
The iPhone 7 Plus’ Portrait Mode is really awesome. In the right circumstances, it makes it possible to take portraits that look like they were shot using a DSLR and a wide aperture lens just using your iPhone.

iPhone 7 Plus的肖像模式真的很棒。 在适当的情况下,可以像使用DSLR和大光圈镜头拍摄的人像那样仅使用iPhone拍摄人像。

But when you use Portrait Mode, your iPhone saves two photos, not one: a photo with the depth effect applied, and another without it. If you’re trying to be careful about storage space, or just don’t want to clog up your camera roll, this can be annoying.

但是,当您使用人像模式时,iPhone将保存两张照片,而不是一张:应用了深度效果的照片,以及另一张没有照片的照片。 如果您要小心存储空间,或者只是不想堵塞相机胶卷,这可能会很烦人。

Let’s look at how to change things so your iPhone only saves the photo with the depth effect applied.


Go to Settings > Photos & Camera and scroll down to Portrait Mode.


Flip the Keep Normal Photo toggle to off.


Now the only photo saved will be the one with the depth effect applied.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/315450/how-to-stop-your-iphones-portrait-mode-from-making-multiple-files/



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