仿win7 aero

Are you missing the Classic Start Menu in your new Windows 7 installation? Now you can get it back and enjoy the Aero-Glass look as well.

您是否在新的Windows 7安装中缺少经典的“开始”菜单? 现在,您可以将其取回并欣赏Aero-Glass的外观。



Here is the regular “Start Menu” on one of our example systems. Organized and nice but it would be nicer to be able to switch back and forth between the regular and classic styles whenever we wanted.

这是我们示例系统之一上的常规“开始菜单”。 井井有条,很不错,但是只要我们愿意,可以在常规样式和经典样式之间来回切换会更好。



When you download the app it will be in a zip file and once you have unzipped the contents here is what is included. At this point you will need to create a “Program Files” folder, place the contents inside, and create a convenient shortcut. Now you are ready to have the “Classic Menu” back.

当您下载该应用程序时,它将保存在一个zip文件中,并且一旦您解压缩了内容,便包含其中。 此时,您将需要创建一个“ Program Files”文件夹,将内容放在其中,并创建一个方便的快捷方式。 现在,您可以恢复“经典菜单”了。


As soon as you start the app your menu will be automatically converted over to the classic style. The rounded corners and Aero-Glass effect make it look very nice. And access for the classic style menu is just the same as for the regular style menu (i.e. Windows Key, Ctrl + Esc, or left clicking the mouse button).

一旦启动该应用程序,您的菜单就会自动转换为经典样式。 圆角和航空玻璃效果使它看起来非常漂亮。 经典样式菜单的访问与常规样式菜单的访问相同(即Windows键,Ctrl + Esc或单击鼠标左键)。

At the moment “drag & drop, add, remove, rename, and sort items” features are not available in Classic Windows Start Menu. You can make these changes in your regular style menu and the changes will be reflected in the classic style menu when you switch back.

目前,“经典Windows开始菜单”中没有“拖放,添加,删除,重命名和排序项目”功能。 您可以在常规样式菜单中进行这些更改,并且当您切换回时,更改将反映在经典样式菜单中。

A nice built-in trick is the “Original menu…” listing. Click on it to temporarily view and use the regular menu and then click on the “Start Menu Orb Icon” to return to the classic style menu.

一个不错的内置技巧是“原始菜单…”列表。 单击它可以临时查看并使用常规菜单,然后单击“开始菜单球图标”以返回经典样式菜单。

If you want (or need) to exit the classic style menu simply right click on the “Start Menu Orb Icon” to open the “Exit Window”.


Note: If you would like for Classic Windows Start Menu to auto-start with Windows each time you will need to add the appropriate shortcut to the “Start Folder”.

注意:如果您希望Classic Windows的“开始”菜单每次都随Windows自动启动,则需要在“开始文件夹”中添加适当的快捷方式。



Classic Windows Start Menu provides a quick and easy way to have the classic style menu back in Windows 7 while letting you enjoy the Aero-Glass look as well.

经典Windows开始菜单提供了一种快速简便的方法,使经典样式菜单返回Windows 7,同时还使您能够欣赏Aero-Glass的外观。

注意:下载链接已更新为新的源。 (NOTICE: The download link has been updated to a new source.)



Download Classic Windows Start Menu


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7218/get-an-aero-styled-classic-start-menu-in-windows-7/

仿win7 aero

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