2pc 3pc

by Ilya Pestov

通过伊利亚·佩斯托夫(Ilya Pestov)

在1990年代如何宣传PC (How PCs were advertised in the 1990s)

Today, hard drives are boring. You can buy a terabyte hard drive for $50. But back in the day, people would get excited when they saw ads announcing even 10 megabyte hard drives.

如今,硬盘驱动器很无聊。 您可以以50美元的价格购买1 TB的硬盘。 但是回到过去,人们看到广告宣布甚至10 MB的硬盘驱动器时都会感到兴奋。

To prove it, I’ve unearthed some retro computer ads that give you a first-hand look into how computers were advertised before the modern age of smartphones, ultrabooks, and smart watches.


You’ll never be able to look at your gadgets the same way again.


The company NeXT was founded by Steve Jobs in 1985. The NeXTcube workstation was cast into a cube-like shape, with each side being 12 inches. Its black body gave it a special style and focus on the serious challenges, both in business and in science. It worked under the control of NeXTSTEP operating system. It was manufactured and sold from 1990 to 1993.

NeXT公司是由史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)于1985年创立的。NeXTcube工作站铸造成立方体状,每边12英寸。 它的黑色机身赋予了它独特的风格,并专注于商业和科学方面的严峻挑战。 它在NeXTSTEP操作系统的控制下工作。 它的生产和销售从1990年到1993年。

In 1990, the PowerMax 386/33 from Northgate Computer was available for sale. You could order one by mail, or even by email.

1990年,Northgate Computer的PowerMax 386/33可供销售。 您可以通过邮件甚至通过电子邮件订购一个。

In 1991, Microsoft released Windows 3.0. It was through this release that the company made the IBM-compatible PC a true competitor to the Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga, through its graphical operating system. Windows 3.x was a system add-on to DOS. Here’s a TV commercial for Windows 3.0 or Windows 3.1 from 1991:

1991年,Microsoft发布了Windows 3.0。 通过此版本,该公司通过其图形操作系统使与IBM兼容的PC成为了Apple Macintosh和Commodore Amiga的真正竞争对手。 Windows 3.x是DOS的系统附件。 这是1991年用于Windows 3.0或Windows 3.1的电视广告:

“It simply works better” by Compaq in 1990:


A CSS Laboratories Server — 486 with Zero Wait in 1990:


An article about interactive tablets for the computer:


Pocket network adapters from Xircom:


An advertisement for Lotus’s Magellan 2.0 software, which let you search through documents:

Lotus的Magellan 2.0软件的广告,它使您可以搜索文档:

A Logitech trackball ad from 1990. Don’t feel like you’re an alien.


For $50, Microsoft offered an upgrade to your personal computer enabling you to to access to all the memory in your PC.


A Dell advertisement from 1992:


Circuit City advertising the opportunity to buy a computer on a credit card:


The Macintosh Performa was on sale from 1992 to 1997:

Macintosh Performa于1992年至1997年间发售:

A great advertisement for the Commodore 128. But by 1994, the company had declared bankruptcy. You can find more ads on Commodore’s website.

这是Commodore 128的好广告。但到1994年,该公司宣布破产。 您可以在Commodore的网站上找到更多广告。

At IBM, outstanding people don’t stand still.


An IBM PS/1 advertisement featuring Theodore Roosevelt from 1993:

1993年以西奥多·罗斯福为特色的IBM PS / 1广告:

Radio Shack advertises the 486 PC in 1993:

Radio Shack在1993年宣传486 PC:

In 1996, the PC industry had another great year, with unit shipments reaching 59.7 million, up 24.7 percent from last year, according to Dataquest. Compaq continued its steady ascent as the market leader worldwide, increasing shipments by more than 1.2 million compared with 1994. IBM shipped 4.8 million units and regained the second spot from Apple.

根据Dataquest的数据,1996年是PC行业的又一个辉煌的年份,单位出货量达到5970万台,比去年增长了24.7%。 康柏继续稳步上升,成为全球市场领导者,与1994年相比,出货量增加了120万多台。IBM售出480万台,并从苹果手中夺回第二名。

An Apple Power Macintosh in 1997:

1997年的Apple Power Macintosh:

An Apple Apple Power Mac G4 Computer in 1999:

1999年的Apple Apple Power Mac G4计算机:

Thanks for reading. You might also be interested in some of these other articles:

谢谢阅读。 您可能还对以下其他文章感兴趣:

The absolute worst technology predictions of the past 150 yearsThere’s a long-standing tradition among scientists, engineers, and industrialists. Every new year, they make…medium.freecodecamp.comA Brief History Of Computers That Changed The WorldYou can spend years delving into the history of the computer. There are tons of inventions, tons of books about them …www.makeuseof.comThose jobs are gone forever. Let’s gear up for what’s next.“Generals always fight the last war.” — an old World War II sayingmedium.freecodecamp.com

过去150年中最糟糕的技术预测 科学家,工程师和工业家之间有着悠久的传统。 每年新的一年,它们都会使... media.freecodecamp.com 改变世界的计算机简史 您可以花费数年的时间来研究计算机的历史。 那里有无数的发明,无数的书籍…… www.makeuseof.com 这些工作永远消失了。 让我们为下一步做准备。 “将军们总是打最后一场战争。” —古老的第二次世界大战说的是 medium.freecodecamp.com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-pcs-were-advertised-in-the-1990s-cdaee59f2555/

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