zune linux

Keeping your computer and software up to date is very important in keeping everything running smooth and secure. It’s also important to keep your geeky gadgets updated as well. Here we take a look at updating a Zune HD.

保持计算机和软件的最新状态对于确保一切顺利,安全运行非常重要。 保持您的怪异小工具也保持更新也很重要。 在这里,我们看一下更新Zune HD。

Note: In this example we’re updating a Zune HD out of the box which hasn’t been updated yet.

注意:在此示例中,我们将立即更新尚未更新的Zune HD。

The first thing you’ll need to do if you haven’t already is download and install the latest Zune software (link below).


Now plug your Zune into your computer with the included USB connection cable and give it a moment to be recognized.


Next launch the Zune Desktop software and you should get the following screen. Just accept the EULA…

下一步启动Zune Desktop软件,您将获得以下屏幕。 只要接受EULA ...

Then the update kicks off. Make sure not to disconnect the Zune while the update takes place.

然后更新开始。 确保在更新过程中不要断开Zune的连接。

The update will take a few minutes, and after it’s complete you should be good to go and can start using your Zune.


To update your player in the future, go to General Settings then Player Update.


Just like your computer’s hardware and software, you want to keep your other geeky gadgets updated as well. This will help the device run more smoothly, and sometimes add additional functionality.

就像计算机的硬件和软件一样,您也希望保持其他令人讨厌的小工具更新。 这将帮助设备更平稳地运行,有时还可以添加其他功能。

Download Zune 4.0

下载Zune 4.0

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/12409/update-your-zune-player-software/

zune linux

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