也许我们每个人都知道斐波那契数列(Fibonacci sequence)。即这样一个数列:1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...,如果我们用伪代码比表示:

int FibonacciSequence(int n){if (n == 1 || n == 2) {return 1;}return FibonacciSequence(n - 1) + FibonacciSequence(n - 2);

接下来我们会知道为什么叫斐波那契堆,本文不涉及任何的分析(这里平摊分析(Amortized analysis))。

1. 概述


2. 斐波那契堆的结构



3. 基本数据结构

typedef int ElemType;// the structure of each node of this heap
typedef struct FiboNode{// the key_valueElemType data;struct FiboNode *p;struct FiboNode *child;struct FiboNode *left;struct FiboNode *right;// the number of its childrenint degree;// indicates whether the node lost a childint marked;
} FiboNode;
// generate a node
FiboNode * generateFiboNode(ElemType data) {FiboNode * fn = NULL;fn = (FiboNode *) malloc(sizeof(FiboNode));if (fn != NULL) {fn->p = NULL;fn->child = NULL;fn->left = NULL;fn->right = NULL;fn->data = data;fn->marked = FALSE;} else {printf("memory allocation of FiboNode failed");}return fn;
// represent the fibonacci heap
typedef struct FibonacciHeap{// pointer pointing to min key in the heapFiboNode *min;// the number of nodes the heap containingint n;
} *FibonacciHeap;
// create Fibonacci Heap, and return it
FibonacciHeap makeFiboHeap() {FibonacciHeap h = NULL;h = (struct FibonacciHeap *) malloc(sizeof(struct FibonacciHeap));if (h == NULL) {printf("memory allocation of FibonacciHeap failed");}h->min = NULL;h->n = 0;return h;

4. 插入

插入其实很简单,就是把待插入的元素插入根列表(root list)中去,即上图[2]中min[H]指向的那一行。

// union two heap
FibonacciHeap heapUnion(FibonacciHeap *h1, FibonacciHeap *h2) {// using a new heapFibonacciHeap h = makeFiboHeap();if (h != NULL) {// concatenate the root list of h with h1 and h2if ((*h1)->min == NULL) {h->min = (*h2)->min;} else if ((*h2)->min == NULL) {h->min = (*h1)->min;} else {FiboNode *min_h1 = (*h1)->min;FiboNode *min_right_h1 = min_h1->right;FiboNode *min_h2 = (*h2)->min;FiboNode *min_right_h2 = min_h2->right;min_h1->right = min_right_h2;min_right_h2->left = min_h1;min_h2->right = min_right_h1;min_right_h1->left = min_h2;if ((*h1)->min->data > (*h2)->min->data) {h->min = (*h2)->min;} else {h->min = (*h1)->min;}}// release the free memoryfree(*h1);*h1 = NULL;free(*h2);*h2 = NULL;// update the nh->n = (*h1)->n + (*h2)->n;}return h;

5. 合并(Union)


// union two heap
FibonacciHeap heapUnion(FibonacciHeap *h1, FibonacciHeap *h2) {// using a new heapFibonacciHeap h = makeFiboHeap();if (h != NULL) {// concatenate the root list of h with h1 and h2if ((*h1)->min == NULL) {h->min = (*h2)->min;} else if ((*h2)->min == NULL) {h->min = (*h1)->min;} else {FiboNode *min_h1 = (*h1)->min;FiboNode *min_right_h1 = min_h1->right;FiboNode *min_h2 = (*h2)->min;FiboNode *min_right_h2 = min_h2->right;min_h1->right = min_right_h2;min_right_h2->left = min_h1;min_h2->right = min_right_h1;min_right_h1->left = min_h2;if ((*h1)->min->data > (*h2)->min->data) {h->min = (*h2)->min;} else {h->min = (*h1)->min;}}// release the free memoryfree(*h1);*h1 = NULL;free(*h2);*h2 = NULL;// update the nh->n = (*h1)->n + (*h2)->n;}return h;

6. 抽取最小节点

step1. 让最小节点的的所有子节点添加到根列表中去。
step2. 从根列表中删除最小节点。
step3. 创建一个log(n) + 1 的节点指针数组A。
step4. 对根列表进行合并,使得其满足我们堆斐波那契堆的定义(即根列表中的节点的度数具有唯一性)

// extract minimum node in this heap
FiboNode * extractMinimum(FibonacciHeap h) {// the minimum nodeFiboNode * z = h->min;if (z != NULL) {FiboNode * firstChid = z->child;// add the children of minimum node to the root list.if (firstChid != NULL) {FiboNode * sibling = firstChid->right;// min_right point the right node of minimum nodeFiboNode * min_right = z->right;// add the first child to the root listz->right = firstChid;firstChid->left = z;min_right->left = firstChid;firstChid->right = min_right;firstChid->p = NULL;min_right = firstChid;while (firstChid != sibling) {// record the right sibling of siblingFiboNode *sibling_right = sibling->right;z->right = sibling;sibling->left = z;sibling->right = min_right;min_right->left = sibling;min_right = sibling;sibling = sibling_right;// update the psibling->p = NULL;}}// remove z from the root listz->left->right = z->right;z->right->left = z->left;// the root list has only one nodeif (z == z->right) {h->min = NULL;// the children of z shoud be the root list of the heap// and find the minimum in this heapif (z->child != NULL) {FiboNode *child = z->child;h->min = child;FiboNode *sibling = child->right;while (child != sibling) {if (h->min->data > sibling->data) {h->min = sibling;}sibling = sibling->right;}}} else {h->min = z->right;consolidate(h);}h->n -= 1;}return z;}

