Once a week we round up some of the responses we’ve fired off to How-To Geek readers and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at how to move the default location for documents in Windows 7, backing up Android, and multi-monitor taskbars in Windows 7.

每周一次,我们汇总一些反馈给How-To Geek读者的答案,并与大家分享。 本周,我们将研究如何在Windows 7中移动文档的默认位置,在Windows 7中备份Android和多显示器任务栏。

如何将“我的文档”移动到辅助磁盘? (How Do I Move “My Documents” To A Secondary Disk?)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I have been reading your site avidly for almost a year. Among others, some of the things I learned from your site were where to get the Windows 8 preview, how to dual-boot my machine, and later how to use EasyBCD to edit the boot files and restore it back to a one OS computer.

我一直在狂热地阅读您的网站将近一年。 除其他外,我从您的站点中学到的东西包括在何处获取Windows 8预览,如何双重引导计算机以及后来如何使用EasyBCD编辑引导文件并将其还原到一台OS计算机上。

I just caught the SSD bug after reading last week’s Ask HTG column, which referenced an article from last year about the differences between SSD vs HDD.

在阅读上周的Ask HTG专栏后,我才发现SSD的错误,该专栏引用了去年有关SSD与HDD之间差异的文章 。

I plan to use the SSD for my OS (Win 7 64-bit) and programs (Office, Photoshop, etc) and an HDD as the file storage drive. My question is, can you write an article, or direct me to information that will show me how, once installed, I can change the default location where files are stored to the second drive, rather than the C: drive? I want it so that when I save files in the ‘My Documents’ folder, they will automatically be written to the second drive, without having to select the drive and the subsequent folders from a dropdown box every time I want to save something.

我计划将SSD用于操作系统(Win 7 64位)和程序(Office,Photoshop等),并将HDD用作文件存储驱动器。 我的问题是,您能写一篇文章还是将我引向显示给我的信息,向我展示如何在安装后更改文件存储到第二个驱动器而不是C:驱动器的默认位置? 我想要它,这样当我将文件保存在“我的文档”文件夹中时,它们将自动写入第二个驱动器,而无需每次我要保存内容时都从下拉框中选择驱动器和后续文件夹。

Thank you so much and keep up the excellent work!




Default Swapper


Dear Default Swapper,


Moving the default locations has been a pretty simple affair since Windows Vista. In fact, the quick guide we shared to swapping default locations in Windows Vista works just as well for Windows 7—you can check it out here. Essentially all you need to do, once you install Windows 7, is to right click on each folder in your Windows 7 Library—such as My Documents—and select properties. Under the Location tab, pick a new folder for the folder. That’s it! While you’re tweaking Windows to your liking, don’t forget to customize your Library save locations.

自Windows Vista以来,移动默认位置一直是一件非常简单的事情。 实际上,我们共享的在Windows Vista中交换默认位置的快速指南同样适用于Windows 7- 您可以在此处查看 。 本质上,安装Windows 7后,您所需要做的就是右键单击Windows 7库中的每个文件夹(例如“我的文档”),然后选择属性。 在“位置”选项卡下,为该文件夹选择一个新文件夹。 而已! 在根据自己的喜好调整Windows时,请不要忘记自定义“库保存”位置 。

One thing you may want to keep in mind: moving the files to a slower secondary hard drive is going to slow down your workflow. This isn’t a big deal if you’re not accessing the files frequently, but if you’re going to be opening, editing, and saving lots of files all day long then you may wish to at least keep a scratch folder of sorts on your SSD in order to avoid latency.

您可能要记住一件事:将文件移动到速度较慢的辅助硬盘驱动器上将会减慢您的工作流程。 如果您不经常访问文件,这没什么大不了的,但是如果您整天要打开,编辑和保存大量文件,那么您可能希望至少保留一个临时文件夹在您的SSD上以避免延迟。

如何备份Android手机上的所有内容? (How Can I Backup Everything On My Android Phone?)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’m a new Android phone user and I’d really love a simple way to back up everything on my phone. I’m talking everything, short of outright cloning the phone like a computer hard drive. I want to backup my apps, my contacts, my system settings, the whole nine yards. What do I need?

我是Android手机的新用户,我非常喜欢一种简单的方法来备份手机上的所有内容。 我正在谈论一切,只是没有像计算机硬盘那样彻底克隆电话。 我想备份我的应用程序,联系人,系统设置以及整个九码。 我需要什么?



Backup 4 Life


Dear Backup 4 Life,

尊敬的Backup 4 Life:

If you’d like that level of control and depth to your phone backup, there’s no better app for the task than Titanium Backup. You’ll need to root your phone but once you do so, Titanium Backup will back up just about every single thing on your phone. Check out our in-depth guide to using Titanium Backup here.

如果您希望对手机备份进行控制和深度控制,那么没有比钛备份更好的应用程序了。 您需要将手机植根,但一旦这样做,Titanium Backup将备份手机上几乎所有的东西。 在此处查看我们有关使用Titanium Backup的深入指南 。

在Windows 7中设置多监视器任务栏 (Setting Up a Multi-Monitor Taskbar in Windows 7)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I saw your article on how to tweak the Windows 8 multi-monitor taskbar. I didn’t realize, until I saw that article, how bad I want a multi-monitor taskbar! The problem is I’m in Windows 7. What can I do? I reallywant a sweet cross-monitor taskbar!

我看到了您有关如何调整Windows 8多显示器任务栏的文章 。 直到看到那篇文章,我才意识到我想要一个多监视器任务栏有多糟糕! 问题是我在Windows 7中。该怎么办? 我真的想要一个甜美的跨显示器任务栏!



Taskbar Envy


Dear Taskbar Envy,


If you’re rocking multiple monitors in Windows 7 and desiring a little customization, your first stop should be our guide to maxing our the multi-monitor magic under Windows 7. Among other things, you’ll see how to get multi-monitor taskbars in Windows 7—I use Display Fusion Pro and love everything about it. You’ll never go back to a single taskbar again!

如果您要在Windows 7中摇动多台显示器并希望进行一些自定义,那么您的第一站应该是我们的指南,以最大限度地发挥Windows 7下的多显示器魔力 。 除其他外,您将看到如何在Windows 7中获取多显示器任务栏-我使用Display Fusion Pro,并且喜欢它的所有内容。 您再也不会回到单个任务栏了!

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/113412/ask-htg-moving-my-documents-backing-up-android-and-multi-monitor-taskbars-in-windows-7/

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