




注:安装本升级档之前需要安装 刺客信条:大革命 v1.3升级档+免DVD补丁RELOADED版:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/35303.html





















●修复My Club功能相关问题。















●修复开启MSAA-4x, MSAA-8x and TXAA时出现黑色材质的问题;




As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best experience for our players, we will be releasing Patch 4 for Assassin’s Creed Unity today for Steam. This patch is mainly focused on alleviating performance issues and improving the overall experience.

Part of the team’s effort to enhance frame rate for players involves replacing and updating portions of the Paris city map where we are seeing issues. This explains the large size of this title update.

Patch 4 delivers a variety fixes including:

Performance & Stability: Frame rate drops, game crashes, lost progression

Gameplay: Navigation, lock picking chests

Online: Connectivity, matchmaking, companion app

You can find the full patch notes below:

Stability, Performance and Save Game

Fixed numerous random crashes both on Campaign and Coop

Implemented multiple optimizations and fixes to improve overall performance

Fixed save issue caused by the companion app on the main menu (loss of data)

Fixed save issue caused by contacts list (crash occurring). Users should now have access to save

Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth)

Fixed various navigation issues

Fixed issues with lock picking chests

Fixed additional haystack issues

Character, AI and Crowd

Fixed various character, crowd station and NPC issues

Online, Matchmaking, Connectivity and Replication

Fixed various matchmaking and connection issues both in matches and when starting a match.

Fixed various issues with voice chat

Fixed join-in-progress issues

Fixed various replication issues between host and clients

Fixed issues with player rank and COOP/heist rewards

Fixed issues with Helix credits

Fixed issues with the My Club feature

Menus and HUD

Fixed HUD icon issues and issues with map information

Fixed various Initiates issues

Fixed additional issues with notifications

Mission tweaks (campaign, coop and side content)

Fixed various low occurrence walkthrough breaks in both Campaign and COOP

Fixed various NPC issues

Fixed issue with the quest log disappearing for specific side missions

World and 3D

Fixed various collision and mesh issues

Fixed additional issues where player would fall through the world

Fixed specific areas where textures were missing


Fixed crash on "Quit to Windows" in free roam mode

Fixed crash on accepting multiple "Join the club" requests

Fixed issues with TXAA

Fixed issues with PCSS

Fixed issues with textures on NPCs

Fixed black texture issues on MSAA-4x, MSAA-8x and TXAA

Right Control now can be assigned as a hotkey

Minor UI fixes

by RELOADED / 翻译Blues


pcss评分_[刺客信条:大革命 v1.4升级档+免DVD补丁RELOADED版[修正BUG|提高稳定性]][Assassin’s Creed: Unity][1.5G][2014]...相关推荐

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