shields 徽标

There’s been quite a bit of buzz online in the last few days about the new logo for the New York Public Library. Old Public library logo (left) and new. The Redesign began in 2008 with the designers using photographs and sketches of lion statues on the steps of the library building. The lions outside the building are known as “Fortitude” and “Patience”. Influences are reported to have included Japanese woodcuts, stained glass and Art Noveau. The vector style artwork has been designed to be versatile enough to use in many formats and colors, as well as reproducing well at small sizes.The new logo comes, as is often the case with a logo redesign, with a new mission for the library. They wanted to convey a more digital-friendly and modern feeling.As a Leo and owner of a company with Lion in the title I have to admit I’m particularly drawn to this. Although I’m still debating with myself about whether I like this logo. I like the simplicity and the clean lines but is it a bit too cartoony for such a important keeper of knowledge?  I’m not too keen on the placement of the text although I do  like the sans-serif font. The font is called Kievit.Some people are remarking that it looks like the MGM logo. I think they are referring to a very short lived MGM logo and not the well known classic. The blue and gold MGM logo was used in 1968 on a small number of films and the recording division of the company but was later replaced by the roaring lion we know and love. Here’s an interesting video from the New York Public library outlining how the logo came about.

过去几天,关于纽约公共图书馆新徽标的在线讨论颇多。 旧的公共图书馆徽标(左)和新的。 重新设计始于2008年,当时设计师在图书馆大楼的台阶上使用狮子雕像的照片和素描。 建筑物外的狮子被称为“坚毅”和“耐心”。 据报道影响包括日本木刻,彩色玻璃和新艺术运动。 矢量风格的艺术品经过设计,具有足够的通用性,可以使用多种格式和颜色,并且可以小尺寸复制。新徽标的出现(通常是徽标重新设计的情况)是图书馆的新使命。 他们想传达一种更加数字化和现代的感觉,作为狮子座和拥有Lion的公司的老板,我不得不承认我对此特别感兴趣。 尽管我仍在辩论自己是否喜欢这个徽标。 我喜欢简洁和简洁的线条,但是对于这样一个重要的知识保存者来说,它是否有点卡通化? 尽管我确实喜欢sans-serif字体,但我不太热衷于文本的放置。 该字体称为Kievit。 有人指出,它看起来像是MGM徽标。 我认为他们指的是寿命很短的米高梅徽标,而不是众所周知的经典徽标。 米高梅蓝色和金色徽标于1968年用于少数电影和公司的唱片部门,但后来被我们熟知和热爱的咆哮的狮子所取代。 这是来自纽约公共图书馆的有趣视频,概述了徽标的产生方式。

Check out other articles about the logo on Brand New and the New York Times web sites, both showing initial sketches and ideas for the logo.So what do you think of the new logo? Is it an improvement or just more meddling with a classic?

在Brand New和New York Times网站上查看有关徽标的其他文章,它们均显示徽标的初步草图和构想。 那么您如何看待新徽标? 它是对经典的改进还是更多地介入?


shields 徽标

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