Many people think Aero is completely gone in Windows 8, but this isn’t true. Microsoft hasn’t helped matters by saying they’ve “moved beyond Aero” in several blog posts. However, hardware acceleration and most Aero features are still present.

许多人认为Aero在Windows 8中已完全消失,但这不是事实。 微软在几篇博客文章中表示已“超越Aero”,对此无济于事。 但是,硬件加速和大多数Aero功能仍然存在。

Aero is more than Glass. What’s actually gone is the Aero branding and the Aero Glass theme with transparent, blurred window borders. The Flip 3D feature, which wasn’t used by many Windows users, has also been removed.

航空不仅仅是玻璃。 真正消失的是带有透明模糊窗口边框的Aero品牌和Aero Glass主题。 许多Windows用户并未使用的Flip 3D功能也已删除。

硬件加速 (Hardware Acceleration)

Windows 8’s desktop is still hardware-accelerated. Your computer’s graphics hardware (known as the GPU) is used to accelerate the rendering of windows and other interface elements. This speeds up window rendering, taking some of the load off your CPU, and allows for shinier graphical effects.

Windows 8的桌面仍在硬件加速下。 您计算机的图形硬件(称为GPU)用于加速窗口和其他界面元素的渲染。 这样可以加快窗口渲染的速度,减轻CPU的负担,并可以提供更明亮的图形效果。

Microsoft has removed the Aero Glass transparent window borders and replaced them with solid-color window borders, but this isn’t a return to Windows XP’s non-composited desktop. In fact, the desktop taskbar is still transparent.

Microsoft已删除了Aero Glass透明窗口边框,并用纯色窗口边框替换了它们,但这并不是Windows XP非合成桌面的回归。 实际上,桌面任务栏仍然是透明的。

窗口动画 (Window Animations)

Aero’s window animations are also still present. The animations that appear when you open, close, minimize, or restore a window function just as they did on Windows 7.

Aero的窗口动画也仍然存在。 当您打开,关闭,最小化或还原窗口功能时出现的动画,就像在Windows 7上一样。

航空偷看 (Aero Peek)

The Aero Peek feature, which hides windows from view, is also still present. To use Aero Peek, hover your mouse cursor over a taskbar thumbnail or press Alt-Tab and tab to a window. The window you’re hovering over will be displayed and all other windows will be made transparent. The borders around the windows look a bit less glass-like, but this feature functions the same.

还保留了Aero Peek功能,可将窗口隐藏起来。 要使用Aero Peek,请将鼠标光标悬停在任务栏缩略图上,或按Alt-Tab并跳至窗口。 悬停的窗口将显示,所有其他窗口将变为透明。 窗户周围的边框看起来不太像玻璃,但是此功能的功能相同。

You can also hover your cursor over the Show Desktop button on the bottom right corner of your taskbar to preview the desktop itself. If this doesn’t work, right-click your taskbar and select Properties. Check the Use Peek to preview the desktop checkbox. (Note that it’s now referred to as Peek – not Aero Peek, as it’s called on Windows 7.)

您也可以将光标悬停在任务栏右下角的“显示桌面”按钮上,以预览桌面本身。 如果这不起作用,请右键单击任务栏,然后选择“属性”。 选中“ 使用预览”预览桌面复选框。 (请注意,现在它被称为Peek –而不是Aero Peek,在Windows 7中被称为。)

Aero Snap (Aero Snap)

Aero Snap works just as it did on Windows 7. Drag and drop a window’s border to the left or right side of your screen and release it to quickly resize the window and have it take up half of your screen. You can also use the Windows Key+Left Arrow or Windows Key+Right Arrow keyboard shortcut to quickly make a window take up the left or right halves of your screen.

Aero Snap的工作原理与Windows 7相同。将窗口的边框拖放到屏幕的左侧或右侧,然后释放它可以快速调整窗口的大小,并占据屏幕的一半。 您还可以使用Windows键+左箭头或Windows键+右箭头键盘快捷键快速使窗口占据屏幕的左半部分或右半部分。

实时任务栏缩略图 (Live Taskbar Thumbnails)

Aero’s live taskbar previews are also still present. When you hover over a taskbar icon, you’ll see thumbnails of all its open windows. These aren’t just static previews – they’re updated along with the window itself. If you’re playing a video, you’ll see the video playing in the preview thumbnail. if you’re playing a game, you can watch the game continue to run in the preview.

