

Interviewer [A]: Hi, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions today.

Interviewee [B]: Hello. Thank you for the opportunity.

A: It has been a few days since you won the tennis world championships, how do you feel now?

B: I'm still pretty excited to be honest, I wasn't expecting to win.

A: This is your... third championship win?

B: Yes, though the other two wins were back when I was just starting out. It has been a few years.

A: Some people didn't believe you still had it in you, what do you say to them?

B: Well, obviously I still do have it! [Laughs.]

A: [Laughs too.] Yes, that's true. Could you please tell us a little about how you got started?

B: Sure. I was eight, my dad and I started playing tennis in the backyard. He was a pretty good player too before his retirement. Guess it runs in the family.

A: It seems to be the case! What are your plans now? I believe more congratulations are in order, I hear your and your wife are expecting another child.

B: Oh, yes, we're expecting our second child any day now. I guess after the excitement dies down I need to prepare to be a full-time dad. I'm not sure if I'll be entering the next championship just yet to be honest, but we will see.

A: Well, I for one hope to see you on the court again. It was a magnificent win. Thank you very much for your time, and good luck with your new kid!

B: I will certainly think about it. And thank you.



Kobe!Congratulations on winning the game of the LAL to OKC.It is beautiful.

Kobe:Thank you!I think so.This is the sixth victory of our team. I really enjoy this game.

You:Well,can I ask you some questions?


You:Although you won, but it's also a narrow victory of 113-110, where do you think you still need to improve? Such as?

Kobe:Yes.I thinkI think our team has a lot of problems.Rival attack, our team getting too late, or interior defense is not tight, however our offense, seems a bit "in the coarse fine"。And another problem is the average age of our team slants big, make our team strength is groaning.

You:Your first game, I remember is it is against the chinese team, was not easy because they are at home, your expectations?

Kobe :Yeah, I expected to be the environment for us is special. i think we have no experience. such a game of the environment. the atmosphere would be very eager, but someone must go to the host country. we turn, we are very exciting, this is a very good opportunity to the stage show.

You : Have you heard that yao ming said about the first game.

Kobe:Haven't heard bryant.

You : He said that if the chinese team won the United States, he will retire.

Kobe : Oh.

You :Because of this is the climax of his career, do you think he have a chance?

Kobe : Opportunities is certainly yes. but i thought i heard him say that chinese fans will not be willing to see his retirement, who was willing to retire.

You: So you have to win.

Kobe: Therefore be clearly china, don't let him to have retired.


Today, we had the great pleasure and honor to interview Mr 黄, famous singer in the world. She showed genius when she was young and her song shows everyone that she is the best! Now, let’s welcome Mr 黄!

雷:Oh, so many fans of yours here today, is it your dream to be a famous singer?

黄: Yes, it makes me happy to be a singer,especially when my fans enjoy my music.

雷: Did you have a very good voice when you was young?

黄: Yes, I did.

雷:And how many concerts have made yet?

黄: I have made a lots of concerts around the world, to be honest, I can’t remember!

雷: Your last outdoor concert was a great success, has it encouraged you a lot?

黄: Yes, and I think it would not be successful wihtout my fans’ support, so I want to say thinks to my fans here.

雷: Everyone knows that you are also a good dancer as well as, you dancing always makes fans crazy, do you think you may can be professional dancer?

黄: Sure, if I have enough time to be both singer and dancer.

雷: At last, I heard your recent albums were pretty nice, can we sing one of your song together? And cheers for your new coming album!

黄: Absolutly, I’m quite happy to do that.


A:Hi,Jim.I'm writing a book about basketball.Can you give me some information?


B:With pleasure!What do you want to know?


A:Can you tell me how many kinds of screen are there?


B:There are five:forth screen,back screen,side screen,stationary screen and moving screen.


A:And how many kinds of press are there?


B:There are three kinds:full court press,half-court press and zone press.Others are one-man-press and two-man-press.


A:I knew your team broke through the Shanghai team's half-court press.


B:That's right.Our team won.






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