

import Image
import os
import logging
import sqlite3
from PIL import ImageFileImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True#全局变量 数据库链接
global cx #全局变量 数据库链接游标
global cu#全局变量 创建表单标识
global createTableFlag ##########################################
# @function 判断是否为图片
# @param srcFile 待压缩图片
def picIsCorrect(fileSuffix):if fileSuffix == ".png" or fileSuffix == ".jpg" or fileSuffix == ".jpeg":return Trueelse:return False##########################################
# @function 判断图片大小是否需要压缩
# @param srcFile 待压缩图片
def picIsBig(srcFile):size = os.path.getsize(srcFile)/1024if size > 0 :return Trueelse:return False##########################################
# @function 判断图片大小是否被压缩过
# @description 如果图片信息存在于数据库中,则表明图片被压缩过,不需要再次压缩
# @param basename 待压缩图片名称
def picIsCompressed(basename , dstFile):if selectTableCompressLog(basename , dstFile):#print(" images is already compressed which named " + basename + ' or path equals ' + dstFile)return Trueelse:return False            ##########################################
# @function 创建记录压缩信息的表单
# @description 如果图片信息存在于数据库中,则表明图片被压缩过,不需要再次压缩
def createTableCompressLog():#全局变量 创建表单标识global createTableFlag if createTableFlag :try:create_tb_cmd='''create table if not exists compresslog (id varchar(64) primary key , name varchar(64) UNIQUE , path varchar(1024) UNIQUE , size integer , org_size integer , status integer)'''#主要就是上面的语句cu.execute(create_tb_cmd) createTableFlag = Falseexcept:logging.info(" table compresslog maybe exist , create table compresslog fail ")createTableFlag = False##########################################
# @function 查询表单中图片信息是否存在
# @description 如果图片信息存在于数据库中,则表明图片被压缩过,不需要再次压缩
def selectTableCompressLog(basename , dstFile):#进行建表语句createTableCompressLog()#打开游标cu.execute("select * from compresslog where id = '" + basename + "'" + " or path = '" + dstFile + "'")#执行查询操作rows = cu.fetchall()if len(rows) > 0:print(" images is already compressed which named " + basename + ' or path equals ' + dstFile)return Trueelse:print(" images is not compressed which named " + basename + ' or path equals ' + dstFile)return False    ##########################################
# @function 向压缩信息表单插入记录
# @description 如果图片信息存在于数据库中,则表明图片被压缩过,不需要再次压缩
def insertTableCompressLog(basename , filename , dstFile , dsize , osize):#进行建表语句createTableCompressLog()#没有数据则插入数据if not selectTableCompressLog(basename , dstFile):#插入数据:cu.execute("insert into compresslog values('" + basename + "', '" + filename + "' , '" + dstFile + "' , " + str(dsize) + " , " + str(osize) + " , 0)")         #提交数据cu.commit()        ##########################################
# @function 图片压缩操作
# @param srcFile 待压缩图片
def compressImage(srcPath,dstPath):  for filename in os.listdir(srcPath):  #如果不存在目的目录则创建一个,保持层级结构if not os.path.exists(dstPath):os.makedirs(dstPath)        #拼接完整的文件或文件夹路径srcFile=os.path.join(srcPath,filename)dstFile=os.path.join(dstPath,filename)srcFiledirName = os.path.dirname(srcFile)basename = os.path.basename(srcFile)  #获得文件全称 例如  migo.pngfilename, fileSuffix = os.path.splitext(basename)  #获得文件名称和后缀名  例如 migo 和 png #如果是文件就处理if os.path.isfile(srcFile) and picIsCorrect(fileSuffix) and picIsBig(srcFile) and (not picIsCompressed(basename , dstFile)):     #打开原图片缩小后保存,可以用if srcFile.endswith(".jpg")或者split,splitext等函数等针对特定文件压缩sImg=Image.open(srcFile).convert('RGB')     #获取原图片长宽w,h=sImg.size  #获取压缩前图片大小,单位KBosize = os.path.getsize(srcFile)/1024if osize > 4096 :width = w/(compressRatio + 0.25)height = h/(compressRatio + 0.25)dImg=sImg.resize((int(width),int(height)),Image.ANTIALIAS)elif osize > 2048 :width = w/(compressRatio + 0.2)height = h/(compressRatio + 0.2)dImg=sImg.resize((int(width),int(height)),Image.ANTIALIAS)elif osize > 1024 :width = w/(compressRatio + 0.1)height = h/(compressRatio + 0.1)dImg=sImg.resize((int(width),int(height)),Image.ANTIALIAS)else:width = w/(compressRatio + 0.05)height = h/(compressRatio + 0.05)dImg=sImg.resize((int(w/width),int(h/height)),Image.ANTIALIAS)                                                                                                           #保存压缩后文件,单位KB        dImg.save(dstFile)           #获取压缩后文件大小dsize = os.path.getsize(dstFile)/1024#如果压缩后,压缩图片大于原图片,则在用原图片覆盖被压缩的图片if(dsize > osize):sImg.save(dstFile)dsize = os.path.getsize(dstFile)/1024#插入数据,被压缩的图片信息记录到数据库中,下次不再压缩insertTableCompressLog(basename , filename , dstFile , dsize , osize)logging.info("srcFile: " + srcFile + " dstFile: " + dstFile)logging.info("filename: " + filename + " fileSuffix: " + fileSuffix)logging.info("originally size:" + str(osize))logging.info("compressed size:" + str(dsize) + "  " + dstFile + " compressed succeeded" )print("srcFile: " + srcFile + " dstFile: " + dstFile + "filename: " + filename + " fileSuffix: " + fileSuffix + "originally size:" + str(osize) + "compressed size:" + str(dsize) + "  " + dstFile + " compressed succeeded" )#如果是文件夹就递归if os.path.isdir(srcFile):compressImage(srcFile,dstFile)##########################################
# @function 主函数执行区域
# @description 快速压缩图片
if __name__=='__main__':  #压缩比率compressRatio = 1.1#是否建表标识createTableFlag = True#Create Connection to INSERT COMPRESS IMAGES INFO TO DATABASEcx = sqlite3.connect("./database.db")#获取游标cu = cx.cursor() #设置打印日志格式logging.basicConfig(filename='compress.log', level=logging.INFO)#进行递归压缩compressImage('/path/need compress dir/', '/path/save compress dir/')



chmod +x compress.py
python ./compress.py


(1) 修改低于多少KB的文件不被压缩

# @function 判断图片大小是否需要压缩
# @param srcFile 待压缩图片
def picIsBig(srcFile):size = os.path.getsize(srcFile)/1024if size > 0 :return Trueelse:return False

修改 size 判断大小,目前默认为0

(2) 设置被存放在数据库中的图片记录将不被压缩,已经压缩的图片信息将被存放在数据库中

# @function 判断图片大小是否被压缩过
# @description 如果图片信息存在于数据库中,则表明图片被压缩过,不需要再次压缩
# @param basename 待压缩图片名称
def picIsCompressed(basename , dstFile):if selectTableCompressLog(basename , dstFile):#print(" images is already compressed which named " + basename + ' or path equals ' + dstFile)return Trueelse:return False    

如果被压缩过的图片,也需要再次压缩,请将return True改为return False


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