gargantuan adj. [gahr-GAN-chuh-wuhn]


: trememdous in size, volume, or degreee: gigantic, colossal

Did You Know?

Gargantua is the name of a giant king in Francios Rabelais's 16th-century satiric novel Gargantua, the second part of a five-volume series about the giant and his son Pantagruel. All of the details of Gargantu's life befit a giant. He rides a colossal mare whose tail switches so violently that it fells the entire forest of Orleans. He has an enormous appetite: in one memorable incident, he inadvertently swallows five pilgrims while eating a salad. The scale of everything connected with Gargantua gave rise to the adjective gargantuan, which since William Shakespeare's time has been used of anything of trememdous size or volume.

Gargantua是一个巨人国王的名字,出现在16世纪的Francios Rabelais的5卷本讽刺小说的第二部分Gargantua中(讲述这位巨人与他的儿子Pantagruel的故事)。对Gargantu的生活的细节描述完全符合一个巨人应有的特征。他骑着一头巨大的母马,这个母马的尾巴晃动时产生威力如此巨大,以至于Orleans的一整片森林都被摧毁了;他还有极大的胃口:在一个令人难忘的事件中,他在吃萨拉时不经意间吞掉了5个朝圣者。任何与Gargantua关联的事情都如此大规模,由此产生了形容词gargantuan,这个词自从William Shakespear时代就开始使用,用来象征巨大无比的尺寸或容量。

注:satiric - 讽刺的,挖苦的;befit - 合适,适宜,对...适当; inadvertently - 非故意地,不经意间地,疏忽地;give rise to - 产生


  • "In 1920, the town council of Chamonix ... decided to change the municipality's name to Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, thus forging an official link to the mountain ... with a summit that soars 12,000 feet above the town center. The council's goal was to prevent their Swiss neighbors from claiming the mountain's glory, but there was really no need: It's impossible when you're in Chamonix to ignore the gargantuan, icy beauty that looms overhead." 
    --- Paige McClanahan, The New York Time, 13 Dec. 2018

    在1920年,Chamonix的镇政会,... 决定将镇政府的名称改为 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc(意思是:Chamonix-白色的大山),这样就打造了一个官方的与大山的连接... 这个大山有一个高出镇中心12000英尺的山峰。镇政府的这一举动目的是阻止他们的瑞士邻居对大山荣耀的宣告,不过实际上实在没有必要。当你处于Chamonix镇上时,是不可能忽略这交织在头顶上的巨大无比的冰山美色。

  • "Due to our gargantuan scope, Houston is a haven for live music. As the nation's fourth largest city, we have become a destination for touring acts by default - it certainly isn't because of our collective reputation as an audience...."
    --- Matthew Keever, The Houston Press, 17 Dec. 2018

    由于我们无与伦比的广泛性,Houston是现场音乐的大港口。作为全国第4大城市,我们已经成为事实上的各种巡回演出的默认目的地 - 这显然不是由于我们作为观众的集体名声..."


Francios Rabelais (between 1483 and1494 --- 9 April 1553) was a French Renaissance writer, physician, Renaissance humanist, monk and Greek scholar. His best known work is Gargantua and Pantagruel 

illustration for Gargantua and Pantagruel by Gustave Dore.

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