shields 徽标

重点 (Top highlight)


A few years ago I had the pleasure of getting together with a group of professionals to develop digital products for social enterprise. The group consisted of six people, as follows:

几年前,我曾与一批专业的聚会,让开发数码产品为社会企业的快感。 该小组由六人组成,如下:

  • 2 Designers2位设计师
  • 2 Coders2位编码员
  • 1 Product Manager, and1个产品经理,以及
  • 1 Project Manager, Me1个项目经理,我

During this time we designed a number of Web apps, two of which I wrote about in the articles below:


  1. Learn How to Develop a New Product


  2. How to Develop an App for the Education Sector


So as a team, we set out on a journey like any new venture, defining roles and responsibilities. In doing so we also created a brand, including a logo.

因此,作为一个团队,我们像任何新企业一样踏上了旅程,确定了角色和职责。 为此,我们还创建了一个品牌,包括徽标。

This article is about that very brand feature, the logo.


集思广益 (Brainstorming)

Ideation was the first port of call. We asked questions like who are we? what do we represent? and how can we convey this in a logo?

我的奉献精神是我们的第一站。 我们问了一些问题,例如我们是谁? 我们代表什么? 以及如何在徽标中传达这一点?

How can our logo tell our story?


The output from our initial session highlighted a number of keywords and phrases that the team felt best-described our team, our purpose, as follow:


  • Environment — Earth and water环境-地球和水
  • Sustainability and education focus可持续发展和教育重点
  • Unchartered water … Sailing into the unknown未知的水……驶向未知
  • Creativity and design appeal创意和设计魅力
  • Collective ideas集体观念

These were just a few of the keywords and phrases that we captured. The designers were then tasked with the challenge to express all of this via a logo.

这些只是我们捕获的一些关键字和短语。 然后,设计师承担了通过徽标表达所有这些挑战的任务。

名字 (The name)

The group name was something that we also had to consider. Some early features that we agreed upon were:

我们也必须考虑组名。 我们同意的一些早期功能是:

  • 2 to 3 words2至3个字
  • Short words, with 3–5 letters简短的字词,含3–5个字母
  • At least one positive word至少一个肯定词
  • A keyword that explains our purpose解释我们目的的关键字
  • Words when abbreviated, would be easy to remember单词缩写时,很容易记住

The result — Good Juju Labs — or GJL for short.

结果是“ Good Juju Labs”或简称GJL

“Juju (Magic), an object that has been deliberately infused with magical power or the magical power itself.”

“ Juju(魔术) ,一种故意注入了魔力或魔力本身的物体。”



The team was in agreement, so we moved on to the next phase, design.


样机设计 (Mockup Design)

Any good design begins life as a black and white mock-up, a wireframe. The logic behind this is that if a design works in black and white it can only be enhanced when color is added.

一个纽约好的设计开始生活作为黑白实体模型,线框。 其背后的逻辑是,如果设计以黑白方式工作,则只有在添加颜色后才能对其进行增强。

At this point, our designers took the design brief, the scope described above, and put forth the following proposals a few days later:


Initial wire-frame design proposals by Author and team

The team got together once again to hone in on the best design. Collectively we agreed to focus on one design, enhanced further below.

团队再次聚集在一起,致力于最佳设计。 我们共同同意将重点放在一种设计上,下面对此进行了进一步的增强。

Initial Black and white logo design by Author and team

That was it, we had a name and the foundation of a logo. The next step was high-resolution design to flesh out all possible variations of our preferred logo and add some color.

就是这样,我们有了名称和徽标的基础。 下一步是高分辨率设计,以充实我们首选徽标的所有可能变体并添加一些颜色。

高分辨率设计 (High-Resolution Design)

Color evokes excitement. So the next step was met with much anticipation, would a splash of color make our logo pop?

Ç的olor唤起激情。 因此,下一步就引起了人们的广泛期待,是否会因色彩飞溅而使我们的徽标流行起来?

High-Resolution Design is “used to describe something such as a screen or photograph that shows an image extremely clearly.” —

高分辨率设计“用于描述可以非常清晰地显示图像的屏幕或照片之类的东西。” —

Before the step commenced, the bigger picture was taken into account with practicality in mind. The color expectation of an object (a leaf is mostly green, to reduce confusion), expression of our purpose and of course emotion.

