1、Why did you choose to study at our school?(为什么报考我们学校?)

Well,there are two reasons contributing to my decision .
On the one hand,XXX University is an outstanding college with excellent academic atmosphere and highly qualified faculty.Studying in this university can help me to meet top students and scholars.Surrounded by these brilliant people,I can be more active in developing my ability.
On the other hand,XXX University is located in XXX,which has a strong influence. And I intend to develop in XXX in the future.
So,I choose to apply for XXX University.

2、Why do you want to be a postgraduate student?(为什么考研?)

Although I grasp the essential knowledge of the major,I’m not quite competent to deal with some professional things beyond my grasp.Therefore I urgently need to study further and deeper.Doing research can bring me a great sense of achievement.I suppose this is the most important factor for me to make this decision.

3、What’s your study plan if you are accepted as a postgraduate student?(如果你被录取为研究生,你的学习计划是什么?)

I have a general plan in my mind.
First of all,I will try my best to learn theoretical knowledge and obey all the arrangements of my postgraduate supervisor.
Secondly,I will actively participate in the research projects of my supervisors and siblings in order to improve my practical skills as well as collaborative abilities.
At last,I will continue to learn English and improve my ability to read English literature in order to be able to publish papers in excellent journals both at home and abroad.
In a word,I will work hard during my postgraduate life and hope to become one of the best graduates in three years.

4、What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?(如果你被我们学校录取了,你希望在这里收获什么?)

If I am lucky enough to be a postgraduate student in your school, I hope to read more frontier academic literature and accumulate more practical experience, so I can become an excellent student in the computer field.

5、What would you do if you lost the chance to be a postgraduate student?(如果你没有成为研究生,你会怎么办?)

I will choose to restart my journey to postgraduate exam. Through the preparation of last whole year, I have understood my deficient parts and grasp the key to
improvement. I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

6、What do you like to do in your spare time?(你空闲时间喜欢做什么?)/Could you tell me about a hobby or an interest that you have?(你能告诉我你的爱好或兴趣吗?)

In my spare time,running is an irreplaceable part.The reason why I am keen on running is that I find it is a good way to release my pressure.By running,I can make a better balance between life and study.

7、Tell something about your hometown.(介绍一下你的家乡。)

My hometown is Lu’an, which is located in the western part of Anhui Province, adjacent to the provincial capital Hefei. There are many famous scenic area, such as
Heaven Village, Meishan Reservoir, Wanfo Lake and so on, which attract a number of tourists every year. It is also worth mentioning that Lu’an Guapian, one of the ten most famous teas in China, has a long history and has a fresh and sweet taste.If you get a chance to come here, it’s my pleasure to be your guide.

8、Could you tell me something about your family?(你能介绍一下你的家庭嘛?)

There are four members in my family:my parents,my elder sister and me.My dad is a worker who works in other places all year round.My mom is a farmer and my sister is working in the bank of our hometown now.We are not very rich in material,but the family atmosphere is very harmonious and enjoyable.The love and support of my family has been my strength during my exam preparation,and I hope to repay them in the future.

9、Your strengths.(你的优点。)

When it comes to my strengths, I would like to describe it with two key
words: patience and diligence.
I am a patient person, because I know good things take time, especially in
academic paper or research work.
Diligence is my constant belief. Although I am not very talented,I believe that diligence can make up for it. That is the key to my further study in the future.

10、Your weakness.(你的缺点。)

In terms of my weakness, I am not good at relieving my pressure, which derives from my high requirements about myself. I allow no more leisure in my life, so sometimes I felt tired physically and mentally.
But actually to be an outstanding person, you must stand up with some unbearable pressure. No achievement is obtained in leisure and pleasure.

11、What have you learned from your competition experience?(你从竞赛经历中学到了什么?)

What makes me feel the most is that only when I apply my theoretical knowledge to practical projects can I truly master it.
As software engineering students, only by doing projects by ourselves can we discover our shortcomings and then correct them slowly.

12、Could you give me a brief introduction about your university?(你能给我简单介绍一下你的大学吗?)

My undergraduate college is XXX,which is located in XXX,XXX Province.It is a multi-disciplinary,research-oriented Open University with a focus on XXX.
XXX has given me a lot in the past few years,which not only laid a solid professional foundation for me and passed on knowledge to me,but also taught me to hold a proper attitude towards the academic.

