
Binary information is represented in digital computers by physical quantities called signals. Electrical signals such as voltages exist throughout the computer in either one of the two recognizable states. The two states represent a binary variable that can be equal to 1 or 0.

二进制信息在数字计算机中由称为信号的物理量表示 。 诸如电压之类的电信号以两种可识别的状态之一存在于整个计算机中。 这两个状态表示一个二进制变量,可以等于1或0。

For example, a particular digital computer may employ a signal of 3 volts to represent binary 1 and 0.5 volt to represent binary 0. Now the input terminals of digital circuits will accept binary signals of only 3 and 0.5 volts to represent binary input and output corresponding to 1 and 0, respectively.

例如,特定的数字计算机可以使用3伏的信号表示二进制1而使用0.5伏的信号表示二进制0 。 现在,数字电路的输入端子将仅接受3伏和0.5伏的二进制信号,分别代表对应于1和0的二进制输入和输出。

So now we know, that at core level, computer communicates in the form of 0 and 1, which is nothing but low and high voltage signals.

所以,现在我们知道,在这核心层,在形式计算机通信01 ,这只不过是电压信号。

But how are different operations performed on these signals? That is done using different logic Gates.

但是如何对这些信号执行不同的操作? 这是使用不同的逻辑门完成的

什么是盖茨? (What are Gates?)

Binary logic deals with binary variables and with operations that assume a logical meaning. It is used to describe, in algebraic or tabular form, the manipulation done by logic circuits called gates.

二进制逻辑处理二进制变量和具有逻辑含义的操作。 它用于以代数或表格形式描述由称为gates的逻辑电路完成的操作。

Gates are blocks of hardware that produce graphic symbol and its operation can be described by means of an algebraic expression. The input-output relationship of the binary variables for each gate can be represented in tabular form by a truth-table.

门是产生图形符号的硬件模块,其操作可以通过代数表达式来描述。 每个门的二进制变量的输入输出关系可以用真值表以表格形式表示。

The most basic logic gates are AND and inclusive OR with multiple inputs and NOT with a single input.

最基本的逻辑门是“ 与”(AND)和“与”( OR)和多个输入,而不是“一个”输入。

Each gate with more than one input is sensitive to either logic 0 or logic 1 input at any one of its inputs, generating the output according to its function. For example, a multi-input AND gate is sensitive to logic 0 on any one of its inputs, irrespective of any values at other inputs.

每个具有多个输入的门对任一输入的逻辑0或逻辑1敏感,并根据其功能生成输出。 例如,一个多输入与门对任何一个输入的逻辑0都敏感,而与其他输入的任何值无关。

The various logical gates are:


  1. AND

  2. OR


  3. NOT

  4. NAND


  5. NOR


  6. XOR


  7. XNOR


与门 (AND Gate)

The AND gate produces the AND logic function, that is, the output is 1 if input A and input B are both equal to 1; otherwise the output is 0.

“与”门产生“与”逻辑功能,即如果输入A和输入B都等于1,则输出为1;否则,输出为1。 否则输出为0。

The algebraic symbol of the AND function is the same as the multiplication symbol of ordinary arithmetic.


We can either use a dot between the variables or concatenate the variables without an operation symbol between them. AND gates may have more than two inputs, and by definition, the output is 1 if and only if all inputs are 1.

我们既可以在变量之间使用 ,也可以在变量之间没有运算符的情况下将它们串联起来。 AND门可能具有两个以上的输入,并且根据定义,当且仅当所有输入均为1时,输出才为1。

或门 (OR Gate)

The OR gate produces the inclusive-OR function; that is, the output is 1 if input A or input B or both inputs are 1; otherwise, the output is 0.

“或”门产生“或”功能; 也就是说,如果输入A或输入B或两个输入均为1,则输出为1; 否则,输出为0。

The algebraic symbol of the OR function is +, similar to arithmetic addition.

OR函数的代数符号为+ ,类似于算术加法

OR gates may have more than two inputs, and by definition, the output is 1 if any input is 1.


逆变器(非)门 (Inverter(NOT) Gate)

The inverter circuit inverts the logic sense of a binary signal. It produces the NOT, or complement, function.

反相器电路将二进制信号的逻辑意义反相。 它产生NOT或补码功能。

The algebraic symbol used for the logic complement is either a prime or a bar over the variable symbol.


与非门 (NAND Gate)

The NAND function is the complement of the AND function, as indicated by the graphic symbol, which consists of an AND graphic symbol followed by a small circle.


The designation NAND is derived from the abbreviation of NOT-AND.


或非门 (NOR Gate)

The NOR gate is the complement of the OR gate and uses an OR graphic symbol followed by a small circle.


异或门 (Exclusive-OR Gate)

The exclusive-OR gate has a graphic symbol similar to the OR gate except for the additional curved line on the input side.


The output of the gate is 1 if any input is 1 but excludes the combination when both inputs are 1. It is similar to an odd function; that is, its output is 1 if an odd number of inputs are 1.

如果任何输入为1,则门的输出为1,但当两个输入均为1时,不包括组合。 也就是说,如果输入的奇数为1,则其输出为1。

异或门 (Exclusive-NOR Gate)

The exclusive-NOR is the complement of the exclusive-OR, as indicated by the small circle in the graphic symbol.


The output of this gate is 1 only if both the inputs are equal to 1 or both inputs are equal to 0.


翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/computer-architecture/logic-gates



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