在开始执行此步骤之前,首先要考虑到实际情况,然后再考虑大局。 物体的颜色期望(叶子通常是绿色的,以减少混乱),目标的表达以及情感。

色轮 (The color wheel)

Plutchiks' color wheel of emotion is something that we referred to while evaluating what colors would be a good fit for the logo.


We also brought logic into the equation, all the while adhering to the design brief and scope.



Remember the keywords listed above, and the black and white mock-up design? Well, here’s a summary of what colors were deemed congruent:

还记得上面列出的关键字以及黑白模型设计吗? 好,这是什么颜色被认为是一致的摘要:

  • Environment — blue and green to convey sustainability

    环境 -蓝色和绿色传达可持续发展

  • Unchartered water — A ship/boat, also blue to represent the ocean

    零星的水 -船/船,也是蓝色的,代表海洋

  • Creativity — Yellow sparks, stars or lightning bolt to represent innovation

    创造力 -黄色的火花,星星或闪电代表创新

With all this considered our designers proposed the following three options:


Final high-resolution design proposals by Author and team

In the end, it was agreed that the third design (the one to the far right) was the most appealing. It was easy on the eye and portrayed exactly what our group was about, our purpose.

最后,人们同意第三个设计(最右边的一个)是最吸引人的。 这很容易理解,并且准确地描绘了我们小组的目的和目标。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

To recap, let me explain the final output of the design process and how the team came to the conclusion the chosen logo was a perfect fit.


  • Name — The words were short and to the point, four letters in length. “Good” is a positive word and “Labs” represents digital development, whereas “Juju” (Magic) is unique, and didn't exist in Ireland.

    名称 -单词简短而切确,长度为四个字母。 “好”是一个肯定的词,“实验室”代表数字化发展,而“ Juju”(魔术)是唯一的,在爱尔兰并不存在。

  • Symbol — The boat indicates a new journey, with a touch of confidence by venturing into the unknown.

    Symbol(符号) —船指示新的旅程,通过冒险进入未知世界充满信心。

  • Bluish-grey and blue— While grey can be neutral (Emotional wheel), blue triggers emotions like surprise or amazement. Also, blue conveys water, the oceans, a perfect fit for sustainability.

    蓝灰色和蓝色 -尽管灰色可能是中性的(情感轮),但蓝色会触发惊喜或惊奇之类的情绪。 此外,蓝色传达了水和海洋的气息,非常适合可持续发展。

  • Bluish-Green — Introducing a green tone also reflects the environment while touching on acceptance and trust.

    蓝绿色 —引入绿色色调还可以在反映接受和信任的同时反映环境。

  • Yellow — The stars and the lightning bolt represent nature, the universe, and imagination while evoking joy and ecstasy.

    黄色 -星星和闪电代表自然,宇宙和想象力,同时唤起喜悦和狂喜。

  • Education—The playful color offset captures flair, youth, and childhood to appeal to educators and the younger consumer.

    教育 -有趣的色彩补偿功能可以捕捉天赋,青年和童年,吸引教育者和年轻的消费者。

Hungry for more? If you enjoyed this article, I invite you to learn more about the Good Juju Labs team through two MVP products that we delivered:

渴望更多? 如果您喜欢这篇文章,我邀请您通过我们提供的两种MVP产品,进一步了解Good Juju Labs团队:

№ 1— WaterWhys: A digital product for water conservation.

№1— WaterWhys:一种用于节水的数字产品。

№ 2— Tchalk: A communications App for the education sector.

№2 — Tchalk:教育部门的通讯应用程序。

Also, to better understand design thinking here are two pieces worth reading:


№ 3— Design thinking: The personality of a designer.


№ 4— Design thinking: You want to be a designer by Dr Mehmet.

№4 —设计思维:您想成为Mehmet博士的设计师。

Lastly, you might recall that Chris created a logo for Illumination in this article. With continuous improvement and innovation in mind, I challenge all Illuminators to adopt the principles I learned above, complimenting Chris’s work thus far, to convey our purpose through an image or symbol.

最后,您可能还记得Chris在本文中为“照明”创建了徽标。 考虑到不断的改进和创新,我挑战所有照明者采用我上面学到的原则,对Chris到目前为止的工作表示赞赏,通过图像或符号传达我们的目的。

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and keep Illuminating folks!


Mediamodifier from Mediamodifier在PixabayPixabay上发布


shields 徽标


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