word中如何插入 符号

You can easily insert hundreds of symbols into your Word document with a few nimble keystrokes. Two of the most commonly-inserted are the Copyright and Trademark symbols, so let’s take a look at a couple of quick ways you can insert them into your document.

您可以通过几次快捷键将数百个符号轻松地插入到Word文档中。 最常用的两种是版权和商标符号,因此让我们看一下将它们插入文档中的几种快速方法。

如何使用“符号”菜单插入版权或商标符号 (How to Insert a Copyright or Trademark Symbol Using The Symbols Menu)

Switch to the “Insert” tab on Word’s ribbon.


Click the “Symbol” button.


By default, both the copyright and trademark symbols are available right on the drop-down menu. Click either to insert them into your document.

默认情况下,版权和商标符号都可以在下拉菜单中使用。 单击任一将它们插入您的文档。

Presto! The symbol is now in your document.

快点! 该符号现在位于您的文档中。

If you don’t see the copyright or trademark symbols on the “Symbol” drop-down menu, it likely means that you’ve inserted a bunch of other symbols. Word remembers the last 20 symbols you’ve used and places them on that menu, crowding out other symbols that appear there. So, if you don’t see them, you’ll have to click the “More Symbols” option and browse for them.

如果在“符号”(Symbol)下拉菜单上没有看到版权或商标符号,则可能意味着您插入了一堆其他符号。 Word会记住您使用的最后20个符号,并将它们放在该菜单上,排挤在那里出现的其他符号。 因此,如果看不到它们,则必须单击“更多符号”选项并浏览它们。

For more information on inserting symbols in Word, check out our article on the subject.


如何使用键盘插入版权或商标符号 (How to Insert a Copyright or Trademark Symbol Using Your Keyboard)

You can also insert copyright and trademark symbols into Word using your keyboard. This works because both symbols are included by default in Word’s AutoCorrect settings.

您也可以使用键盘将版权和商标符号插入Word。 之所以可行,是因为默认情况下,Word的“自动更正”设置中都包含了两个符号。

To insert a copyright symbol type “(c)” and then press the spacebar. A copyright symbol will appear.

要插入版权符号,请键入“(c)”,然后按空格键。 将会出现版权符号。

To insert a trademark symbol type “(tm)” and then press the spacebar. A trademark symbol will appear.

要插入商标符号,请键入“(tm)”,然后按空格键。 将会出现商标符号。

Easy, right?


If you want to see what other AutoCorrect options Word has up its sleeve, head to File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options. On the AutoCorrect tab of the window that opens, you can scroll through a list of everything Word can replace as you type, including things like symbols and commonly misspelled words. You can even create your own entries if you want to create a shortcut for text you type often.

如果要查看Word还有哪些其他自动更正选项,请转到“文件”>“选项”>“校对”>“自动更正选项”。 在打开的窗口的“自动更正”选项卡上,您可以滚动浏览Word可以键入的所有内容的列表,包括符号和常见拼写错误的单词。 如果要为经常键入的文本创建快捷方式,甚至可以创建自己的条目。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396427/how-to-insert-a-copyright-or-trademark-symbol-in-word/

word中如何插入 符号

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