模素数p的原根g的优美体现在每个模p的非零数以g的幂次出现。所以,对任何数1 <= a < p,我们可选择幂




I          1   2  3    4   5   6   7   8    9  10   11 12

2^I(mod 13)   2  4  8  3  6  12  11  9  5  10  7  1



  a).  I(ab)=I(a)+I(b) (mod p-1)

  b).  I(a^k)=kI(a) (mod p-1)

g^I(ab)=ab=g^I(a)g^I(b)=g^(I(a)+I(b)) (mod p)

故有g^I(x) = x (mod p-1)

也可以这么理解:g^I(value) = id (mod p-1)

例题:3*x^30=4(mod 37)


I(3)+30*I(x)=I(4) (mod 36)

26+30*I(x)=2 (mod 36)

30*I(x)=-24=12 (mod 36)


其实就是g^2 = 4 (mod 36)

其实这个可以根据g^x =b (mod p)来求

对于本题,g就是37的原根2,b=I(x) p =36

也就是求满足2^x = I(x) (mod 36)的x。用Baby Step Giant Step算法即可哦

提醒:两边不要除以6以得到5*I(x)+2 (mod 36),否则会丢失一些解。

ax = c (mod m)






其实这里,也可以根据指标的原式公式g^I(x) = x (mod p-1)

故,同余式3*x^30=4 (mod 37)有6个解,即

x=16,25,9,21,12,28 (mod 37)

/** hdu3930.c**  Created on: 2011-10-12*      Author: bjfuwangzhu*/#include<math.h>
#define LL long long
#define nmax 1000010
typedef struct num {int ii;LL value;
} num;
num Num[nmax];
int flag[nmax], prime[nmax], cpfactor[100];
LL pfactor[100];
int plen, len_pfactor;
LL k, n, p, proot, x, y;
void mkprime() {int i, j;memset(flag, -1, sizeof(flag));for (i = 2, plen = 0; i < nmax; i++) {if (flag[i]) {prime[plen++] = i;}for (j = 0; (j < plen) && (i * prime[j] < nmax); j++) {flag[i * prime[j]] = 0;if (i % prime[j] == 0) {break;}}}
void findpFactor(LL n) {int i, te, cnt;te = (int) sqrt(n * 1.0);for (i = 0, len_pfactor = 0; (i < plen) && (prime[i] <= te); i++) {if (n % prime[i] == 0) {cnt = 0;while (n % prime[i] == 0) {cnt++;n /= prime[i];}pfactor[len_pfactor] = (LL) prime[i];cpfactor[len_pfactor++] = cnt;}}if (n > 1) {pfactor[len_pfactor] = n;cpfactor[len_pfactor++] = 1;}
}LL modular_multi(LL a, LL b, LL c) {LL res, temp;res = 0, temp = a % c;while (b) {if (b & 1) {res += temp;if (res >= c) {res -= c;}}temp <<= 1;if (temp >= c) {temp -= c;}b >>= 1;}return res;
/*快速幂取余a^b%c*/LL modular_exp(LL a, LL b, LL c) {LL res, temp;res = 1 % c, temp = a % c;while (b) {if (b & 1) {res = modular_multi(res, temp, c);}temp = modular_multi(temp, temp, c);b >>= 1;}return res;
int dfs(int depth, LL now) {int i;LL res, temp;if (depth == len_pfactor) {res = modular_exp(proot, now, p);if ((res == 1) && (now != (p - 1))) {return 0;}return 1;}for (i = 0, temp = 1; i <= cpfactor[depth]; i++) {if (!dfs(depth + 1, now * temp)) {return 0;}temp = temp * pfactor[depth];}return 1;
void primitive() {findpFactor(p - 1);for (proot = 2;; proot++) {if (dfs(0, 1)) {return;}}
LL extend_gcd(LL a, LL b) {LL d, xx;if (b == 0) {x = 1, y = 0;return a;}d = extend_gcd(b, a % b);xx = x;x = y, y = xx - a / b * y;return d;
}int bfindNum(LL key, int n) {int left, right, mid;left = 0, right = n;while (left <= right) {mid = (left + right) >> 1;if (Num[mid].value == key) {return Num[mid].ii;} else if (Num[mid].value > key) {right = mid - 1;} else {left = mid + 1;}}return -1;
int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {num n = *(num *) a;num m = *(num *) b;LL temp = n.value - m.value;if (temp > 0) {return 1;} else if (temp < 0) {return -1;}return 0;
/* a^x = b (mod c)*/LL baby_step_giant_step(LL a, LL b, LL c) {int i, j, te;LL temp, xx, aa;te = (int) (sqrt(c * 1.0) + 0.5);for (i = 0, temp = 1 % c; i <= te; i++) {Num[i].ii = i;Num[i].value = temp;temp = temp * a % c;}aa = Num[te].value;qsort(Num, te + 1, sizeof(Num[0]), cmp);for (i = 0, temp = 1; i <= te; i++) {extend_gcd((int) (temp), c);xx = x;xx = xx * b;xx = xx % c + c;x = xx % c;j = bfindNum(x, te + 1);if (j != -1) {return (LL) (i) * te + j;}temp = temp * aa % c;}return -1;
int rcmp(const void *a, const void *b) {LL temp = *(LL *) a - *(LL *) b;if (temp > 0) {return 1;} else if (temp < 0) {return -1;}return 0;}
/* ax = b (mod c)*/LL result[1001];
void solve(LL a, LL b, LL c) {int i;LL d;d = extend_gcd(a, c);if (b % d) {puts("-1");return;}b /= d, c /= d;result[0] = ((LL) x * b % c + c) % c;for (i = 1; i < d; i++) {result[i] = result[i - 1] + c;}for (i = 0; i < d; i++) {result[i] = modular_exp(proot, result[i], p);}qsort(result, d, sizeof(result[0]), rcmp);for (i = 0; i < d; i++) {printf("%I64d\n", result[i]);}
int main() {
#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGEfreopen("data.in", "r", stdin);
#endifint cas;LL a, b, c;mkprime();cas = 0;/*x^k = n (mod p) */while (~scanf("%I64d %I64d %I64d", &k, &p, &n)) {primitive();b = baby_step_giant_step(proot, n, p);a = k, c = p - 1;printf("case%d:\n", ++cas);solve(a, b, c);}return 0;


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