
Would you like to move your notes from OneNote 2010 into Evernote?  There’s no official way to import OneNote 2010 notes into Evernote, but here’s a solution that can help you get most of your notes transferred.

您是否要将笔记从OneNote 2010移至Evernote? 没有将OneNote 2010笔记导入Evernote的官方方法,但是这里有一个解决方案可以帮助您转移大部分笔记。

If you’ve been using OneNote 2010 and tried to import your notebooks into Evernote, you may have been disappointed and frustrated to be informed that Evernote only imports from OneNote 2007.  Even if you’ve converted your notebooks into OneNote 2007 format, you cannot import OneNote notes into Evernote 3.5 without having OneNote 2007 installed.  The Evernote team has mentioned on their support forum that they’re working on adding OneNote 2010 import, but for now, here’s a workaround to get OneNote 2010 notes into Evernote.

如果您一直在使用OneNote 2010并试图将笔记本导入到Evernote中,可能会感到失望和沮丧,因为得知Evernote仅从OneNote 2007导入。即使您已经将笔记本转换为OneNote 2007格式,也无法无需安装OneNote 2007即可将OneNote笔记导入Evernote 3.5。 Evernote团队在其支持论坛上提到,他们正在努力添加OneNote 2010导入,但是现在,这是一种将OneNote 2010笔记添加到Evernote中的解决方法。

There are 2 great ways to import your OneNote 2010 data into Evernote.  First, you can just directly copy the content of your notebook sections, and then paste it directly into Evernote.  You’ll maintain most of your OneNote content and formatting this way, and can still edit and add to the notes.  Or, you can export whole notebooks as PDF, and then add the PDF files to Evernote.  This works good too, but you won’t be able to edit the notes in Evernote.  Let’s look at both options.

有两种将OneNote 2010数据导入Evernote的好方法。 首先,您可以直接复制笔记本部分的内容,然后将其直接粘贴到Evernote中。 您将以这种方式维护大部分OneNote内容和格式,并且仍然可以编辑并添加到笔记中。 或者,您可以将整个笔记本导出为PDF,然后将PDF文件添加到Evernote。 这也很好,但是您将无法在Evernote中编辑笔记。 让我们看看这两个选项。

Copy OneNote 2010 Sections Into Evernote

将OneNote 2010节复制到Evernote中

Thankfully, copy and paste from OneNote into Evernote works great.  You can select everything on your note by pressing Ctrl+A, and then copy it and paste it into Evernote.  Here’s our notebook in OneNote:

幸运的是,从OneNote复制并粘贴到Evernote的效果很好。 您可以通过按Ctrl + A来选择笔记上的所有内容,然后将其复制并粘贴到Evernote中。 这是OneNote中的笔记本:

Create a new note in Evernote, and paste the content from OneNote in it.


Here it is after we pasted it into Evernote.  It looks almost the same, but it didn’t copy the title correctly so you may want to copy that separately.  While you’re importing it into Evernote anyhow, you should add tags too so you can easily find your content.

这是我们将其粘贴到Evernote中之后的内容。 看起来几乎一样,但是没有正确复制标题,因此您可能需要单独复制。 无论如何,将其导入Evernote时,也应该添加标签,以便轻松找到内容。

Copying and pasting your data from each note could take forever if you have lots of notes, so instead you could copy a whole section at a time.  To do this, select all of your pages on the right side, right-click, and select Copy.  You can select all of the pages by selecting the first page, then holding the shift key down and selecting the last one.

复制和粘贴,如果你有大量的笔记,从每一个音符你的数据可能会采取永远,所以不是你可以一次复制一整节。 为此,请在右侧选择所有页面,单击鼠标右键,然后选择“复制” 。 您可以通过选择第一页,然后按住Shift键并选择最后一页来选择所有页面。

Now, once again, paste it into a new note in Evernote.  This time, your note will be rather long, as it will contain all of the content from all the pages in that section.  It may take a minute for Evernote to display all of the data, but it should paste in with almost the same formatting as your OneNote Notebook had.  This is a much quicker way to get your OneNote data into Evernote, but still it may take a while if you have many Notebook sections.