1. link操作

// make y a child of x
void heapLink(FibonacciHeap h, FiboNode *y, FiboNode *x) {// remove y from the root list of hy->left->right = y->right;y->right->left = y->left;// make y a child of x, incrementing x.degreeFiboNode * child = x->child;if (child == NULL) {x->child = y;y->left = y;y->right = y;} else {y->right = child->right;child->right->left = y;y->left = child;child->right = y;}y->p = x;x->degree += 1;y->marked = FALSE;

2. 合并
创建一个辅助数组A[0, 1..., D(H.n)]来记录根节点对应的度数的轨迹。如果A[i] = y, 则degree[y] = i.通过遍历根列表,若对应度数的数组A[i]为NILL,表示还没有记录,则使得A[i] = y, 否则存在两个度数相同的度数的根列表节点,则我们需要对其进行link操作,使之度数增加1,并设置A[i] = NILL, 然后再探查A[i + 1]是否为NIll, 为NILL则记录,否则再进行link操作,这样循环往复。

void consolidate(FibonacciHeap h) {int dn = (int)(log(h->n) / log(2)) + 1;FiboNode * A[dn];int i;for (i = 0; i < dn; ++i) {A[i] = NULL;}// the first node we will consolidateFiboNode *w  = h->min;// the final node in this heap we will consolidateFiboNode *f = w->left;FiboNode *x = NULL;FiboNode *y = NULL;int d;// tempFiboNode *t = NULL;while (w != f) {d = w->degree;x = w;w = w->right;while (A[d] != NULL) {// another node with the same degree as xy = A[d];if(x->data > y->data) {t = x;x = y;y = t;}heapLink(h, y, x);A[d] = NULL;d += 1;}A[d] = x;}// the last node to consolidate (f == w)d = w->degree;x = w;while (A[d] != NULL) {// another node with the same degree as xy = A[d];if(x->data > y->data) {t = x;x = y;y = t;}heapLink(h, y, x);A[d] = NULL;d += 1;}A[d] = x;int min_key = 100000;h->min = NULL;// to get min in this heapfor (i = 0; i < dn; ++i) {if(A[i] != NULL && A[i]->data < min_key) {h->min = A[i];min_key = A[i]->data;}}

7. 降低节点的值


// decrease the data of given node to the key
void heapDecreaseKey(FibonacciHeap h, FiboNode *x, ElemType key) {if (key >= x->data) {printf("new key is's smaller than original value");return;}x->data = key;FiboNode *y = x->p;// if x->data >= y->data, do nothing// else we need cutif (y != NULL && x->data < y->data) {cut(h, x, y);cascadingCut(h, y);}// get min node of this heapif (x->data < h->min->data) {h->min = x;}
// if we cut node x from y, it indicates root list of
// h not null
void cut(FibonacciHeap h, FiboNode *x, FiboNode *y) {// remove x from child list of y, decrementing degree[y]if(y->degree == 1) {y->child = NULL;} else {x->left->right = x->right;x->right->left = x->left;// update child[y]y->child = x->right;}// add x to the root list of hx->left = h->min;x->right = h->min->right;h->min->right = x;x->right->left = x;// updating p[x], marked[x] and decrementing degree[y]x->p = NULL;x->marked = FALSE;y->degree -= 1;
void cascadingCut(FibonacciHeap h, FiboNode *y) {FiboNode *z = y->p;if (z != NULL) {if (y->marked == FALSE) {y->marked = TRUE;} else {cut(h, y, z);cascadingCut(h, z);}}

4)若x的父亲在失去第一个孩子的时候则要Mark = true,当y失去第2个孩子,则y要和y的父亲z切断,接着这样不断上升操作。

8. 删除

2)进行extractMinimum() 操作
void heapDelete(FibonacciHeap h, FiboNode *x) {
    heapDecreaseKey(h, x, -10000);


[1] Thomas H.Cormen、Charles E.Leiserson《算法导论》第三版 第十九章 “斐波那契对” p291
[2]  Thomas H.Cormen、Charles E.Leiserson《算法导论》第三版 第十九章 “斐波那契对” p291
[2]  Thomas H.Cormen、Charles E.Leiserson《算法导论》第三版 第十九章 “斐波那契对” p295

感谢 Thomas H.Cormen、Charles E.Leiserson等人



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