Aero的实时任务栏预览仍然存在。 将鼠标悬停在任务栏图标上时,将看到其所有打开的窗口的缩略图。 这些不仅是静态预览-它们还随窗口本身一起更新。 如果您正在播放视频,则会在预览缩略图中看到正在播放的视频。 如果您正在玩游戏,则可以观看游戏继续在预览中运行。

气动摇 (Aero Shake)

The less-commonly-used Aero Shake feature is also still present. To use Aero Shake, grab a window’s title bar with your mouse and shake the window around on-screen. All other windows will automatically minimize themselves. If you grab the window’s boarder and shake it again, the minimized windows will automatically return to their initial positions.

仍然较少使用的Aero Shake功能。 要使用Aero Shake,请用鼠标抓住窗口的标题栏,然后在屏幕上摇动窗口。 所有其他窗口将自动最小化。 如果抓住窗户的边界并再次摇晃,最小化的窗户将自动返回其初始位置。

消失了:翻转3D (Gone: Flip 3D)

The Flip 3D feature introduced in Windows Vista has now been removed. Flip 3D activated an Alt-Tab-like window switcher when you pressed the Windows key and Tab at the same time. With Flip 3D, you “flip” through larger window thumbnails to select an open window.

Windows Vista中引入的Flip 3D功能现已被删除。 同时按下Windows键和Tab时,Flip 3D会激活类似Alt-Tab的窗口切换器。 使用Flip 3D,您可以“翻转”较大的窗口缩略图以选择一个打开的窗口。

In Windows 8, Microsoft now uses the Windows Key+Tab hotkey combination for the new switcher, which switches between Modern Windows 8 apps. (The traditional Alt+Tab switcher is still available. it works with both desktop and Modern-style apps.)

在Windows 8中,Microsoft现在将Windows Key + Tab热键组合用于新的切换器,该切换器可在Modern Windows 8应用程序之间进行切换。 (传统的Alt + Tab切换器仍然可用。它可用于桌面和现代风格的应用程序。)

消失了:航空玻璃 (Gone: Aero Glass)

The Aero Glass feature that offered transparent, glass-like window borders has been removed. It’s not simply off-by-default – Microsoft has removed the code for the blur effect that allowed Aero Glass to work properly.

提供透明,类似玻璃的窗口边框的Aero Glass功能已被删除。 这不仅仅是默认情况下的关闭-Microsoft已删除了使Aero Glass正常工作的模糊效果代码。

Instead of the glass-like transparent window borders, the Windows desktop now has solid-color window borders. This is what Microsoft means when they say that Aero has been removed. (The taskbar is still partially transparent, however.)

Windows桌面现在具有纯色窗口边框,而不是像玻璃一样的透明窗口边框。 当他们说Aero已被删除时,这就是Microsoft的意思。 (但是,任务栏仍然是部分透明的。)

There’s a way to re-enable transparent window borders and get an Aero Glass-like effect, but it doesn’t work as well as we would hope. The removal of the blur feature means that the window borders will be completely transparent, which can be distracting. There’s also graphical corruption in some situations – Microsoft clearly doesn’t want anyone using Aero Glass anymore.

有一种方法可以重新启用透明的窗口边框并获得类似于Aero Glass的效果 ,但是效果不如我们希望的那样。 消除模糊功能意味着窗口边框将完全透明,这可能会分散注意力。 在某些情况下,还会出现图形损坏的情况– Microsoft显然不再希望任何人使用Aero Glass。

The good news is that Aero isn’t completely gone in Windows 8 – Microsoft isn’t dragging us back to the Windows XP era by removing all the hardware acceleration and 3D effects. However, Aero Glass – perhaps Aero’s most prominent user-facing feature — is gone.

好消息是Aero并没有在Windows 8中完全消失-微软并没有通过删除所有硬件加速和3D效果使我们回到Windows XP时代。 但是,Aero Glass(也许是Aero最突出的面向用户功能)已经消失了。

If you like Aero Glass, this is unfortunate – but if you were worried about Microsoft removing hardware acceleration and Aero’s other features, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

如果您喜欢Aero Glass,这很不幸-但是如果您担心Microsoft删除硬件加速和Aero的其他功能,则可以松一口气。


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