硕士:理学硕士/外科硕士/ MicroSoft (MS: Master of Science / Master of Surgery / MicroSoft)

1)硕士:理学硕士 (1) MS: Master of Science)

MS is an abbreviation of Master of Science. It is a master's degree program provided by universities in many countries like the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia, etc. A large number of universities in India provide MSC degree programs.

MS是理学硕士(Master of Science)的缩写 。 它是由美国,英国,加拿大和澳大利亚等许多国家的大学提供的硕士学位课程。印度的许多大学都提供MSC学位课程。

Image source: https://www.locusassignments.com/level/master-of-science-msc-assignment


Area of Specialization:


Some of the popular courses option for students in MS is mentioned below,


  • Master of Science in Computer Science


  • Master of Science in Accounting


  • Master of Science in Administration


  • Master of Science in Corporate Communication


  • Master of Science in Project Management


  • Master of Science in Economics


  • Master of Science in Engineering


  • Master of Science in Finance


  • Master of Science in Information Systems


  • Master of Science in Information Technology


  • Master of Science in Management


  • Master of Science in Occupational Therapy


  • Master of Science in Nursing


Popular job profiles for MS degree holders


  • Research Scientist: A Research Scientist has the responsibility of designing, planning and analyzing information acquired from restricted lab-based experiments and investigations.

    研究科学家 :研究科学家负责设计,计划和分析从基于实验室的有限实验和研究中获得的信息。

  • Junior Research Fellow: The job responsibility of a Junior Research Fellow comprises doing research, conducting research-related development activities, publishing scientific work and its results and so on.


  • Mathematician: A mathematician uses highly developed theories and methods of Mathematics to grow and be aware of mathematical principles and solve real-world problems in business, government, engineering, social sciences, etc.

    数学家 :数学家使用先进的数学理论和方法来发展和了解数学原理,并解决商业,政府,工程,社会科学等领域的现实问题。

  • Biochemist: A biochemist is a person whose responsibility is in developing medicines to fight with different diseases.

    生物化学 :生物化学家是一个人,其职责是发展药品与不同的疾病斗争。

  • Food & Drug Inspector: The most important job of a food and drug inspector is to make certain that products are safe for human consumption.


  • Chemical Analyst: A chemical analyst is a professional whose responsibility is to collects information about the composition of chemical substances, and processes as well as communicates this information via the mediums of science, engineering, and mathematics.

    化学分析员 :化学分析员是负责收集有关化学物质组成,过程以及通过科学,工程和数学媒介进行交流的专业人士。

  • Teacher: An MSc graduate can also opt to become a teacher in his/ her particular Science subject.

    老师 :理学硕士毕业生也可以选择成为其特定理科专业的老师。

2)硕士:外科硕士 (2) MS: Master of Surgery)

MS is also an abbreviation of Master of Surgery. It is a master's degree program provided in the field of surgery. This master's degree program is provided for the students who have already done completion in his bachelor's degree in medicine.

MS也是Master of Surgery的缩写 。 它是外科领域提供的硕士学位课程。 该硕士学位课程面向已完成医学学士学位的学生。

Following are the fields of research and surgery in which this degree course is provided,


  • Neurosurgery,


  • Orthopedic surgery,


  • Urology and many more


3)MS:MicroSoft (3) MS: MicroSoft)

MS is also an abbreviation of Microsoft Corporation. It is the headquarter of American public Multinational Corporations in Redmond, Washington USA.

MS也是Microsoft Corporation的缩写。 它是美国公共跨国公司在美国华盛顿雷蒙德的总部。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/ms-full-form.aspx


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