小程序 iphone和安卓

Lots of iPhone and iPad apps ask for ratings, and they often don’t stop. Even if you do leave a review just to stop seeing the review requests, new apps you install will pester you for reviews, too. iOS 11 fixes this problem, limiting how often apps can ask for ratings and allowing you to stop these requests entirely.

许多iPhone和iPad应用程序都要求进行评级,但它们通常不会停止。 即使您留下评论只是为了停止查看评论请求,您安装的新应用也将困扰您进行评论。 iOS 11修复了此问题,限制了应用程序可以要求评级的频率,并允许您完全停止这些请求。

应用程式每年只能要求3次评分 (Apps Can Only Ask For Ratings Three Times Per Year)

Even if you don’t change the setting we’re about to discuss, you’ll benefit from upgrading to iOS 11. As of iOS 11, apps have to use Apple’s standard way of asking for a rating—specifically, the SKStoreReviewController API. Apple will begin rejecting apps that use their own ratings request prompt.

即使您不更改我们将要讨论的设置,也将从升级到iOS 11中受益。 从iOS 11开始,应用程序必须使用Apple的标准评级方法-特别是SKStoreReviewController API。 苹果将​​开始拒绝使用自己的评级请求提示的应用程序。

Each app can also only ask for a rating three times every 365 days. This limit is not reset when the app is updated, so there’s no way for developers to escape the limit. That will put a stop to those annoying apps that insist on asking for a rating every single day.

每个应用程序每365天也只能要求3次评级。 更新应用程序时不会重置此限制,因此开发人员无法逃脱该限制。 这将停止那些每天坚持要求评级的烦人的应用程序。

如何从不允许应用程序要求评级 (How to Never Allow Apps to Ask For Ratings)

Apple also introduces a setting in iOS 11 that prevents all apps from ever asking for ratings. By default, apps are allowed to ask for ratings, but you can turn this off. The choice is now up to you.

苹果还在iOS 11中引入了一项设置,该设置可以防止所有应用程序都要求获得评级。 默认情况下,允许应用程序要求评级,但是您可以将其关闭。 现在由您决定。

To change this, head to Settings > iTunes & App Store.

要更改此设置,请转到“设置”>“ iTunes&App Store”。

Scroll down on the “iTunes & App Store” screen, locate the “In-App Ratings & Reviews” option, and then disable it.

在“ iTunes&App Store”屏幕上向下滚动,找到“ In-App Ratings&Reviews”选项,然后将其禁用。

Of course, if you want to leave a review or rating for an app, you can still head to the App Store and do it from there.

当然,如果您想为某个应用留下评论或评级,您仍然可以前往App Store并从那里进行操作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325787/how-to-stop-iphone-and-ipad-apps-from-asking-for-ratings/

小程序 iphone和安卓

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