetFlagOn/总点数 SetFlagOn/总点数 Push和Pop/总点数 总点数 时间花费
泛洪法(栈式) 1.945581 5.997103 1.0 1.0 1915450 596ms
泛洪法(队列式) 1.945581 5.997103 1.0 1.0 1915450 638ms
扫描线法(栈式) 4.165088 5.337406 1.0 0.2668 1915450 426ms
扫描线法(队列式) 2.715424 5.774523 1.0 0.7589 1915450 470ms
区段法(栈式) 1.911485 3.526728 1.0 0.2147 1915450 319ms
区段法(队列式) 1.931963 3.754333 1.0 0.3628 1915450 351ms



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    本文只用作笔记,方便日后查阅. 种子点生长算法上--二维种子点生长 下文提到的种子点生长算法,包括泛洪法,扫描线法,区段法三种.文本先从最简单的泛洪法入手介绍种子点生长算法的相关概念.之后进一步讨论了 ...

  3. python 区域生长算法_多种子的区域生长算法

    摘要:多种子的区域生长算法,基于C++编写. 关键字:图像处理, 种子生长, 区域生长 1. 题外话 最近需要找一种简单对图像进行分割的算法,作为后续算法的前处理阶段.最开始想到的是聚类,但是聚类会有 ...

  4. 一颗种子,一颗小树苗 在快速生长长大的过程中,遇到风雨在所难免

    合抱之木,生于毫末,这个道理已经流传了千年,而且还将继续流传千万年下去. 所以,鉴往知来. 您要想有合抱之木的事业,必须先要埋下合抱之木的种子,然后才是然后的事情.现在的您,如果已经埋下了种子,那么, ...

  5. 多种子的区域生长算法

    摘要:多种子的区域生长算法,基于C++编写. 关键字:图像处理, 种子生长, 区域生长 本文是我旧博客中的博文,在CSDN图片显示不正常,请移步旧博客查看:https://imlogm.github. ...

  6. matlab下三维dla模型模拟,Matlab下三维DLA模型模拟

    Matlab下三维DLA模型模拟 2007-01-11 19:18 function dla3dv5(Nsum,Wstep) %定义dla函数,Nsum为所生成絮体包含的颗粒数,Wstep为计算过程中 ...

  7. 叶脉图案以及藤蔓生长算法在houdini里面的实现 Leaf Venation

    继续跟着CGworkshops里面的Shawn Lipowski大神学习在houdini里面写Vex,昨天简单看了一下他做植物生长的那一课,了解了一下思路于是开始自己着手写,本人不太习惯一步一步跟着学 ...

  8. C++实现Delaunay三角网生长算法

    目录 一.概述 1.1 三角网的介绍 1.2 Delaunay三角形 二.三角网生长算法 2.1 建立第一个三角形 2.2 扩展TIN 三.各部分代码实现 3.1 数据结构 3.2 算法过程 3.3  ...

  9. c++ 凸包 分治算法_三维凸包

    缘起 众所周知,二维凸包可以使用 Graham 扫描 内解决. 所以本文来学习一下三维空间中凸包的一种直观算法--增量算法(increment algorithm) 分析 有一条叫 Willy 的苹果 ...

  10. 【APF三维路径规划】基于matlab人工势场算法无人机三维路径规划【含Matlab源码 168期】

    一.获取代码方式 获取代码方式1: 通过订阅紫极神光博客付费专栏,凭支付凭证,私信博主,可获得此代码. 获取代码方式2: 完整代码已上传我的资源:[三维路径规划]基于matlab人工势场算法无人机三维 ...


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