electron 菜单栏

If you are new here, please consider checking out my recent articles on Electron JS including Tray Icons.

如果您是新来的,请考虑查看我最近关于Electron JS的文章, 包括托盘图标 。

In this tutorial, we will set up 2 menu items for a tray icon which when a user right-clicks, the menu appears just like the image below.


Adding a menu to a system tray icon is the functionality of a tray method known as the tray.setContextMenu(), where the parameter is simply a variable or constant of the menu items passed in Menu.buildFromTemplates([]).


In this exercise,


  1. I will create a tray icon first,


  2. Create a constant which holds the menu items in an array,


  3. And finally, pass it as a parameter to the tray method setContextMenu().

    最后,将其作为参数传递给任务栏方法setContextMenu() 。

We are also going to use the path module which is a Node.Js built-in module to locate the source of our tray icon image and the menu module where the method Menu.buildFromTemplates([]) is derived from.


Finally, let us write some code: Open your main JavaScript file and type,


//system tray icon menu//
const electron = require ('electron')  // imports electron
const path = require ('path') // imports path module
const {app, Menu, Tray} = electron // imports menu and tray modules
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow //enables UI
let mainWindow;
let tray
app.on('ready', _ => {tray = new Tray (path.join ('src', 'Tray.PNG' ) ) // sets tray icon image
const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([   // define menu items
{label: 'Help',
click: () => console.log ('Help') // click event
{label: 'System',
click: () => console.log ('System')
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ // sets browser window dimensions
height : 600,
width : 600,

Finally, run your code and enjoy the output.




Hey! The browser window displays too... I just did not take a screenshot because it is blank.

嘿! 浏览器窗口也显示...我只是没有截图,因为它是空白的。

Thanks for reading.


Drop your comments if in need of help.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/electron-js/add-tray-icon-menu-in-electron-js.aspx

electron 菜单栏

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