现在,再次将其粘贴到Evernote中的新笔记中。 这次,您的笔记将相当长,因为它将包含该部分所有页面的所有内容。 Evernote可能需要一分钟才能显示所有数据,但应以与OneNote Notebook几乎相同的格式粘贴。 这是一种将OneNote数据导入Evernote的快捷方法,但是如果您有许多Notebook部分,仍然可能需要一些时间。

Convert OneNote 2010 Notebooks to PDF

将OneNote 2010笔记本转换为PDF

If you have lots of notebook sections in OneNote, it may be too difficult or time consuming to copy and paste them all into Evernote.  If so, the quickest way to import the notes into Evernote would be to export your notebooks as PDF.  This would let you get all the sections and pages from that notebook into Evernote directly, but you won’t be able to edit or add to the notes in Evernote.  Additionally, if you’re not a premium subscriber, you may not be able to search inside the PDFs as well.

如果在OneNote中有很多笔记本部分,则将它们全部复制并粘贴到Evernote中可能会太困难或很耗时间。 如果是这样,将笔记导入Evernote的最快方法是将笔记本导出为PDF。 这样一来,您可以将笔记本中的所有部分和页面直接放入Evernote,但是您将无法在Evernote中编辑或添加笔记。 此外,如果您不是高级订户,则可能也无法在PDF中进行搜索。

To convert a notebook to PDF, right-click on the notebook in the left side of OneNote and select Save As.


Select PDF in the available file types, and make sure to select Current Notebook in the page range.

在可用文件类型中选择PDF ,并确保在页面范围内选择“当前笔记本”。

The conversion may take a few moments, depending on how many sections and pages you had in the notebook.


Once it’s finished, right-click the PDF in Explorer and select Send to Evernote.  Alternately you can copy and paste the PDF file into a new or existing Evernote note.

完成后,在Explorer中右键单击PDF,然后选择Send to Evernote 。 或者,您可以将PDF文件复制并粘贴到新的或现有的Evernote笔记中。

Do note that PDF files can be large.  One of our notebooks had over 150 pages with several images in most pages, and the final PDF was around 5Mb.  Free Evernote accounts can only upload 40Mb of data per month, so make sure you have enough upload space to add your notes all at once.

请注意,PDF文件可能很大。 我们的一个笔记本有150多页,大多数页面中有几张图像,最终的PDF约为5Mb。 免费的Evernote帐户每月只能上传40Mb的数据,因此请确保您有足够的上传空间来一次添加所有笔记。

Once your PDF is in Evernote, you can browse thorough the pages directly in Evernote or double-click on the document to open it in your default PDF reader.  Note that each individual page from OneNote will be at least one page in your PDF, depending on how long your notes were.

将PDF放入Evernote后,您可以直接在Evernote中浏览整个页面,或双击文档以在默认的PDF阅读器中将其打开。 请注意,OneNote中的每个单独页面将至少是PDF中的一页,具体取决于笔记的使用时间。

If you want to save in other formats, check out our beginners article on how to save OneNote 2010 Notes to Different File Formats.

如果要以其他格式保存,请查看有关如何将OneNote 2010 Notes保存为其他文件格式的初学者文章。



Although Evernote doesn’t currently support importing notes from OneNote 2010, it’s still not too difficult to get your notes imported.  Even if you prefer OneNote, this could be a way you could take your notes on your mobile device, as Evernote supports far more devices than OneNote.  We’ll be watching out for an Evernote update that adds support for OneNote 2010, and if one comes, we’ll be sure to let you know!

尽管Evernote当前不支持从OneNote 2010导入笔记,但是导入笔记仍然不太困难。 即使您更喜欢OneNote,由于Evernote支持的设备远远超过OneNote,因此这可能是一种在移动设备上记录笔记的方法。 我们将密切注意Evernote的更新,该更新增加了对OneNote 2010的支持,如果有更新,我们将确保让您知道!



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