问题1:please give us a brief introduction about yourself?can you introduce yourself to us?How could describe yourself?

Please introduce yourself?

Good morning , dear professors. I am very glad to be here for this interview.

My name is xxxx. I’m xxxx years old.And I come from xxxx , a very beautiful city. Last July ,I graduated from xxxxxx.My major is xxxxxx. During my undergraduate period ,I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills.And I have got scholarship many times about study,but I think it was far from enough.I want to pursue a higher level education.In my opinion,further study is actually urgent for me to achieve self-value.So I am very expect to get further education.

If I have the opportunity to be a student of the university, I will make full use of time and improve myself from the following aspects. First of all, I will devote myself into study, including completing course tasks and publishing some high-quality essays. Moreover, I will  participate in the teacher's scientific research projects.I would be very honored if you could grant me the opportunity to study in this university.OK,that is all.Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to have this interview.


问题2:why do you prefer our university?Please tell us the reasons that you are willing to come for us?(报考学校原因)

There are many reasons why I choices for this school. The most important one is that I have a very good impression on the reputation and academic atmosphere of this University . In addition,  I will have a valuable opportunity to learn more professional knowledge, broaden my horizons .In a word, I am looking forward to further study of my major in Guangdong University of technology for next there years.


问题3:please tell us something about your university?how do you like your college?

Tell me about your undergraduate university?

I come from xxxxx. It is located in xxxxx.The teachers in my college are excellent and responsible.I have lived in this beautiful college for four years and have benefited a lot from it.I miss the days when I was studying in my college.


问题4:can you share something about your family?would you like to tell something about your family?

Tell me about your family situation

There are five people in my family,my father, mother, two brothers and me My parents are farmers. They have a great influence on my study and life. I thank them very much. I am very happy to have such a loving family,that I can grow up happily and learn more things. I hope in the future I will be able to repay them


问题5:what is your major?what do your think about your major?

Do you like your undergraduate major

my major is   xxxxxx.I like my major very much.And I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills about my major.But gradually ,I realize it is not enough.In my view,further study is actually urgent for me to achieve self-value.So I am very expect to get further education


问题6:What courses did you study during your undergraduate degree?

For example, xxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxxand so on.


问题7:please tell us something about your hometown?where are you come from

My hometown is xxxx, a very beautiful city. This is a great place for tourism and relation. The people are easy going and hospitable. When you go there, you can feel the enthusiasm of the people . There are many foods , you can't taste such foods in other places.I sincerely invite all teachers to  travel to my hometown.


问题8:why do you decide to go for postgraduate entrance examination?(NPEE)

During my undergraduate period, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills about my major.What more,I also got scholarship many times about study,but I think it was far from enough. I want to pursue a higher level education to improve my professional quality, so I choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination。


问题9:What qualities did you learn during your undergraduate years

Thank you for your question. During my undergraduate period, I think the qualities I have learned are patience and carefulness. In my daily work and study, I realize that only those who are patient and careful can do things better .Patience and carefulness have helped me a lot in my daily work or study.


问题10:What is your favorite course?In the undergraduate course, what class do you like?

My favorite course isxxxxx. The reason is that the teacher is good at using simple ways to explain complex problems, so we have a further understanding of the course content , which lay a solid foundation for us to learn more professional knowledge.


问题11:what do you think about your strength and weakness?

please tell us something about your characteristics?

Objectively evaluate yourself or tell about your personality?

Thanks for your question .i d like to say that i am a person of diligence ,carefulness and responsibility,which promote me devote myself to my study and work.However,as a matter of fact,every one have some weakness.

My disadvantage is that I'm not good at rejecting others, as long as they need my help, I will not reject others and do my best to help others


问题12:What are you going to do during graduate school?If you are admitted to graduate school, what is your plan

In the first year , I will study professional knowledge seriously, follow the arrangement of the teacher, and strive to pass the CET-6. In the second year, I will actively participate in the research project of teacher, and then publish high-quality papers. If the teacher needs me to do anything, I will definitely try my best to do it. In the third year, I will finish the graduation thesis and pass the graduation defense, and find a suitable job.


问题13:do you have any hobby that you are proud of?  What is your favorite hobby?

my favorite hobby is xx . When I am free, I always like toxxxx. When I feel depressed or stressed, I choose toxxxx. xxxxxxx has become my favorite hobby.


问题14:what your favorite book about your major?Please share a book you have read about your major?

one of my favorite book is Big talk data structure.This article uses a kind of interesting way to narrate content,and makes full use of graphic language to embody abstract content. Compared with similar data structure books in the market, the content of this book is easy to read.In a word ,I have learned a lot from this book.


问题15:what are you excepting for during your postgraduate period?

Well, I hope that i can complete course tasks and  publish some high-quality essays.

I also hope to learn from the people around me, learn to cooperate with others and undertake social responsibilities.But I know it's easier to see than to do, but I'll try my best to achieve it.


问题16:what if you fail this time?what will you do if you get denied?
This is a difficult question to answer. This is what I don't want to happen. I hope I can  pass this exam. If I fail in the end, it can only prove that my efforts are not enough. I will actively adjust my emotions  and continue to work hard. On the positive side, what I need to do is to make myself better and get your approval when I stand in front of you again.


问题17:How do you spend your spare/free time?

In my spare time, I always like to listen to music to relax myself. What more,I also like sports, such as swimming and so on. swimming helps me build up my body .


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