
Just like in any other native desktop application, keyboard shortcuts save time and make it easy to perform some tasks like closing an app, copy, paste, zoom-in, cut, and more.

就像在其他任何本机桌面应用程序中一样, 键盘快捷键可以节省时间,并且可以轻松执行一些任务,例如关闭应用程序复制粘贴放大剪切等。

In this tutorial, we will add a keyboard shortcut that will accompany a menu item.


That is, rather than clicking on that menu item, the user can simply press the keyboard shortcut and the task will be done.


This tutorial only handles keyboard shortcuts. If you're new in Electron JS, consider checking my recent articles under the list of articles.

本教程仅处理键盘快捷键 。 如果您是Electron JS的新手,请考虑在文章列表下查看我最近的文章。

In Electron JS, accelerators are responsible for adding keyboard shortcuts. Below is the definition of accelerators from their official documentation:

在Electron JS中, 加速器负责添加键盘快捷键。 以下是加速器官方文档中的定义:

Accelerators are Strings that can contain multiple modifiers and a single key code, combined by the + character, and are used to define keyboard shortcuts throughout your application.


For example, CTRL+A, CTRL+SHIFT+Q


Where "CTRL" is the modifier and "Q" is the key code.

其中“ CTRL”是修饰语, “ Q”是键控代码。

The full list of modifiers and key codes can be found on their official documentation.


Open your main JavaScript file and type the following,


const electron = require ('electron')
const app = electron.app // electron module
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow //enables UI
const Menu = electron.Menu // menu module
let win
app.on('ready', _ => {win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800,
height: 600,
const template = [
{label: 'Help',   // Help menu item
submenu: [{ // adds submenu items
label: 'About US',
},{label: 'Quit',
role: 'quit', // gives this menu the role to close app when clicked
accelerator: 'Ctrl+Q'  // creates a shortcut to this action
// sets the menu
const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate (template)
Menu.setApplicationMenu (menu)

You can see the way the shortcut is written beside the submenu just like in any other native desktop application. On pressing the above command, watch as the app closes.

您可以像在其他任何本机桌面应用程序中一样,在子菜单旁边看到编写快捷方式的方式。 按下上面的命令后,请注意该应用程序是否关闭。

Shortcuts can also be added using the globalShortcut module using the register method.


Example: In the same file above modify the code;


const electron = require ('electron')
const {globalShortcut } = require('electron')
const app = electron.app // electron module
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow //enables UI
const Menu = electron.Menu // menu module
let win
app.on('ready', _ => {win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800,
height: 600,
globalShortcut.register('Control+L', () => {  // creates a global shortcut
console.log ('gobal shortcut presses')      // action when shortcut is pressed
const template = [
{label: 'Help',   // Help menu item
submenu: [{                             // adds submenu items
label: `About US`,
},{label: 'Quit',
role: 'quit',            // gives this menu the role to close app when clicked
accelerator: 'Ctrl+Q'   // creates a shortcut to this action
const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate (template)     // sets the menu
Menu.setApplicationMenu (menu)

Whenever "CTRL+L" is pressed, that statement is logged or printed out on the console as seen above

每当按下“ CTRL + L”时 ,该语句就会被记录或打印在控制台上,如上所示

Thanks for reading.


Drop your comments if in need of help.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/electron-js/add-keyboard-shortcuts-in-electron-js-application.aspx


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