13、What kind of character do you think have?(你认为你有什么性格特征?)

First of all,I am determined and diligent person.I always take effort to purse my dreams and never give up easily.
Secondly,no matter what difficulties I meet, I always keep an optimistic attitude and actively solve them.
What’s more, I am a warm-hearted person. When someone needs help, I will always give a hand.

14、How is your English level?/Please tell me your English score.(你的英语水平怎么样?/请讲一下你的英语成绩。)

English plays an indispensable role both in my academic study and future career. During the three years in university, I have been studying English and have passed CET-4 and CET-6 with decent scores.

15、Do you think English is important for your future plans?(你认为英语对你未来的计划重要吗?)

Of course. English plays an indispensable role both in my academic study and future career. When looking for some learning material online for my research, the Chinese information is usually not enough, therefore the English information works as an essential compensation. Furthermore, when I command English, work efficiency will be greatly improved because the time of the between languages is shortened.

16、Do you have a career plan in 5 years?(读研后的职业规划是什么?)

After graduation, I want to develop in first-tier cities, engage in a related job in the computer field in an Internet company, and apply the theoretical knowledge I have learned to practice.

17、What is your favorite English movie?(你最喜欢的一部英文电影是什么?)

My favorite movie is Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is unfortunately to be born with a low IQ and muscle problem. Although he was not smart, he knew how to keep life hopeful and dynamic. I think that must be his charm of personality.

18、What are your impressions of Nanjing?(你对南京的印象有哪些?)(介绍你报考院校所在城市的印象,以南京为例)

Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu,which is located in the southeast of China.It is listed as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China ,which has a history of over 2400 years.There are many places of interest here such as Xuanwu Lake,Jiming Temple,the Presidential Palace and so on.I visited Nanjing in 2020 and they left a deep impression on me.

19、What competitions have you participated in at school?(你参加过学校哪些比赛?)

I have participated in the mathematics competition and Internet of Things competition of our school and won the third prize.


Sorry,I didn’t catch what you mean.May I ask you to repeat it,please?

Sorry,I’m not sure about how to answer it,but I think that…

Sorry,I guess I didn’t make myself clear.May I explain further?

I appreciate your encouragement.I will make more effort to improve myself.



例如:选择此专业的原因?学术研究课题是否确定?此专业的前景?你的职业规 划?如果研究受挫,是否会放弃?等等。只是单纯回答问题还不够,应该结合专 业及导师的背景进行作答,尽量能够引申,发表对专业的见解、认可及对导师的 钦佩等。 切记:大家一定要提早备好这些常见问题的中英文答案,考场上自然就对答如流, 轻松过关。

2、言行举止影响大 第一印象占比大

导师也是人,都是感性动物,对于考生的第一印象也会很大程 度上影响他对于考生接下来的面试表现的判断。 因此言谈举止上,要落落大方、不卑不亢、温文尔雅;着装上要得体,正式但不 过于社会气。谨记学生身份。在态度上要彬彬有礼,尊重师长。“请问、不好意思、 谢谢”等词可以挂在嘴边。



自述环节,英文表达尽量精简,切不可拖泥带水,有意拖延时间。句子无需太长, 能用高级词汇或简短词汇表达的,切莫用长句,句式多变,用词正确,发音准确。 只需表达清晰,主题明确即可。

切记:口语语速要适中,不可因紧张而加快语速,以至于打乱节奏,造成反效果。 表达可以抑扬顿挫,展现英语的语言美感。不可求快,让导师无法听清你的表述; 也不可太慢,以至于整个回答很拖沓。


语言要一致,要有连贯性。在语言的口语表达中,前后的连贯及衔接性能够直接 展现此人的表达及沟通能力,还能证明你思维的缜密性,让导师对你的学术研究 抱有期待。

切记:在论述中,也可以使用论点、分点阐述的模式,简单明了,又不会乱了节 奏。导师也能清楚的理解你所要表达的内容。


不同的问题需要使用不同的语言进行回答。生活类的则应该更口语话一些,学术 的探讨和分享,则应严肃正式一些,可以使用书面的专业术语。

切记:在回答问题时,应该要有主观思想,尽量将答案回答的独特性一些,展现 你的个人特色。充分展现你作为一名学术研究人员的创新性。同时也可以适当的 反问,和导师间进行互动和探讨,加深导师对你的印象。


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