

go语言很好地支持了网络编程,go 语言与web 框架相关的包有很多,本文主要介绍go语言的negroni包。

前置参考博客:HTTP 协议 与 golang web 应用服务
这篇文章中潘老师介绍了go web的基本使用。



negroni包是go的一个第三方库,是为了方便使用 net/http 而设计的一个库,由于该包设计优雅,易于扩展,被广泛使用。





negroni包源码在github仓库中,可以从github上克隆下来或者通过go get命令获得。


├── README.md
├── doc.go
├── go.mod
├── logger.go
├── logger_test.go
├── negroni.go
├── negroni_bench_test.go
├── negroni_test.go
├── recovery.go
├── recovery_test.go
├── response_writer.go
├── response_writer_pusher.go
├── response_writer_pusher_test
├── response_writer_test.go
├── static.go
├── static_test.go
└── translations├── README_de_de.md├── README_fr_FR.md├── README_ja_JP.md├── README_ko_KR.md├── README_pt_br.md├── README_zh_CN.md└── README_zh_tw.md1 directory, 25 files




// Handler handler is an interface that objects can implement to be registered to serve as middleware
// in the Negroni middleware stack.
// ServeHTTP should yield to the next middleware in the chain by invoking the next http.HandlerFunc
// passed in.
// If the Handler writes to the ResponseWriter, the next http.HandlerFunc should not be invoked.
type Handler interface {ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)
}// HandlerFunc is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary functions as Negroni handlers.
// If f is a function with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a Handler object that calls f.
type HandlerFunc func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)func (h HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {h(rw, r, next)


type middleware struct {handler Handler// nextfn stores the next.ServeHTTP to reduce memory allocatenextfn func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
}func newMiddleware(handler Handler, next *middleware) middleware {return middleware{handler: handler,nextfn:  next.ServeHTTP,}
}func (m middleware) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {m.handler.ServeHTTP(rw, r, m.nextfn)


// Wrap converts a http.Handler into a negroni.Handler so it can be used as a Negroni
// middleware. The next http.HandlerFunc is automatically called after the Handler
// is executed.
func Wrap(handler http.Handler) Handler {return HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {handler.ServeHTTP(rw, r)next(rw, r)})
}// WrapFunc converts a http.HandlerFunc into a negroni.Handler so it can be used as a Negroni
// middleware. The next http.HandlerFunc is automatically called after the Handler
// is executed.
func WrapFunc(handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) Handler {return HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {handlerFunc(rw, r)next(rw, r)})


// Negroni is a stack of Middleware Handlers that can be invoked as an http.Handler.
// Negroni middleware is evaluated in the order that they are added to the stack using
// the Use and UseHandler methods.
type Negroni struct {middleware middlewarehandlers   []Handler
}// New returns a new Negroni instance with no middleware preconfigured.
func New(handlers ...Handler) *Negroni {return &Negroni{handlers:   handlers,middleware: build(handlers),}
}// With returns a new Negroni instance that is a combination of the negroni
// receiver's handlers and the provided handlers.
func (n *Negroni) With(handlers ...Handler) *Negroni {currentHandlers := make([]Handler, len(n.handlers))copy(currentHandlers, n.handlers)return New(append(currentHandlers, handlers...)...,)
}// Classic returns a new Negroni instance with the default middleware already
// in the stack.
// Recovery - Panic Recovery Middleware
// Logger - Request/Response Logging
// Static - Static File Serving
func Classic() *Negroni {return New(NewRecovery(), NewLogger(), NewStatic(http.Dir("public")))


  1. New,通过给出一系列的handler来构造Negroni,不定参数handlers组成Negroni的handlers数组,middleware通过辅助函数build来通过这一系列handler构造
  2. With,With通过一个已有的Negroni,并给出不定参数handlers,将给出的handlers附加到已有的Negroni的handlers后即可得到新的Negroni。
  3. Classic, Classic通过在栈中的默认的中间件构造,使用了Recovery、Logger、Static来给出保存的信息。
func (n *Negroni) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {n.middleware.ServeHTTP(NewResponseWriter(rw), r)
}// Use adds a Handler onto the middleware stack. Handlers are invoked in the order they are added to a Negroni.
func (n *Negroni) Use(handler Handler) {if handler == nil {panic("handler cannot be nil")}n.handlers = append(n.handlers, handler)n.middleware = build(n.handlers)
}// UseFunc adds a Negroni-style handler function onto the middleware stack.
func (n *Negroni) UseFunc(handlerFunc func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)) {n.Use(HandlerFunc(handlerFunc))
}// UseHandler adds a http.Handler onto the middleware stack. Handlers are invoked in the order they are added to a Negroni.
func (n *Negroni) UseHandler(handler http.Handler) {n.Use(Wrap(handler))
}// UseHandlerFunc adds a http.HandlerFunc-style handler function onto the middleware stack.
func (n *Negroni) UseHandlerFunc(handlerFunc func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)) {n.UseHandler(http.HandlerFunc(handlerFunc))
}// Run is a convenience function that runs the negroni stack as an HTTP
// server. The addr string, if provided, takes the same format as http.ListenAndServe.
// If no address is provided but the PORT environment variable is set, the PORT value is used.
// If neither is provided, the address' value will equal the DefaultAddress constant.
func (n *Negroni) Run(addr ...string) {l := log.New(os.Stdout, "[negroni] ", 0)finalAddr := detectAddress(addr...)l.Printf("listening on %s", finalAddr)l.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(finalAddr, n))






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