

The China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE), Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China


Sub-Contract Scope of Work


The Phasing-Out of Incandescent Lamps & Energy Saving Lamps Promotion (PILESLAMP) is an international co-operation project, which is sponsored by the Chinese Government represented by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The objective of the PILESLAMP project is the enhanced promotion and resulting higher utilization of energy saving lamps (ESLs) in China through the transformation of the local lighting products market and the phasing-out of incandescent lamp production and sale. It is expected to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions through the transformation of the Chinese lighting market towards more energy-efficient lighting products, technologies, and practices. This will be accomplished through three primary activities:

- Lighting Industry Capacity Enhancement – supporting the conversion of IL manufacturers to ESL lines, activities to improve the supply of high quality ESLs, and reduction in the environmental waste in production and disposal of ESLs.

- ESL Market Development and Product Promotion – activities to improve awareness about ESL options and applications, especially in lower income, rural areas.

- ESL Policy and Institutional Support – support policy and institutional activities that lock in the progress made through the other two components, including policy proposals regarding IL manufacturers business conversion and increasing market share of ESLs, along with a roadmap for IL phase-out and expanded ESL promotion.

The budget of the PILESLAMP is US$ 14,000,000 granted by GEF. The project will be implemente


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