by Sacha Greif

由Sacha Greif

谁参加了JavaScript 2018状况调查? (Who Took the State of JavaScript 2018 Survey?)

我们如何努力使调查更具代表性 (How we’re working to make the survey more representative)

I was recently listening to a podcast episode about the State of JS survey and while the hosts were appreciative of our efforts, they also had a few criticisms about our methodology.

我最近正在听有关JS状况调查的播客 ,当主持人赞赏我们的努力时,他们也对我们的方法提出了一些批评。

Mainly, that it wasn’t clear who exactly took the survey, how they found the survey, and whether that population sample was representative of the overall JavaScript ecosystem.


Those are valid questions, so let’s address them.


代表……什么? (Representative… of What?)

First, let’s address the question of “representativeness”. When you run a political poll to figure out how people are going to vote, you have a clear referential: the country’s total voting population.

首先,让我们解决“代表性”问题。 当您进行政治民意调查以了解人们如何投票时,您会得到一个明确的参考:该国的总投票人口。

A government census tells you how many voters there are and what their demographic breakdown is, which lets you compare your own poll to this data to figure out how representative your results really are.


When it comes to the “JavaScript ecosystem” though, we don’t have a clear referential.


From a senior engineer working on a 100+ developer team for a Fortune 500 company to a high-school student hacking on a JavaScript transpiler in their spare time, anybody can be a JavaScript developer.


At this point we had two choices:


  1. Spend a lot of time and effort trying to define what “the JavaScript ecosystem” means, estimate its total size and make-up, and then compare our results to that figure.花大量时间和精力来尝试定义“ JavaScript生态系统”的含义,估计其总大小和组成,然后将我们的结果与该数字进行比较。
  2. Just let any developer take the survey, and present the results as they are without trying to relate them to a larger population.只需让任何开发人员参与调查,并按原样呈现结果,而无需尝试将它们与更多的人群相关联。

We simply didn’t have the time or the know-how to go with option 1, so we picked option 2.


那么谁参加了调查? (So Who Took the Survey?)

So the natural next question is, who are these developers? This is where we could’ve done a better job. The truth is we had a limited amount of time to process all the data we accumulated, and we decided to focus that time on the actual results themselves rather than on the demographics section.

因此,下一个自然的问题是,这些开发人员是谁? 这是我们可以做得更好的地方。 事实是,我们只有有限的时间来处理积累的所有数据,因此我们决定将时间集中在实际结果本身上,而不是在人口统计方面。

But since this has come up a few times, I went back and ran a rough aggregation on the self-reported “how did you hear about this survey?” question, coming up with this breakdown:

但是由于这种情况已经发生了几次,所以我回过头来对自我报告的“您如何得知这项调查进行粗略的汇总”? 问题,提出以下细分:

The number are as follows (out of a total of 20,252 respondents):


  • Email: 2033 respondents (10.04%)

    电子邮件 :2033位受访者(10.04%)

  • Twitter: 2062 respondents (10.18%)

    Twitter :2062名受访者(10.18%)

  • Reddit: 1043 respondents (5.15%)

    Reddit :1043位受访者(5.15%)

  • Slack: 557 respondents (2.75%)

    懈怠 :557名受访者(2.75%)

  • JavaScript Weekly: 529 respondents(2.61%)

    JavaScript Weekly :529位受访者(2.61%)

  • Hacker News: 468 respondents(2.31%)

    黑客新闻 :468位回应者(2.31%)

  • Medium: 285 respondents(1.41%)


  • Facebook: 140 respondents(0.69%)

    Facebook :140位回应者(0.69%)

  • Other/Unknown: 13272 respondents(65.54%)

    其他/未知 :13272名受访者(65.54%)

“Email” corresponds to our announcement blast to our own mailing list, which is made up of people who took the survey in previous years and signed up to be kept up to date.


We also had a field that automatically tracked the browser’s actual referrer value, which works better for some sources but not others (email for example). This lets us get a more granular picture for specific sites:

我们还有一个字段可以自动跟踪浏览器的实际referrer值,该字段对于某些来源(而不是其他来源)(例如电子邮件)效果更好。 这使我们对特定站点有了更细致的了解:

推特 (Twitter)

  • 1591名受访者。

谷歌 (Google)

  • Search: 1591 respondents.搜索:1591位受访者。

中 (Medium)

  • Take the State of JavaScript 2018 Survey! (announcement post published on freeCodeCamp): 3442 respondents.

    参加JavaScript 2018状况调查! (发布在freeCodeCamp上的公告):3442名受访者。

  • The 12 Things You Need to Consider When Evaluating Any New JavaScript Library (a post I wrote about our question methodology, also published on freeCodeCamp): 105 respondents.

    评估任何新JavaScript库时需要考虑的12件事 (我写的关于问题方法的文章,也发表在freeCodeCamp上):105位受访者。

黑客新闻 (Hacker News)

  • Frontpage: 634 respondents.头版:634名受访者。

Reddit (Reddit)

  • State of Javascript 2018 survey is now out (posted on r/javascript): 144 respondents.

    Java状态2018调查现已结束 (发布在r / javascript上):144位受访者。

其他论坛 (Other Forums)

  • Meteor forums: 61 respondents.

    流星论坛 :61位受访者。

网志 (Blogs)

  • State of JavaScript 2018 Survey ( 56 respondents.

    JavaScript 2018状况调查 (位受访者。

  • State of JavaScript 2018' Survey Announced (Slashdot): 219 respondents.

    JavaScript 2018的现状公布的调查 (Slashdot):219位受访者。

  • The Ember Times — Issue №64: 18 respondents.

    灰烬时代—第64期 :18位受访者。

As you can see the only sources that might have an inherent bias towards a specific library are the Meteor forums and the Ember Times, and both Meteor and Ember happened to do pretty poorly in the survey.

如您所见,唯一可能对特定图书馆有固有偏见的来源是Meteor论坛和Ember Times,而Meteor和Ember在调查中的表现都很差。

艰难的决定 (Tough Decisions)

I realize that by naming the survey “The State of JavaScript”, we’re staking a claim, and that a non-representative survey would be a problem.

我意识到,通过将调查命名为“ JavaScript状态”,我们可以提出主张,并且非代表性调查将是一个问题。

So we fully intend to get closer and closer to the “truth” of the JavaScript ecosystem. We know people make decisions based on our research, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

因此,我们完全打算越来越接近JavaScript生态系统的“真相”。 我们知道人们会根据我们的研究做出决定,因此我们非常重视这一责任。

At the end of the day, I truly believe the best thing we can do is just keep going, and try to grow the audience year after year. And hopefully, once we get past the 100k respondents milestone (if that ever happens!) we can finally put the representativeness worries to rest.

归根结底,我坚信,我们能做的最好的事情就是继续前进,并尝试逐年增加观众。 并且希望,一旦我们超过了10万个受访者的里程碑(如果有的话!),我们终于可以消除对代表性的担忧。

Want to help us make the next State of JS survey even better? Sign up to get next year’s announcement!

是否想帮助我们使下一次JS状态调查更好? 注册以获取明年的公告 !


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