
It was only a matter of time before people started cloning Windows Vista features and adding them into Windows XP. One of my favorite Vista features is the thumbnails that popup when you mouse over the taskbar. And now I can use them in XP as well.

人们开始克隆Windows Vista功能并将其添加到Windows XP中只是时间问题。 我最喜欢的Vista功能之一是将鼠标悬停在任务栏上时会弹出的缩略图。 现在,我也可以在XP中使用它们。

The utility we’ll use is called Visual Tooltip, which is a hybrid dock / thumbnail applicaton. With a few tweaks to the settings, we can make it work just like Vista thumbnails.

我们将使用的实用工具称为Visual Tooltip,它是混合停靠/缩略图应用程序。 通过一些设置的调整,我们可以使其像Vista缩略图一样工作。

Here’s what it looks like on my desktop… pretty sweet!


To make your thumbnails look the same as mine, just follow these couple of steps. Download and start the application, and open up the options from the tray icon.

要使缩略图看起来与我的缩略图相同,只需执行以下几步。 下载并启动应用程序,然后从任务栏图标打开选项。

Increase the size of the sliders to make the thumbnail bigger, and then uncheck the option for “Size proportional to the target window”.


Click on the Display tab, and then uncheck the “Show window title”


That’s all there is to it.


Download Visual Tooltip 2.1

下载Visual Tooltip 2.1



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